More Number of characters???

2012-01-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Ausgangssprache: Deutsch javascript:void(0) Geben Sie Text oder eine Website-Adresse ein oder lassen Sie ein Dokument übersetzen Abbrechen is it posible to get more Number of characters? I have a problem with too many

is it posible to get more Number of characters?

2012-01-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
is it posible to get more Number of characters? I have a problem with too many characters in the search, my Think Tank is very long, but this also be the case. Unfortunately I can not find a setting that is responsible.

Re: is it posible to get more Number of characters?

2012-01-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Monitoring SaaS for Solr - - Original Message - From: Jörg Agatz To: Cc: Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 5:23 AM Subject: is it posible to get more Number

import Data via PHP

2011-07-14 Thread Jörg Agatz
hallo users... i have a Problem.. I have ti indexin Data via PHP.. the Information for data existing... and the Fiels too.. ?php $id = $_POST['id']; $name = $_POST['name']; $url = $_POST['url']; $color = $_POST['color']; $size = $_POST['size']; ect... ? fields id, name, url, color, size are

Indexing Mails

2011-05-10 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo.. I search a Way to indexing e-Mails fast and easy to safe in Solr A lot of users do this too, but i cant find a howTo or something like that. when you have or know where i can find a HowTo.. it will nice if you can help me.. King

Re: Indexing Mails

2011-05-10 Thread Jörg Agatz
will the E-Mail ID, and the recent E-Mail Ids, indext too? and witch fiels i have to create in schema.xml?

Multicore Search Map size must not be negative

2011-01-20 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo.. I have create multicore search and will search in more then one Core! Now i have done:*:*shards=, But Error... HTTP Status 500 - Map size must not be negative

lazy loading error?

2011-01-19 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, i have a problem with Solr and it looks like RequestHandlers.. but i dont know what i must do... i have remove and reinstall Openjdk installt maven2 and tika, nothing Chane.. someware in idea for me? Command: curl

Re: lazy loading error?

2011-01-19 Thread Jörg Agatz
ok, but i cant find the folders in the Tomcat folder /varlib/tomcat6/solr/ no existing contrib folder or lib folder? where will missing an ampersand missing??? curl; -F myfile=@test.xls

zip in solr

2011-01-18 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo.. i don't know who i can indexing zip Dokuments, richtext, pdf and office documents works pretty fine, but from the zip files i only get the Name of ziped dokumentds, not the Content. maybe i have to do some other thinks bye indexing zip, but i have read that Tika can read zip and jar and

Re: Tika Update, no Data

2011-01-17 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hey! Thanks a lot, nice tip.. works fine.. But one Problem i have too... to indexing ZIP. i tryed : curl; -F and i get: Warning: Illegally formatted input field! curl:

Re: Tika Update, no Data

2011-01-17 Thread Jörg Agatz
ohh, your right.. embarrassing! i have tryed, and it works, but it seems it works not Perfect, the txt documents into the ZIP are not indext, lonly the Names of documents into the zip.. King

Re: Problem with Tika and ExtractingRequestHandler (How to from lucidimagination)

2011-01-14 Thread Jörg Agatz
ok, now in the 4 test, it works ? ok.. i dont know... it works.. but now i have a Oher Problem, i cant sent content to the Server.. when i will send Content to solr i get: html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1/ titleError 400 /title /head bodyh2HTTP

other index input in Solr

2011-01-12 Thread Jörg Agatz
Guten Morgen Solr-Users, In Deutschland ist es Morgen daher diese Begrüßung. Ich habe ein kleines Problem mit Solr. Ich habe einen Index, erstellt von einem anderen Programm, es ist ein Lucene Index und kann von Luke problemlos gelesen werden. Diesen möchte ich nun jedoch mit Solr durchsuchen

Optimize a Index

2011-01-07 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, i have a Index withe 800.000 Dokuments, and now i hope it will be Faster, if i optimize the Index, it sounds good ;-) But i cant find an Example to Optimize one of milticors or all cors.. Maby one of you have a little example for that .. King

indexing data VIA HTTP URL

2010-12-17 Thread Jörg Agatz
hallo, i wont to indexing data from a webpage, like a Comment ore something else.. so i hope it exist a way to Update the Data Realtime... like: -H Content-Type: text/xml --data-binary 'adddocfield name=idtestdoc/field/doc/add' but this

indexing a lot of XML dokuments

2010-12-16 Thread Jörg Agatz
hi, users, i serch e way to indexing a lot of iml Dokuments so fast as Possible. i have more than 1 million docs on Server 1 and a SolR multicor an Server 2 with tomcat. i dont know ho i can do it easy and fast.. I cant find a idea in the wiki, maby you have some ideas? King

Re: Results from More then One Cors?

