[spectre] Teymareh T-shirt with QR-code

2021-01-29 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Teymareh T-shirt: custom black xl white screenprint front and back; 100% cotton with live performance link: QR-code https://www.ebay.com/itm/124546204268 related artwork: “75 demons: Teymareh Fingerpaintings brad brace 2020 (includes artist-book of all 75 images)” Price: US $1200.00

[spectre] "insistent passage" pdf of 64 recent red drawings (reddwgs)

2020-12-21 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
"insistent passage" pdf of 64 recent red drawings (reddwgs) /insistent_passage_sm.pdf free large temporary download http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/ these 64 recent red drawings originals are for individual sale! imbued history and provenance! immeasurable value!

[spectre] Global Island Project on wikimedia: Island 1.0

2020-08-14 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
a.org/wiki/File:Global_Islands_Project_Island1.0.pdf special daily yasawa islands mp4s (small short films) now available for free download http://www.eskimo.com/~bbrace/undisclosed.html http://archive.org/details/globalislandsproject https://www.facebook.com/Brad-brace-147093425921727/ (remote Fiji WAYA/YASAWAS islands:) Island

[spectre] Never Again;

2020-05-19 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Never Forget; Never Forgive 66 pp ebook: $5 brad brace 2020 http://bbrace.net/ http://bradbrace.net/ http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/never2.pdf A display of recent collected media imagery and ship interior with fanciful final flourish. Listed on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp

[spectre] Never Forget; Never Forgive

2020-05-12 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Never Forget; Never Forgive 66 pp ebook: $5 brad brace 2020 http://bbrace.net/ http://bradbrace.net/ http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/never2.pdf A display of recent collected media imagery and ship interior with fanciful final flourish. Listed on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp

[spectre] internet archive

2020-05-02 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=bbrace /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] Core-Dump

2020-05-02 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bbrace.net/core-dump.html Short Sample of Core-Dump List: 3671. Radiant-Light 3672. Radiant-Water 3673. Radical-Distinction 3674. Radical-Reforms 3675. Radio-Voice 3676. Ragged-Staring-Wretch 3677. Raging-Sea 3678. Raging-Tumult 3679. Rain-Falls 3680. Rallied-Round

[spectre] ETHER || EUCHARIST

2020-04-13 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
ETHER || EUCHARIST: 20 extensive volumes of digital composites/pictures $2USD (crypto-currencies ok): over 10,000 PDF pages in total (7.25 GB): delivered on DVD or Cloud. Buy directly from the artist. Trade ok. http://bradbrace.net http://bbrace.net

[spectre] Covid2020

2020-04-12 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086T57D53 http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/ciba-uniforms2.pdf 124pp 1.61mb 2.67x1.78" $2.99 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086T57D53 A quick small ebook from my webpages/documentation: cibachrome and installation-elements: uniforms/projections. Covid2020. As always,

Re: [spectre] The Big Crash - Art For The Pending Burst Of The Real Estate Bubble

2020-02-15 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
MetaData: Casita Boiler http://bbrace.net/forrent.html http://bradbrace.net/forrent.html an illustrated domestic installment-novel (archive): an exercise in run-around justification: residual history: one hundred volumes of 66-inch-long exquisitely designed boiler/filler pages of

[spectre] thai tsunami transcribed

2020-01-20 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Brad Brace updated his status. a quick little book illustrating the very moment of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami quake (in Thailand): http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/thai-tsunami.pdf /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info

Re: [spectre] Open call for one second movies and long single takes

2020-01-10 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/tucana.avi >> single takes: following the mazed beads to the jewelry-maker in Lamu (Kenya) /:b http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/LAMU2005.mp4 >> another Lamu film 2005 LAMU 2005: (2:18:44) No one ever said, "Hakuna Matata." I prefer this small,

[spectre] new reddit 12hr community

2019-12-06 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
https://www.reddit.com/r/12hr/ /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] Mongrel Reparations

