I installed libev manually, but sipxsqa required it as a dependency before
I could update. Since libev could be found in epel is installing epel going
to be standard or is libev going to be in the sipx repo so it can update
(not sure it matters but sipxhomer dead but pid file exists
On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:40 AM, 文军 wrote:
> "root 32767 0.0 0.0 7200 1332 ?S21:25 0:00 su - root
> sh -c /usr/local/sipx/bin/sipxagent --host".
I've never seen anything like that, but can you try running this command
/usr/local/sipx/bin/sipxagent --host 127.0
Hi, Dears,
I am trying to build sipx on Centos 6.3 from source code as the guide of
The "make sipx" was going well and no errors reported. Whereas, when I run
"sipxecs-setup", there are hundrands pids as followings -
Hi all,
I have a question. I have a scenario. Two servers connected each other with
sipTrunk. They also have dial plans.
It is a basic call pick scenario. Lets explain scenario.
1st server has two subs. U1 and U2
2nd server has one subs. A1
A1 calls U1. U2 tries to pickup call.
When U2 tries to