Thank you Susheel, chandan.
In Option 1, I have to manage my domain logic two places, one for java, one
for sql.
and my domain logic is not stable and may change frequently.. I think
changing complext sql query whenever my domain logic change will be
and yes, I've thought like
Hi Hongu,
Scaling shouldn't be a problem if you follow the proposed approach but if
the updates are frequent then there can be issue with high latency.
I am also following the same approach where the data is first
updated/written to Mysql and then in MongoDB. I believe using this we can
take adva
Hello Hangu,
OPTION1. you can write complex/nested join queries with DIH and have
functions written in javascript for transformations in data-config if that
meets your domain requirement
OPTION2. use Java program with SolrJ and read data using jdbc and apply
domain specific rules, create solr d
I am newbie for solr and I hope to check my idea is good or terrible if
someone can help.
# background
* I have mysql as my primary data storage.
* I want to import data from mysql to solr (solrcloud).
* I have domain logics to make solr document - (means I can't make solr