First, I quickly cut outside the paper printout lines. You don't have to be
too careful..yet. Next I  lay the paper backside up on some old news paper
then lightly spray a mist coat of 3M Super 77 adhesive. Then, I'll lay them
down on my uncut template material, .02" thick phenolic material. Then
again, cut just around the templates to where the paper cut starts with a
scroll saw( or even a Dremel as this stuff cuts easily). Don't need to spend
time being anal yet. Almost there, next step is to sand carefully with
coarse sandpaper on a flat block till just touching the printed outline.
Finally, I'll sand to a smooth finish to the center of the lines with fine
grit. This is the only time you need to watch it. The use of .02" phenolic
withstands the heat of the wire with no problem, and sanding is quick work.
As it should, because even with a single taper wing like the Terminator ( I
built one too), you'll need six templates. It takes about an hour total with
this method.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 1:26 PM
Subject: [RCSE] cutting accurate templates for foam cutting

> Hi,
> I'm trying to setup foam cutting for the "Terminator" HLG from the
> Charles River plans. I am at the stage of creating the templates and
> cutting some foam. But I am reading about how errors of less
> than .02" inches will ruin an airfoil. I've got the printed PDF of
> the Compufoil template, but am unsure of the "approved" method of
> creating the actual template from the paper drawing.
> The two ways I have thought of are; cutting out the paper template
> and trying to retrace the image onto the template and pushing pin
> holes through the paper onto the template material creating
> a "connect the dots" outline. But neither sounds very professional.
> What is the best practice in this procedure?
> -Tom
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