2019-11-27 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
"Mongrel Reparations" is an e-book from Brad Brace, 2019-20 & 1980: 207 sequenced pp; including depictions of artists Colette Urban and Robert Hamon in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada plus sudden digital printed carpet designs for the New Season. There are allusi

[spectre] 1...@groups.io

2019-11-08 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
12hr posts to a new public group: 1...@groups.io /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre


2019-09-02 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
In a book of just over 40 pages, the artist quickly examines the habits and handicaps of modern thought and fiction, then breaks fresh historical ground concerning imperialism, capital and energy. He reveals a provocative set of imagery for where we are today, torn between carbon-based growth

[spectre] The 12hr Project

2019-07-02 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Immaculate Perception: to be happy in gazing: with dead will, free from the grip and greed of selfishness -- cold and ashy-grey all over, but with intoxicated moon-eyes... Extraordinary Rendition. Manifest Destiny. Abyssal Plain. Living Truth. Sublime Madness. Autofictional Metanarrative.

Re: [spectre] Till the end. Maybe an infinite (time)line | 2019 - ∞

2019-05-22 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
quite cool! thanks Guido { wonder about having each segment end with a stationary frame so as to locate the subject/source over the accumulated motion... but maybe you couldn't dance to it ;) } /:b { from the 12hr-project timeline : bbrace.net/12hr.html } On Tue, 21 May 2019, Guido

[spectre] LOSS

2019-05-15 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Sound Design from 2007: Taka Tales from Narikel Jingira Island, Bangladesh (Art Exhibition with Installed Audio, Tea and free Taka Tunes CDs) available from Brad Brace flyer: http://bbrace.net/two-taka-tunes-podcast/taka-tunes.jpg complete recordings sometimes playing now: http

[spectre] Rough Draft

2019-05-11 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
"ROUGH DRAFT" Probably a frequently used, full-circle generic Title, akin to the commom decoy-text used by commercial spammers (same family as Boilerplate, Lorem Ipsum, Metadata, Big Data Surveillance and received ideas), it offers disengagement and the premise for a large novel random

[spectre] MetaConstruct Installations

2019-04-18 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://www.bbrace.net/M-scans/M-scans.html MetaConstruct Installations http://goo.gl/rQlaS http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BH4LHP0 - ...part of a series of an original that never existed... [The following file

[spectre] ASH IS

2019-04-15 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
sound. For example, Foley designers use the sound of celery breaking to re-create the sound of bones breaking. ASH IS These are my raw production stills, made from late-1970's TV character-generator studio equipment, for a series of unique video-detective-poems/stories that combined

[spectre] fresh free new small pdf ebook

2019-03-09 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Said Last Done First the Dead Paid http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/prepay.pdf enjoy __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] Taka Tales 2019

2019-01-17 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Sound Design: Taka Tales from Narikel Jingira Island, Bangladesh (Art Exhibition with Installed Audio, Tea and free Taka Tunes CDs) available from Brad Brace flyer: http://bbrace.net/two-taka-tunes-podcast/taka-tunes.jpg complete recordings sometimes playing now:

[spectre] Global Islands Project (Belize)

2018-11-25 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Check out Global Islands Project http://bbrace.net/id.html on Mixcloud at https://www.mixcloud.com/bbrace/global-islands-project-httpbbracenetidhtml/ /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help:

[spectre] The 12hr Select Assemblage

2018-11-12 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
The 12hr Select Assemblage [print-ready, large format poster as book pages; even larger, optional hi-res files also available] (perhaps too) faint harmonic threads weave through (temporally and as-subject) the 12hr imagery reintroduced here in a new grid guise (which can lead to large

[spectre] The 12hr project

2018-10-17 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
d since 1994 <<<< _ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | / /| '_ \| '__| -_| | | |__ ___ | | ) | |__ _ __ _ | __ \ (_) | | "A compassionate observer, { brad brace } forges a personal aesthetic in these 12hr-images infused with blank-sadness

Re: [spectre] The Art of Animated Gifs

2018-06-09 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bbrace.net/bbrace5.html 4u /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

