RE: TcpTunnelGui program

2001-07-27 Thread Eduardo Yánez
Title: RE: TcpTunnelGui program Hi Jody, With the command line: java 8082 localhost 8080 the TcpTunnelGui listen for HTTP resquests on 8082 port (showing the SOAP request on the left scrolled window of the TcpTunnelGUI) and redirects the request from

RE: TcpTunnelGui program

2001-07-27 Thread gregg . leichtman
rdman, Jody" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/27/2001 09:24:28 AM Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc: Subject: RE: TcpTunnelGui program Thanks to Gregg and Sri for your help but I am still confused about the open port.

RE: TcpTunnelGui program

2001-07-27 Thread Bardman, Jody
Title: RE: TcpTunnelGui program Thanks to Gregg and Sri for your help but I am still confused about the open port. Gregg: in your example of the open port of 8091, TcpTunnelGui is listening on port 8091 but what is telling SOAP to send data to that port? Putting an unused port in the command

Re: TcpTunnelGui program

2001-07-27 Thread gregg . leichtman
'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc: Subject: TcpTunnelGui program Hi, I am new to Soap and Java. My need is to have a Java Soap client talking to a MS Soap Server. I am having trouble with accessing the MS Soap Server (I will be sending that problem shortly). I am using JRun which defaults to

RE: TcpTunnelGui program

2001-07-27 Thread Sri Sankaran
Title: TcpTunnelGui program Jody:   Try   java  9898 CorePortal10 8100       where 9898 is some random port -- hopefully not in use.  The idea is that you route your request to the TunnelGui which then forwards it to your SOAP servlet.       Hope that

TcpTunnelGui program

2001-07-27 Thread Bardman, Jody
Title: TcpTunnelGui program Hi, I am new to Soap and Java. My need is to have a Java Soap client talking to a MS Soap Server. I am having trouble with accessing the MS Soap Server (I will be sending that problem shortly). I am using JRun which defaults to port 8100. My computer name is