I don't use
> audiocodes anymore, but that kind of behavior can be other things. Make
> sure you have the correct or recent firmware. You should be able to get
> some help from this list because a lot of people here use audiocodes too.
> Tony
> -Original Message-
I have a problem that I need help with. When I call in the Auto Attendant
responds without any problem, but the call is dropped soon after I dial the
extension (200). With that said any calls from the inside go out without a
problem, which would mean that the Gateway is working just fine.
> only and not by internal extension. So this means if you are using a
> non-siptrunk or no DID's, you need to do it the way michael suggested
> because gateways are only able to forward to the AA or huntgroups, but
> not to users.
> >
> >>>> "Scott Lawrence&
Silly request:
I have a specific application that requires me to bypass the autoattendant all
together, so calls are answered directly by the Operator. Could someone give
me a few pointers on how to do this?
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