Re: [spectre] sweet opportunity

2018-05-09 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Sorry for ><, please >>! = Global Islands Project: http://bbrace.net/id.html Mni Wiconi, Water is Life. "We fill the craters left by the bombs And once again we sing And once again we sow Because life never surrenders." -- anonymous Vietnamese poem "Nothing can be said about the

[spectre] brad brace books

2018-04-15 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
in celebration of u.s. national library week I've permitted free access to my ebooks (pdfs) http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs pls do enjoy /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] _arc.hive_ #nfcdab 2018 trondheim - open call for works

2018-03-22 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
There are no longer "communities," only profit-centers. There is no rule of law, only economic predation. There is no constitution, only criminality. METADATA: PLACEHOLDERS: CASITA BOILER: one hundred thirty volumes METADATA CASITA BOILER: PLACEHOLDERS: Entrenched Codes of Silent

[spectre] Civilian

2017-12-11 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
announcing Civilian catalog of minute denim miniskirts with custom apparel tag art: U$500 each hidden limited edition apparel woven tag art inside minute micro mini frayed distressed denim pencil booty skirts recent generation scent extra future fortunes foretold freely easily alter after for an

Re: [spectre] // Project announcement: The Extinction Gong //

2017-11-14 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
chinese snowflake cake stencils, ouiji boards, sw native symbols, lie-deny ellipses, spirograph, crappy failing iomega hard drives, islamic, hebrew, old english and cyrillic characters, korean eyebrow stencils, 1950s California family album photos (2.25" glass slides), pentagons, dildo drones,

[spectre] The 12hr ISBN-JPEG Project

2017-11-02 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
d since 1994 <<<< _ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | / /| '_ \| '__| -_| | | |__ ___ | | ) | |__ _ __ _ | __ \ (_) | | "A compassionate observer, { brad brace } forges a personal aesthetic in these 12hr-images infused with blank-sadness and a

[spectre] "Let Us Now Prey Upon Predators"

2017-09-27 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Facebook Exit: I'll not be posting here for another few years: no big deal. {If only to have your work/life matter (in whatever reparation-future might finally be attained), I'd urge you to disconnect from the cultural-institutional and other toxic grids generally. Or maybe it won't matter one

[spectre] WORLD OVER

2017-04-06 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
chinese snowfalke cake stencils, ouiji boards, sw native symbols, ellipses, spirograph, crappy failing iomega hard drives, islamic, hebrew, old english and cyrillic characters, korean eyebrow stencils, 1950s California family album photos (2.25" glass slides), pentagons, dildo drones, nuclear

[spectre] TMV

2017-03-12 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
TMV Brand (637 photo-pages; vol 1) $66.99 TMV Brand (926 photo-pages; vol 2) $77.99 A re-purposed haute couture implosive collection of TMV Brand Denim Mini Skirts sucked-up betwixt vibrant local insertions of viciously compressed/distressed tropical/topical pinhole-panoramas -- lush/limpid

Re: [spectre] exstrange eBay auction - Chiara Passa

2017-02-28 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
On Tue, 28 Feb 2017, Chiara Passa wrote: > The software artwork 'Postcards from beyond, from elsewhere' constituted by > eleven widgets, is certified by the artist as 1st edition of 3. The > certificate will be sent via email as signed PDF within the artwork itself. interesting, and not

[spectre] Somewhere

2017-02-20 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
SOMEWHERE IN MEXICO: TEN VOLUMES GRANDE! Thousands of rescued/restored, fascinating tourist color-slides from the 1940-70's of various locales in ol' Mexicali. The country along with the visitors. Ziggurat-Serpientes-y-Escaleras design. Nothing like it. Ole!

