Query 2 Cores

2010-04-19 Thread Lee Smith
Hey All I have 2 cores which have been used with tika to do index files. I would like to do one query on both at once as I will be searching attr_content field. If I do a test on each core I get 1 17 results but trying with shards I just get 17 results. Here is my example query

Fwd: Query 2 Cores

2010-04-19 Thread Lee Smith
Any ideas about my below Q ? Lee Begin forwarded message: From: Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk Date: 19 April 2010 11:19:45 GMT+01:00 To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org Subject: Query 2 Cores Reply-To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org Hey All I have 2 cores which have been used with tika to do

Delete id from a specific core

2010-03-29 Thread Lee Smith
Hey All From the docs deleting from an index os pretty simpl: java -Ddata=args -Dcommit=no -jar post.jar deleteidSP2514N/id/delete How about from a specific core? Say I wanted to delete id=12344 from core 1 Hope this makes sense and is easy to answer! Regards Lee

Fwd: Highlighting Results

2010-03-12 Thread Lee Smith
Can anyone help ?? Begin forwarded message: From: Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk Date: 11 March 2010 17:25:59 GMT To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org Subject: Highlighting Results Reply-To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org Hi All Im not sure where i'm going wrong but highlighting does not seem

Content Highlighting

2010-03-11 Thread Lee Smith
With the highlighting options will Solr highlight the found text something like google search does ? I cant seem to get this working ? Hope someone can advise.

Highlighting Results

2010-03-11 Thread Lee Smith
Hi All Im not sure where i'm going wrong but highlighting does not seem to work for me. I have indexed around 5000 PDF documents which went well. Running normal queries against the attr_content works well. When adding any hl code it does not seem to make a bit of difference. Here is an

Re: Highlighting

2010-03-10 Thread Lee Smith
Yes Content is stored and I get same results adding that parameter. Still not highlighting the content :-( Any other ideas Lee On 9 Mar 2010, at 23:14, Ahmet Arslan wrote: Yes it shows when I run the debug -lst name=org.apache.solrhandler.component.HighlightComponent double

Fwd: Highlighting

2010-03-10 Thread Lee Smith
Im am getting results no problem with the query. But from what I believe it should wrap em/ around the text in the result. So if I search ie Andrew within the return content Ie would have the contents with the word emAndrew/em and hl.fl=attr_content Thank you for you help Begin forwarded

Re: Highlighting

2010-03-10 Thread Lee Smith
:{ title_edge:[emFami/emly]}} see how the highlight info is separate from the results? On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk wrote: Im am getting results no problem with the query. But from what I believe it should wrap em/ around the text in the result. So if I


2010-03-09 Thread Lee Smith
Hey All I have indexed a whole bunch of documents and now I want to search against them. My search is going great all but highlighting. I have these items set hl=true hl.snippets=2 hl.fl = attr_content hl.fragsize=100 Everything works apart from the highlighted text found not being surrounded

Re: Highlighting

2010-03-09 Thread Lee Smith
if the highlighting component is even being called... On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk wrote: Hey All I have indexed a whole bunch of documents and now I want to search against them. My search is going great all but highlighting. I have these items set

Re: Import database

2010-03-08 Thread Lee Smith
I had same issue with Jetty Adding extra memory resolved my issue ie: java -Xms=512M -Xmx=1024M -jar start.jar Its in the manual, but cant seem to find the link On 8 Mar 2010, at 14:09, Quan Nguyen Anh wrote: Hi, I have started using Solr. I had a problem when I insert a database with 2

Error on startup

2010-03-03 Thread Lee Smith
Hi All. I have shutdown solr removed the index so I can start over then re-launched. I am getting an error of SEVERE: REFCOUNT ERROR: unreferenced org.apache.solr.solrc...@14db38a4 (core1) has a reference count of 1 Any idea on what this is a result of ? Hope you can advise. Lee

Formatting Results

2010-03-03 Thread Lee Smith
Hey All I am indexing around 10,000 documents with Solar Cell which has gone superb. I can of course search the content like the example given: http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=attr_content:tutorial But what I would like is for Solr to return the document with x many words and the matched

Re: Formatting Results

2010-03-03 Thread Lee Smith
name=f.attr_content.hl.alternateFieldf.attr_content/str str name=f.attr_content.hl.maxAlternateFieldLength300/str Lee Smith-6 wrote: Hey All I am indexing around 10,000 documents with Solar Cell which has gone superb. I can of course search the content like the example given

Optimize Index

2010-03-02 Thread Lee Smith
Hi All Is there a post request method to clean the index? I have removed my index folder and restarted solr and its still showing documents in the stats. I have run this post request: http://localhost:8983/solr/core1/update?optimize=true I get no errors but the stats are still show my 4

Re: Optimize Index

2010-03-02 Thread Lee Smith
the problem? Erick On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:36 AM, Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk wrote: Hi All Is there a post request method to clean the index? I have removed my index folder and restarted solr and its still showing documents in the stats. I have run this post request: http

Content Extraction

2010-02-26 Thread Lee Smith
Hey All Hope someone can advise. I followed the example in the wiki on how to extract a html page i.e curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/update/extract?literal.id=doc1uprefix=attr_fmap.content=attr_contentcommit=true' -F myfi...@tutorial.html And it displayed a html page but with a 404 and did

