Re: [Sip-implementors] History-Info

2011-12-27 Thread Paul Kyzivat
On 12/22/11 1:14 AM, Johnson, Michael A wrote: > I am seeking clarification on the History-Info RFC 4424 > > In a transit scenario, an incoming call that is immediately redirected to > another party, I am getting rejected based on the History-Info field. > This is only where there is no A-party id

Re: [Sip-implementors] History-Info

2011-12-22 Thread Worley, Dale R (Dale)
> From: Johnson, Michael A [] > > My ISP, however will not accept the call based on the fact that the domain in > the > History-Info is the system IP, and does not match the Server Line/Port on the > initial incoming invite. There are not strict specifications.

[Sip-implementors] History-Info

2011-12-22 Thread Johnson, Michael A
I am seeking clarification on the History-Info RFC 4424 In a transit scenario, an incoming call that is immediately redirected to another party, I am getting rejected based on the History-Info field. This is only where there is no A-party identity provided on the initial call. On the outgoing in

[Sip-implementors] History-Info usage with TEL-URI

2008-04-21 Thread Serkan ULAS
Hi all, How do we create and add History-Info header to the message if the request URI is TEL-URI? Do we need to add TEL equivalent SIP? Thanks, Serkan ___ Yahoo! kullaniyor musunuz? Istenmeyen p

[Sip-implementors] History-Info query

2007-06-18 Thread Stephen Paterson
Hi all, I've had a request to implement the History-Info header for a very particular purpose but I'm not sure if it is a valid use of this header. The basic need is to pass on PSTN redirection information to the target of an initial INVITE when a PSTN call is redirected to a SIP/PSTN gateway. If