Re: [spectre]  […] IN RESIDENCE - ZK/U OPEN CALL 

2017-02-15 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
METADATA: CASITA BOILER: one hundred thirty volumes If you are cold need to get off the street for a few nights and some food and like 420 we are a married couple_40 years and open to sharing a trailer. We have. TV and a big ranch and very private. If you work out. And need a laptop 17 inch

Re: [spectre] Some reflections on the small press boom in the art world

2017-01-31 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
point-to-point protocol (PPP) purchasing power parity (PPP) NEW! PPP VOL 2 NO 2 460 mb 2358 pages PPP VOL 1 NO 2 387 mb 2112 pages === can you not escape the nagging doubt that the world is just a shuffled pack of lies? as global art gimcrackery is gleefully consumed by

Re: [spectre] // BLACKLIST Berlin, #1: The Militarisation of Police //

2017-01-29 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
... please provide contact info (that works...) thanks /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] X00X

2017-01-26 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bbrace.net/net-henry.html http://bradbrace.net/net-henry.html This is a filmic-project that I started in the early '80-s.' It was simply, a year's documentation of the firing of the noon-day gun in Halifax. I was much more concerned with the development of a ritual process of being in

[spectre] CASITA BOILER: one hundred thirty volumes

2017-01-13 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
CASITA BOILER: one hundred thirty volumes 2 Kewl azz Chix (Clackamas) Looking for a spot to chill, work (web cam model) play, sleep, eat, clean and jus plain livefor myself (38) and my best friend (43) both female. We would prefer 2 rooms, but 1 will work, anything is better than couch

Re: [spectre] Open Call: We Are One World

2016-11-28 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
a yali ga na noda itovo, sa oti sara ga o keda. (When we lose our culture, we are nothing.) Vientos del pueblo me llevan Vientos del pueblo me arrastran Me eparcen mi corazon Ye me aventan la garganta http://www.bbrace.net/id.html http://bradbrace.net/id.html bbs: brad brace sound http://

[spectre] CASITA BOILER: twenty-three volumes

2016-11-09 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
METADATA CASITA BOILER: Entrenched Codes of Silent Vivienda Clasificados (Exfiltration Series) Residual/Digital PRAYER MATS: (Unfulfilled Floorplans to the Promised Land) VOL 1 http://www.amazon.con/dp/B00HATOMI0 VOL 2 http://www.amazon.con/dp/B00HBGLMVM VOL 3

[spectre] 300 scanned red drawings: the book

2016-08-26 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
300 scanned red drawings: the book http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/300-scanned-red-drawings/7475997 150 scanned red drawings: the book http://www.amazon.com/150-scanned-red-drawings-ebook/dp/B00AR0DSGG http://bradbrace.net/buy-into.html Millennium project: red drawings: 1981--2016 - - - -

[spectre] 300 scanned red drawings: the book

2016-08-22 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
300 scanned red drawings: the book http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/300-scanned-red-drawings/7475997 150 scanned red drawings: the book http://www.amazon.com/150-scanned-red-drawings-ebook/dp/B00AR0DSGG http://bradbrace.net/buy-into.html Millennium project: red drawings: 1981--2016 - - - -

[spectre] PROXY Gallery

2016-08-04 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
you are numbered you are product you are doomed PROXY Gallery 2009-2012 (an online zencart storefront) http://bradbrace.net/proxy.html Enlarged (custom, patented algorithms) and enhanced photographs (now, likely several hundred thousands, soon over a million), mostly low-res cellphone, web-cam,

Re: [spectre] *last weekend* Call for papers: Besides the Screen International Conference (Coventry, 20-22 July)

2016-05-03 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
"Fines, penalties and reputational damage from non-compliance with anti-corruption laws are accelerating. The global crackdown could put your firm - and you - on the radar of multiple investigators simultaneously. With Dow Jones Anti-Corruption, you efficiently screen third parties, quickly spot

[spectre] 12hr

2016-04-30 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
d since 1994 <<<< _ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | / /| '_ \| '__| -_| | | |__ ___ | | ) | |__ _ __ _ | __ \ (_) | | "A compassionate observer, { brad brace } forges a personal aesthetic in these 12hr-images infused with blank-sadness and a

