Hallo Friends,

I have a Problem...

my Search engins Server runs since a lot of weeks...
Now i gett new XML, and one of the fields ar Multivalue,,

Ok, i change the Schema.xml, set it to Multivalue and it works :-) no Error
by the Indexing.. Now i go to the Gui, and will sort this Field, and BAM, i
cant sort.

"it is impossible to sort a Tokenized field"

Than i think, ok, i doo it in a CopyField and sort the CopyField..
and voila, i dont get an error, but hie dosent sort realy, i get an output,
but no change by "desc" ore "asc"

What can i do to sort this Field.. i thinkt, when i soert this field (only
Numbers) the file comes multible in the output, like this...

field aaa>1122</aaa>
field aaa>2211</aaa>
field aaa>3322</aaa>

sort field aaa


i hope you have a idea, i am at the end with my ideas


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