Re: Content Extraction

2010-02-26 Thread Lee Smith
to see what they report? Best Erick On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 7:54 AM, Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk wrote: Hey All Hope someone can advise. I followed the example in the wiki on how to extract a html page i.e curl ' http://localhost:8983/solr/update/extract?literal.id=doc1uprefix

Solr Extract

2010-02-25 Thread Lee Smith
Hey All I am having a go at extracting some file as per the wiki guide. I cd to the root directory of the folder and run the command with no success apart from some broken HTML If you see this here: http://screencast.com/t/MGRiZTU5M It might help to understand what Im doing wrong. hope

Re: Multicore Example

2010-02-19 Thread Lee Smith
How can I find out ?? On 19 Feb 2010, at 19:26, Dave Searle wrote: Do you have something else using port 8983 or 8080? Sent from my iPhone On 19 Feb 2010, at 19:22, Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk wrote: Hey All Trying to dip my feet into multicore and hoping someone can advise why

Re: Multicore Example

2010-02-19 Thread Lee Smith
On 2/19/2010 1:01 PM, Lee Smith wrote: How can I find out ?? On 19 Feb 2010, at 19:26, Dave Searle wrote: Do you have something else using port 8983 or 8080?

Apache Tika/ Solar Cell

2010-02-15 Thread Lee Smith
Hey All, Hope someone can advise me and a way to go. I have a my Solr setup and working well. I am using DIH to handle all my data input. Now I need to add content from word docs pdf's meta data etc and looking to use Solar Cell A few questions regarding this. Would it be best to add these

Query 2 Cats

2010-01-26 Thread Lee Smith
Sorry of this is a poor Q but cant seem to get it to work. I have a field called cat setup so I can query against specific categories. It ok I search all or one but cant seem to make it search over multiples. ie q=string AND cat:name1 AND cat:name2 I have tried the following variations.

Re: Query 2 Cats

2010-01-26 Thread Lee Smith
Thank you Dave, Eric Worked a charm On 26 Jan 2010, at 18:58, Dave Searle wrote: Try q=string AND (cat:name1 OR cat:name2) On 26 Jan 2010, at 18:53, Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk wrote: Sorry of this is a poor Q but cant seem to get it to work. I have a field called cat setup so I

Data Full Import Error

2010-01-12 Thread Lee Smith
Hi All I am trying to do a data import but I am getting the following error. INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport params={command=status} status=0 QTime=405 2010-01-12 03:08:08.576::WARN: Error for /solr/dataimport java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Jan 12, 2010 3:08:05 AM

Re: Data Full Import Error

2010-01-12 Thread Lee Smith
12, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Lee Smith l...@weblee.co.uk wrote: Hi All I am trying to do a data import but I am getting the following error. INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport params={command=status} status=0 QTime=405 2010-01-12 03:08:08.576::WARN: Error for /solr/dataimport

Deleting * and Re-index after schema change

2010-01-12 Thread Lee Smith
Am I doing this right. I have made changes to my schema so as per guide I done the following. Stopped the application Updated the Schema Re-Started Deleted the index folder Then ran a full import optimize command ie: /dataimport?command=full-importoptimize=true In the status it shows

Re: Deleting * and Re-index after schema change

2010-01-12 Thread Lee Smith
. That might be the issue. Erik On Jan 12, 2010, at 9:23 AM, Lee Smith wrote: Am I doing this right. I have made changes to my schema so as per guide I done the following. Stopped the application Updated the Schema Re-Started Deleted the index folder Then ran a full import optimize

Re: Deleting * and Re-index after schema change

2010-01-12 Thread Lee Smith
Dont worry my bad. I made a mistake in my dataimport to all have the same ID ! All working now thank you On 12 Jan 2010, at 14:33, Lee Smith wrote: Hi Erik Done as suggested and still only showing 1 Document Doing a *:* give me 1 document Cant understand why ? On 12 Jan 2010

DIH solrconfig

2009-12-09 Thread Lee Smith
Hi All There seems to be massive difference between the solrconfig in the DIH example to the one in the normal example ? Would I be correct in saying if I was to add the dataimport request handler in the solrconfig.xml thats all I will need ? ie: requestHandler name=/dataimport


2009-12-09 Thread Lee Smith
Im trying to import data with DIH (mysql) All my SQL's are good having been tested manually. When I run full import ie: http://localhost:8983/solr/dataimport?command=full-import I get my XML result but nothing is being imported and it Rolles back. In loggin I set DIH logging to fine and

DIH Updating

2009-12-07 Thread Lee Smith
Hello All Sorry newbie Q. Im looking at using the Data Import Handler to add my data to solr. But I am a little confused how I go about updating the index. I understand there is no update index so just a delete replace but how will solr know what to remove and add ? Also hope someone

Stopping Starting

2009-12-03 Thread Lee Smith
Hello All I am just starting out today with solr and looking for some advice but I first have a problem. I ran the start command ie. user:~/solr/example$ java -jar start.jar Which worked perfect and started to explore the interface. But my terminal window dropped and I it has stopped