[spectre] PPP

2016-04-22 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
point-to-point protocol (PPP) purchasing power parity (PPP) NEW! PPP VOL 2 NO 2 460 mb 2358 pages PPP VOL 1 NO 2 387 mb 2112 pages === can you not escape the nagging doubt that the world is just a shuffled pack of lies? as global art gimcrackery is gleefully consumed by

Re: [spectre] Call for Papers and Artworks: Speeding and Braking – Navigating Acceleration

2016-03-10 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
d since 1994 <<<< _ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | / /| '_ \| '__| -_| | | |__ ___ | | ) | |__ _ __ _ | __ \ (_) | | "A compassionate observer, { brad brace } forges a personal aesthetic in these 12hr-images infused with blank-sadness and a

[spectre] LOVED ONES

2016-03-08 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
House and lot for sale 150 sqm. 3 bedroom 2 T 1 garage 1 dirty kitchen spacious laundry area 100% flood free near waltermart, St. Scholasticas Academy, 24hr convenience store, walking distance to public school, church, tricycle terminal LOVED ONES 6 pages: one real estate ad, one email

[spectre] Just You Wait

2016-02-01 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Gur bevtvany beqre bs guvatf vf vzcbffvoyr gb erpbafgehpg. Vg vf nsgre nyy fb rnfl gb funggre n fgbel. Gb oernx n punva bs gubhtug. Gb ehva n sentzrag bs n qernz orvat pneevrq nebhaq pnershyyl yvxr n cvrpr bs cerpvbhf cbeprynva. Gb yrg vg or, gb geniry jvgu vg, vf n zhpu gur uneqre guvat gb qb va

[spectre] Four Visual Poems

2016-01-02 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Four Visual Poems http://bbrace.net/nwo-pp.jpg http://www.bbrace.net/bobo.jpg (click to enlarge) http://www.bbrace.net/forks.gif http://www.bbrace.net/cashforcars.html /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Taka Tales

2015-12-26 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Sound Design 2007: Taka Tales from Narikel Jingira Island, Bangladesh (Art Exhibition with Installed Audio, Tea and free Taka Tunes CDs) available from Brad Brace <bbr...@eskimo.com> flyer: http://bbrace.net/two-taka-tunes-podcast/taka-tunes.jpg complete recordings sometimes playing now

[spectre] Taka Tales

2015-12-25 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Sound Design 2007: Taka Tales from Narikel Jingira Island, Bangladesh (Art Exhibition with Installed Audio, Tea and free Taka Tunes CDs) available from Brad Brace <bbr...@eskimo.com> flyer: http://bbrace.net/two-taka-tunes-podcast/taka-tunes.jpg complete recordings sometimes playing now

[spectre] TMV

2015-12-14 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
TMV Brand (637 photo-pages; vol 1) $66.99 TMV Brand (926 photo-pages; vol 2) $77.99 A re-purposed haute couture implosive collection of TMV Brand Denim Mini Skirts sucked-up betwixt vibrant local insertions of viciously compressed/distressed tropical/topical pinhole-panoramas -- lush/limpid

[spectre] SSS

2015-12-06 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Selected Systematic Similarities as Stories with Single Subjects Always look for the bigger lie. Money can`t buy class; a common phrase today... Disparity is first created by staticism, (policies of a totally managed society.) Gender, economic-status, race, institutionalized-education-status

[spectre] war criminal day

2015-11-11 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
PULP [Willamette Falls Pulp Worker Families 1934] A museum visit yields a sepia/serendipitous visual tale of curiously tagged employees caught upstream in the flush of questionable prescriptions. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IC64BWW http://bradbrace.net/ http://bbrace.net/ /:b

[spectre] stay hungry; stay foolish

2015-11-10 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
PULP [Willamette Falls Pulp Worker Families 1934] A museum visit yields a sepia/serendipitous visual tale of curiously tagged employees caught upstream in the flush of questionable prescriptions. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IC64BWW http://bradbrace.net/ http://bbrace.net/ /:b