2010-12-16 Thread Jörg Agatz
ok, works Great, at the Beginning, but now i get a Big Error :-( HTTP Status 500 - null java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.solr.handler.component.QueryComponent.mergeIds( at

Multicore Search broken

2010-12-16 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo users, I have create a Multicore instance from Solr with Tomcat6, i create two Cores mail and index2 at first, mail and index2 are the Same config, after this, i change the Mail config and Indexing 30 xml No when i search in each core:

Re: Multicore Search broken

2010-12-16 Thread Jörg Agatz
I have tryed some Thinks, now i have new news, when i search in :

Problem with multicore

2010-12-15 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users, I habve a Problem wit Solr 1.4.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 I have download the new version and extract it! than i have copy the solr.xml from example/multicore/solr.xml to /examples/solr/solr.xml ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ? !-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under

segments_7eq4 not found !!!! HELP

2010-11-15 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, I have a Problem.. Last month i get an Error, segment 7eq4 not found, so i cant indexing anything but can search in the index. i remove the index and create a new, but now i get the Same error again... maby you can help me, can tell me what ist wrong with my Solr at the Moment i have

XML to solr

2010-11-15 Thread Jörg Agatz
hi Users. I have a Question, i have a lot of XML to indexing, at the Moment i have two XML files, one original, and one for solr a (Search_xml) for example: add doc SECTION type=FILE_ITEMS field name=MD5SUM6483030ed18d8b7a58a701c8bb638d20/field field

Re: Problem with Indexing

2010-10-12 Thread Jörg Agatz
java -Xmx1024m -jar start.jar

Problem with Indexing

2010-10-01 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, i tryed to index a lot of XML. 700.000 to 800.000 but i becom a Error: and a Java heap Space error.. i doo this: find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -name '*_SEARCH*' -exec java -jar /opt/solr/apache-solr-1.4.0/example/exampledocs/post.jar '{}' + and i get this: ... ... ... ...

Re: Results from More then One Cors?

2010-08-13 Thread Jörg Agatz
Sorry.. I tryed it with more Details :-).. So i have a lot of cors.. 10 to 20... now i search a way to get results from 5 to ten Cors at the same time.. i need to sort ol results need view facet search out of the 10 cors at the same time. So one query, one server with 20 Corrs and o result

Results from More then One Cors?

2010-08-12 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users... I tryed to get results from more then one Cores.. But i dont know how.. Maby you have a Idea.. I need it into PHP King

delete Problem..

2010-08-10 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users... I have a Problem, to delete some indext Item i Tryed it with : java -Ddata=args -jar /home/service/solr/apache-solr-nightly/example/exampledocs/post.jar but Nothing, EMAIL_HEADER_FROM is a String and in the past it ever works.

fq= more then one ?

2010-07-12 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, i tryes to ceate a new Search for mails, and become a Problem.. If i search:*:* it works, i only get E-Mails from But i need something like That:

Re: fq= more then one ?

2010-07-12 Thread Jörg Agatz
OK... Thanks.. It works if i try it direktly.. but in PHP it dosent: *Warning*: file_get_contents( OR [ function.file-get-contentshttp://]: failed to open stream: HTTP

problem to indexing

2010-07-11 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users.. I have a lot of work :-) i havt ti indexing Mails.. .. And it works, but sometime i get Errors, ind i Dont know why.. Maby you can Help.. My XML: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ? add doc field name=FILE_ITEMS_MD5SUMacd1a9416fe3ddaca1442e44e0ca8751/field field

PHP output at a multiValued AND dynamicField

2010-06-02 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users... I have a Problem... In my SolR, i have a lot of multiValued, dynamicFields and now i must print ther Fields in php.. But i dont know how... In schema.xml: field name=P_VIP_KUNDE_ID type=string indexed=true stored=true/ dynamicField name=P_VIP_KUNDE_* type=text

Re: PHP output at a multiValued AND dynamicField

2010-06-02 Thread Jörg Agatz
yes i done.. but i dont know how i get the information out of the big Array... Al fields like P_VIP_ADR_*

Re: PHP output at a multiValued AND dynamicField

2010-06-02 Thread Jörg Agatz
i don't understand what you mean!

