SuperFriendz article in _Watch_

1995-12-13 Thread Helen Luu
Okay, I was asked to post this so here it is: (comes from the Dec. 1995 _Watch_.. there's also a photo of the SFZ.. but look! No tight shirts! ;)) These days, being a part of the Canadian music scene just isn't what it used to be. The Hip have become just another roadside attraction,

Re: Superfriendz in Toronto Star

1995-12-10 Thread Helen Luu
There's also an article in _Watch_ magazine/newspaper thingy whose distro includes Toronto area high skools and I *think* also sum 241 pizza stores? If there's interest, I'll post it.. if not, I'll save my fingers.. :) .HeLeN.. hey kids! to y'all who live in toronto and/or the

Re: New Sloan Album?

1995-12-03 Thread Helen Luu
Well.. James, I hate to be the fly in your ointment.. but, I just finished listening to the new Sloan record, Shaken by the Speed. it (and I know this word is tabu) rawks.. ten new songs. 55 minutes. I'd say it sounds alot like the State Champs.. but I don't want to start any rumors I can't


1995-10-08 Thread Helen Luu
did everyone hear realtime last night? they played the state champs record, the song gaited dancer at 45rpm! it's a 33-1/3 record! Hehehe.. I had never heard em before and I was wondering y the vocals were so uh.. unique.. ;).. I actually thought she? he? (ack! u can't even tell that..) had

Hrm.. same guy or an imposter?? ;)

1995-10-08 Thread Helen Luu
I was just flipping thru an old copy of Chart magazine (Sept/94.. the one that had the Sloan flexi) today and I came across sumthing kinda weird.. in the article about Sebadoh, Lou Barlow sez After I went to Halifax [last September], I thought it would be a good idea to release something on a

Bubblegun Records compilation

1995-08-21 Thread Helen Luu
Okay, here is the info. for this compilation CD: Bands on it: The New Grand, Frizbee, Blanket, Sifter, Scratching Post, Treble Charger, Thrush Hermit, Radioblaster, Yet Another Posse, and Tre. It's called Blow Hard Pop and it costs $13 bux (includes shipping).. Write to: Bubblegun Records,

Re: wool sock cancellation???

1995-08-13 Thread Helen Luu
Hey yall. Second post here may be off topic butIs it true that Wool-Sock ( featuring none other than Treble Charger, Hip Club Groove, Hayden, and millions more) near Toronto was cancelled ? I though I heard that on Fax. Anyways, just curious... I heard that it has just changed

Re: Sloanfest vs. weddings

1995-08-06 Thread Helen Luu
To all you lucky souls going to Sloanfest tomorrow: Good luck and have a blast. Rock the Murderecords booth for me. Those of us at weddings (I'm heading to Philadelphia, Pee-eh!) would much rather be there with you. Say a sad au revior to the guys. My life has been changed forever.

Edgefest single and other stuff

1995-08-06 Thread Helen Luu
whining I didn't get that single!! Did NE one else get it? I have no idea what happened w/ that becuz standing in that line up (and it started to POUR :P), I thought I was one of the first thousand grumble, grumble. Well, I won't give u an account of

Re: Thrush Hermit lyrics...

1995-07-28 Thread Helen Luu
I know this is pointless but it's sort of been bugging me lately... you know the part in TH's Every Morning I reread the postcards where the line is: I _ all your postcards/I have glued them to my wall/Every morning before breakfast... Well, anyone know what that missing word might

SuperFriendz/HipClubGrooveDates ....... (fwd)

1995-06-27 Thread Helen Luu
Hey all.. I thought this might be of some interest to ppl so I decided to forward this (from my other account which would explain y I'm at Toronto rather than the usual Carleton -- not that anyone cares but.. :P) Helen 'Kay here goes... --- The Super Friendz

[ Re: Sloan's Liniment]

1995-06-09 Thread Helen Luu
Okay, I thought why not add my 2 cents in so here goes... A friend of mine plays in a band and one of his band member's names is.. well, maybe I shouldn't put down his whole name in case he doesn't like that so.. well, his name is J--- Sloan. Kewl.:) Helen