Re: [RCSE] finishing a fuselage pod plug

2001-11-01 Thread Cesar Managad
Hi Tom, I made I couple of Terminator full-length fuses, and used balsa for the plug, mainly because it was easier to shape. But you have to handle the plug carefully, so as not to introduce dents and tool dings. Later, the paint will lock in your surface though. After much experimenting, here's

Re: [RCSE] "spining spoons" Wind meter

2001-09-20 Thread Cesar Managad
That sounds like something good to experiment with. I wonder if the back EMF generated by the motor would have to be compensated for when doing the speed calculations in light vs. strong wind. And, what's an easy way of calibrating the device if you don't already have a wind meter? - Origina

Re: [RCSE] cutting accurate templates for foam cutting

2001-07-31 Thread Cesar Managad
First, I quickly cut outside the paper printout lines. You don't have to be too careful..yet. Next I lay the paper backside up on some old news paper then lightly spray a mist coat of 3M Super 77 adhesive. Then, I'll lay them down on my uncut template material, .02" thick phenolic material. Then