[spectre] bbs

2015-11-07 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
but defunct, merely relaying institutional announcements... perhaps it's time for a "real" analogue station (?) /:b = --- bbs: brad brace sound --- --- --- ---http://bbrace.net/undisclosed.html ---http://bradbrace.net/undisc

[spectre] just you wait

2015-10-30 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
In Wim Wender's magnificent film, Wings of Desire, Peter Falk (who plays himself), at one point rhapsodizes on the immediacy of life as illustrated by the marks created with his pencil. For the artist, the pencil is the intermediary, the conduit between eye and coordinated vision. Over the

[spectre] Sold Separately

2015-10-28 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
public-icon pdf publication $101 a playful 101-page glossy snapshot collection of commercial signage across america poised atop giant glass-rendered phalli Iconography 90`s: typography & public-sculpture * the transliteration of contemporary, mediated multi ethnic culture * the

[spectre] more grey

2015-10-22 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Gur bevtvany beqre bs guvatf vf vzcbffvoyr gb erpbafgehpg. Vg vf nsgre nyy fb rnfl gb funggre n fgbel. Gb oernx n punva bs gubhtug. Gb ehva n sentzrag bs n qernz orvat pneevrq nebhaq pnershyyl yvxr n cvrpr bs cerpvbhf cbeprynva. Gb yrg vg or, gb geniry jvgu vg, vf n zhpu gur uneqre guvat gb qb va

[spectre] The 12hr ISBN-JPEG Project

2015-10-04 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
d since 1994 <<<< _ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | / /| '_ \| '__| -_| | | |__ ___ | | ) | |__ _ __ _ | __ \ (_) | | "A compassionate observer, { brad brace } forges a personal aesthetic in these 12hr-images infused with blank-sadness and a

[spectre] encil alace

2015-09-12 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
In Wim Wender's magnificent film, Wings of Desire, Peter Falk (who plays himself), at one point rhapsodizes on the immediacy of life as illustrated by the marks created with his pencil. For the artist, the pencil is the intermediary, the conduit between eye and coordinated vision. Over the

[spectre] Exceptionalism

2015-09-03 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
We are an exceptional model of the human race. We no longer know how to produce food. We no longer can heal ourselves. We no longer really raise our young. We have forgotten the names of the stars, fail to notice the phases of the moon. We do not know the plants and they no longer protect us.

[spectre] MM: only a few spots left...

2015-08-25 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
, supercilious, cabalistic, cultural imperialism. http://www.bbrace.net/M-scans/M-scans.html http://www.bradbrace.net/M-scans/M-scans.html /:b D?o?m?i?n?o P?u?p?p?e?t P?o?r?t?r?a?i?t?s Domino Puppet Portraits: a small 120pp picture book by brad brace in the 1980's http://www.amazon.com/dp

[spectre] silent innings fanboat films

2015-08-22 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
silent innings are curious little mp4s of a nicaraguan baseball scoreboard made in 2008 fanboat films are short mp4 artworks by brad brace, originally posted on facebook in 2009 -- wild outboard sax music amid shifting layered imagery inspired by florida fanboats and columbia river barge

[spectre] LAMU

2015-08-19 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
LAMU 2005: (2:18:44) No one ever said, Hakuna Matata. I prefer this small, nimble 176x144 mp4-film format: from a tiny, rare now, palm-sized SD camera. Other earlier PDF publications and field recordings are a part of this Global Islands Project: http://bradbrace.net/id.html

[spectre] Kick Me

2015-08-16 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Abolish the Art-Institutional-Complex! Art History is Evil Aristocratic Bunk! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bbrace/global-islands-project Exile. Understand that I've had no artworld support for 40 years: no prizes, award, or corruptgrants, no institutional jobs, no representation, no

[spectre] JAZZ YAM

2015-08-12 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
JAZZ YAM Digital Diva Drones: a reimagined jazz festival at Cathedral Park, Portland, Oregon, USA 2013 includes the special free flash film Firefly http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GK8NQFW http://bbrace.net/undisclosed.html http://bradbrace.net/undisclosed.html