Re: question about indexing...

2010-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Ok, Done... But no changes! I have the following in the Schema.xml Made: field name=all type=string indexed=true stored=true multiValued=true/ field name=P_CONTENT_ITEMS_COMMENT type=text indexed=true stored=true multiValued=true/ field name=comment type=string indexed=true stored=true

Re: question about indexing...

2010-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Sorry, i mean: The XML like This: field name=P_CONTENT_ITEMS_COMMENT![CDATA[ Hallo leute. mein name ist dein name und wir wollen eigentlich nur unsere Ruhe haben. bich du er sie es/b Ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ]]/field

Re: question about indexing...

2010-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
OK, Done.. i reboot the Server. Now it works.. is the Textfield Single instance? how can i make it? In textfield indext the Word : Hallo if i search Hallo i found hallo i found Hall* i dont hall* i found But some user will search Hall* One more little Question i have... The Difference from

question about indexing...

2010-05-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
I have a work!, i musst indexing a lot of E-Mails, so i will create a Script to generate me a xml of the Mails. Now is the question, what happens when i creade a field body and in this field comes a lot of or like this: Confidentiality Caution: This message and all its included content and

Re: question about indexing...

2010-05-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
ok, done.. But now i dosent find any word in the CDATA field. i make : field name=P_CONTENT_ITEMS_COMMENT![CDATA[ Hallo leute. mein name ist dein name und wir wollen eigentlich nur unsere Ruhe haben. bich du er sie es/b Ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ]]/field it is a string field Multivalued..

Re: question about indexing...

2010-05-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
i create a new Index, but nothing Change. field name=COMMENT type=string indexed=true stored=true multiValued=true/ field name=COMMENT ![CDATA[ Hallo leute. mein name ist dein name und wir wollen eigentlich nur unsere Ruhe haben. bich du er sie es/b Ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ]]/field I

Re: Multicore - Post xml to core0, core1 or core2

2009-12-16 Thread Jörg Agatz
Good eavening, I tryed to indexing the Test csv.. i use this: java -Durl=http://localhost:8983/solr/core0/update -jar post.jar books.csv But i become an error. SimplePostTool: WARNING: Make sure your XML documents are encoded in UTF-8, other encodings are not currently supported


2009-12-07 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hi Users.. i need help with Multiindexing in Solr, i want one Core, and 3 to 5 diferent indizes. So i can search in simultan in all or in some of them. i find the Help im WIKI.. but it dosent Help. there stand nothing about

Re: Fulltext crawler

2009-11-30 Thread Jörg Agatz
book? i order Solr 1.4 today, i see some examples in this book?

Multi index

2009-11-28 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users... At the Moment i test MultiCorae Solr, but i cant search in more than one core direktly.. Exist a way to use multiindex, 3-5 Indizes in one core ans search direkty in all? ore only in one? it is realy important or my Projekt. Thanks King

Fulltext crawler

2009-11-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
*Hey guys*,I search a Fulltext crawler for Solr, to index HTML,OpenOffice and Ms Office documets,PDF and muchmore formates. How indexed you the Data? Maby you can help me to find a Crawler. King

Multicore - Post xml to core0, core1 or core2

2009-11-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, at the moment i tryed to create a Solr instance wite more then one Cores I use solr 1.4 and multicore Runs :-) But i dont know how i post a XML in one of my cores. At the Moment i use java -jar post.jar *.xml now i will fill the core0 index with core0*.xml , and core1 with core1*.xml But

Re: Multicore - Post xml to core0, core1 or core2

2009-11-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
Thanks, it works realy fine.. Maby you have an Ideo, to search in Core0 and Core1 I want to search in all cores, or only in 2 of 3 cores.

Buggy search Solr1.4 Multicore

2009-11-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hi... I have a Problem with Solr, I try it with 3 cores, and it starts. I can search but i only become results, when i exaktly search for the howls field. i mean, in the field stand: Dell Widescreen Ultra when i search for name:Widescreen i get Nothing name:Dell Widescreen Ultra i get the file

Solr 1.4 search in more the one Core

2009-11-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hollo, I try to search in more than one Core. I search in Wiki, but i dont find any way to search in 2 of the 3 cores and a way to seacht in all cores. maby Someone of you have tryed the same an can help me?