[spectre] hope and fear

2015-08-10 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
A multi-layered expression, entre chien et loup is used to describe a specific time of day, just before night, when the light is so dim one cannot distinguish a dog from a wolf. It expresses an uncertain threshold between hope and fear, between the familiar and comfortable and the unknown and

[spectre] Graphicsstudio

2015-08-07 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
concerns, I've developed a wide range of critical-art and media expertise. I'm certain that this is the perfect, mutual opportunity -- I'd simply be thrilled and honored to work with you folks! brad brace bbr...@eskimo.com Current media-industry recommendations, artist contacts, academia

[spectre] Green Screens

2015-08-05 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bradbrace.net/greenscreen.html http://www.amazon.com/green-screens-brad-brace-ebook/dp/B00FLEZ3LG /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] Grenadines

2015-08-02 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
/global_islands_project_island_5.0 http://www.archive.org/details/global_islands_project_island_6.0_278 Global Islands Project -- ongoing series of multi-media pdf-books -- a pastoral, pictorial and phonic elicitation of island parameters... http://www.bbrace.net/id.html http://bradbrace.net/id.html bbs: brad

[spectre] free culture

2015-07-28 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Some years ago, the elements (ideas, conceptions, practices, people) that compose the current (so-called) Free Culture movement were appropriated by the bureaucrat and the capitalist. The ones that made use of the technologies and available media to the creation of actions that provided the

[spectre] CASITA BOILER: twenty-three volumes

2015-07-27 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
METADATA CASITA BOILER: Entrenched Codes of Silent Vivienda Clasificados (Exfiltration Series) Residual/Digital PRAYER MATS: (Unfulfilled Floorplans to the Promised Land) VOL 1 http://www.amazon.con/dp/B00HATOMI0 VOL 2 http://www.amazon.con/dp/B00HBGLMVM VOL 3

[spectre] Why fillet your own fish?

2015-07-26 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Unless you're an angler, why would you fillet your own fish? Two reasons: better quality, lower price. Buying whole is the best way to determine freshness and get the most from your purchase (the bones and scraps make great fish stock). Buy a fish with firm flesh that springs back when

[spectre] fill_the_mirror

2015-07-25 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
field-recordings from brad brace http://www.archive.org/details/fill_the_mirror an island (project) interlude -- rhythmic edits all around the horizon (race track with film and shopping scores) -- lapdance http://www.archive.org/details/fill_the_mirror { brad brace }bbr...@eskimo.com

[spectre] fanboat films

2015-07-24 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=bbrace fanboat films = fanboat films are short mp4 artworks by brad brace, originally posted on facebook in 2009 -- wild outboard sax music amid shifting layered imagery inspired by florida fanboats and columbia river barge traffic http

[spectre] Design-L V2

2015-07-21 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Architexturez Networks Design-L V2 The Design-List version 1 began in the early 1990s under the direction of Howard Ray Lawrence and the Pennsylvania State University listserver. Over the next decade the list transformed from a USENET newsfeed and information exchange to largely online

[spectre] newsgroup: alt.culture.beaches 1994

2015-07-20 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
alt.culture.beaches Brad Brace Mon, 03 Apr 1995 by Brad Brace ? Mon, 26 Dec 1994 As discussed/approved in alt.config For your newsgroups file: alt.culture.beaches Information on beaches and their uses A source of information pertaining to beaches and the people who use them. Listings

[spectre] DADTP

2015-07-19 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
brought to you by: Dead-Artist Desert Trailer Park http://bbrace.net/dadtp.html Send Memorial Art: $55 abstraction-engine prints special: postage included http://bbrace.net/buy-into.html operators are standing-by warfare, empire, government expansion, resources exploitation,

[spectre] DAMN!