Re: Solr 1.4 search in more the one Core

2009-11-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
Why do you want to search across cores on the same Solr? -- Regards, Shalin Shekhar Mangar. I only need Multiindexing, but i find no other way to import other indizes. I have some old indexes from a other Projekt, and will us this in Solr. i i use one index it works, but i have a lot of

Re: Solr 1.4 search in more the one Core

2009-11-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
I think NO, because there is a Crawler for fulltext indexig that permernently uptate the Indexes When you have a Crawler for documents,office ect, than i can switch to solr totaly.

Output all, from one field

2009-11-23 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, I search for a way, to output all content from one field.. Like name: NAME:* And Solr gifs me all Names or color:* and i become all colors can io do this? or is this Impossible? Jörg

Re: Wildcards at the Beginning of a Search.

2009-11-12 Thread Jörg Agatz
is in solr 1.4 maby a way to search with an wildcard at the beginning? in 1.3 i cant activate it. KingArtus

Re: memory size

2009-11-11 Thread Jörg Agatz
I have change the php.ini, now it works... it was a Problem in PHP, because i grouping the Results in PHP, when i have much results i need more memory Thanks for the Help

memory size

2009-11-10 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, I have a Problem withe the Memory Size, but i dont know how i can repair it. Maby it is a PHP problem, but i dont know. My Error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 16515072 bytes) I hope you can help me KinGArtus

Problem with Wildcard...

2009-09-29 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hi Users... i have a Problem I have a lot of fields, (type=text) for search in all fields i copy all fields in the default text field and use this for default search. Now i will search... This is into a Field RI-MC500034-1 when i search RI-MC500034-1 i found it... if i seacht

Sort a Multivalue field

2009-09-09 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Friends, I have a Problem... my Search engins Server runs since a lot of weeks... Now i gett new XML, and one of the fields ar Multivalue,, Ok, i change the Schema.xml, set it to Multivalue and it works :-) no Error by the Indexing.. Now i go to the Gui, and will sort this Field, and BAM,


2009-07-30 Thread Jörg Agatz
Good Morning SolR :-) its morning in Germany! i have a Problem, with the Indexing... I often become an Error. I think it is because in the XML stand this Character I need the Character, what happens? SimplePostTool: FATAL: Solr returned an error:


2009-07-30 Thread Jörg Agatz
Also, i use the Comandline tool java .jar post.jar xyz.xml i donkt know what you are mean with It sounds like you're not using 'entities' for your '' characters (ampersands) in your XML. These should be converted to amp; This should look familiar if you've ever written any HTML. I dont

Sort field

2009-07-23 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo... I have a problem... i want to sort a field at the Moment the field type is text, but i have test it with string or date the content of the field looks like 22.07.09 it is a Date. when i sort, i get : failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500

Wildcards at the Beginning of a Search.

2009-07-20 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Solr Users... I tryed to search with a Wildcard at the beginning from a search. for example, i will search for *est and get test, vogelnest, fest, But it dosent work, i alsways get an error... Now my Big brother GOOGLE tolds me, that it can work but a search with a Wildcad at the

DefaultSearchField ? important

2009-07-15 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users... And good Morning, in germany it is morning :-) I have a realy important Prroblem... My Fields are realy Bad.. Like CUPS_EBENE1_EBENE2_TASKS_CATEGORIE I have no Content field ore somthing like this... So when i will search somthing, i need to search in ALL fields, but when i


2009-07-15 Thread Jörg Agatz
I search for the Otions for case-*sensitive ore *Key* sensitive to some or all Fields.. Exist a Option for that? in the Solr Schema.xml? Problem: I search in a Field for ri* but the real Name is RI-700690 RI* brings Results, but sumtimes it is NI, and sumetimes it is ni or something like that.

Re: case-sensitive

2009-07-15 Thread Jörg Agatz
yes, thats right... i have use in al Time string So i dont change something, without the field like this: field name=DOCUMENTTYPE_SPEC_CTC type=string indexed=true stored=true omitNorms=true / now i test what you say... field name=DOCUMENTTYPE_SPEC_CTC type=text indexed=true stored=true

Nightly-Build NO wildcards?

2009-06-30 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo Users... I have download today the New Nightly Build for a testing System... I have eddit my schema.xml and runn the Server... Indext my Own Text XML and search for this... I indext file name: Test01 in file 1 Test02 in file 2 Test03 in file 3 Test04 in file 4 Test05 in file 5 Test06 in

Re: Nightly-Build NO wildcards?

2009-06-30 Thread Jörg Agatz
Ok, thats work... Sorry for this Simple question

Only the Newes File as Result

2009-06-05 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo, Solr users... I have a Problem! I Have a lot of files, fome of the Files are exist in more than one version. often they are only little changes in the files... Now i musst find a way to get only the last of each file. The normal Results are maby 500 Documents, but from each document are

Solritas Problem with faces

2009-06-02 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hi... I have in Solritas a Problem with the Faces... I seach for Ipod ore plesnik and the faces are say, (PDF) 39 (TXT)109 (DOC)1200 When i click on the PDF, i want to see 39 PDF´s with te Kayword plesnik but i get more the 800 thats are all pdf´s in the index.. is this a Bug? ore a Fetures?

Search combination?

2009-06-02 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hi users... i have a Problem... i will search for:*extension:db i mean i search for all documents they are size 7* and extension:pdf, But it dosent work i get some other files, with extension doc ore db what is Happens about ? Jörg

Re: Solrits - Problem with facing after restart yetty

2009-05-29 Thread Jörg Agatz
HTTP ERROR: 500 null java.lang.NullPointerException at at org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser.parse( at at

Solrits - Sort Buttons under the searchform

2009-05-28 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hollo.. I Tryed to create a Sort button unter the SearchForm... i would like to sort : score and date so i musst use the Link: * asc* and * desc * and the Same with score, but i

Re: Solrits - Sort Buttons under the searchform

2009-05-28 Thread Jörg Agatz
In the First, i tryed to print the Respons on the Display.. i tryed with this Code: div class=sort-fields centerbSORT/b/centerbr HIER wird SORTIERTbr you search for $(response.responseHeader.params.q) /div But it dosent Work, hi only Print: SORT HIER wird SORTIERTbr you search

Solrits - Problem with Index...

2009-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hallo... I create with a croler a Index, it is not a original Solr index, but a Lucene so it works... when i go to the Admin Page i can send a Search and get a result... Like tis: URL: Result: *

Re: Solrits - Problem with Index...

2009-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Fist the Facts... Ubuntu 8.10 2GB RAM Nightlybuild from 24.05.09 fields in index: extension, title, url, last-modified, size, some oter... 136 Documents in the index when i do this:

Solrits - Problem with facing after restart yetty

2009-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Hi.. I tryed the Original stepp by stepp way from solritas, start indexing, ect.. after this i can use the cat links in the left sithe of the webfrontend.. Like *cat:electronics* but when i shutdown the Server, *strg+C* in the shell, and restart it with: *java

Re: Solrits - Problem with Index...

2009-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
Sounds like it's just purely working out the basics of what field(s) you want to search on, and indexing them properly. Erik coud bee, but when i use the admin page to search.. it works... I search in the field summary the word plesnik so i doo *summary:plesnik* in the search

Re: Solrits - Problem with Index...

2009-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
ok, now i understand.. the phraser fram solrtis, or the phraser, that solrtis is using... do not work with: (fieldname:term) but how i can change the default search field from solrtis? and how can i search in a special field? Change /itas to use lucene (or remove the defType parameter

Re: Solrits - Problem with Index...

2009-05-26 Thread Jörg Agatz
in witch Ducument i must remove the defType parameter.. i found defTypeonly in solrConfig.xml. but i found two Configs.. one in apache-solr-nightly\example\solr\conf. and one in apache-solr-nightly\contrib\velocity\src\main\solr\conf i only remove defType=dismax ? in with of the Conf?

problem with Solrits (schow only some of the fields)

2009-05-25 Thread Jörg Agatz
='jQuery(this).siblings(pre).toggle(); return false;'toggle explain/a pre style=display:none$response.getExplainMap().get($doc.getFirstValue('id'))/pre #end /div Maby someone can explain me how i can change the code to get some fields Jörg Agatz