2015-07-17 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
DIVEST from ART MUSEUMS NOW! shameful inexcusable reprehensible DISMISS ALL ART INSTITUTIONS CRASH the GATEKEEPERS ADMONISH the ACOLYTES C'mon it's merely privileged careerism!! DISMANTLE - DEFAME - PURGE - EXPUNGE We see that the art establishment, with the museum as its pinnacle, resembles a

[spectre] Old World Charm

2015-07-16 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bbrace.net/cc/fd2.html http://bradbrace.net/cc/fd2.html Cash and Carry is the first network American television game show. Contestants were asked questions attached to cans of the sponsor's products, with correct answers worth from $5 to $25. Other tasks were stunts, such as a husband

[spectre] I DON'T COUNT

2015-07-14 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
[contributions to I DON'T COUNT thus far:] undo twat cats sank sepsis we'd nerve these Laura Wetherington laura.wethering...@gmail.com want to free voracious vines; slick leaven aches mine tent. shk roach...@gmail.com Want yew tree fort, hive icks even Nate. Nightin'. Bill Fisher

[spectre] Core-Dump

2015-07-13 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bbrace.net/core-dump.html Short Sample of Core-Dump List: 3671. Radiant-Light 3672. Radiant-Water 3673. Radical-Distinction 3674. Radical-Reforms 3675. Radio-Voice 3676. Ragged-Staring-Wretch 3677. Raging-Sea 3678. Raging-Tumult 3679. Rain-Falls 3680. Rallied-Round

[spectre] CibaTrans (1973-1991)

2015-07-12 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
Cibachromes An assortment of small (untitled) 5x7inch, posterized Cibachrome prints; backlit CibaTrans (1973-1991). Unfunded. Undeserved. http://www.bbrace.net/ciba.html http://www.bradbrace.net/ciba.html -

[spectre] Chance 1996

2015-07-11 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
http://bbrace.net.chance.html The Chance event made the front page of today's (11/11/96) LA Times with a color photo of Baudrillard who ... reads a difficult, fatalistic text about humankind's loss of destiny... Responsibility is not dead, it has become violent Unlike truth, credibility

[spectre] Mexico Suite

2015-04-18 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
/artist for superior quality . http://bradbrace.net/buy-into.html http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VN0WVUS http://www.amazon.com/brad-brace/e/B00AUYM02C ANO NUEVO (monte alban) They dress the stuffed man with old clothes from each member of the family. Then on new year's eve at midnight they set it on fire

[spectre] BOCHITO

2015-04-05 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
/artist for superior quality . http://bradbrace.net/buy-into.html http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00VN0WVUS http://www.amazon.com/brad-brace/e/B00AUYM02C __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin

[spectre] The 12hr ISBN JPEG Project

2015-03-27 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
_ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | / /| '_ \| '__| -_| | | |__ ___ | | ) | |__ _ __ _ | __ \ (_) | | A compassionate observer, { brad brace } forges a personal aesthetic in these 12hr-images infused with blank-sadness and a sense of mystery. What makes them

Re: [spectre] Iheap New York - Session XI - Call for applications 2015

2015-03-20 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
silly shit persists /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] PPP

2015-03-07 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
point-to-point protocol (PPP) purchasing power parity (PPP) NEW! PPP VOL 2 NO 2 460 mb 2358 pages PPP VOL 1 NO 2 387 mb 2112 pages === can you not escape the nagging doubt that the world is just a shuffled pack of lies? as global art gimcrackery is gleefully consumed by

Re: [spectre] VISIT - Artist in Residence-Programme / Deadline 16.03.2015

2015-02-06 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
wouldn't that be great: no topics no predetermined agenda no applications no institutions: it might just be art :) /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help:

Re: [spectre] VISIT - Artist in Residence-Programme / Deadline 16.03.2015

2015-02-06 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
why should I work on your topics? instead o my own work /:b __ SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe Info, archive and help: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

[spectre] PPP

2014-11-28 Diskussionsfäden { brad brace }
point-to-point protocol (PPP) purchasing power parity (PPP) NEW! PPP VOL 2 NO 2 460 mb 2358 pages PPP VOL 1 NO 2 387 mb 2112 pages === can you not escape the nagging doubt that the world is just a shuffled pack of lies? as global art gimcrackery is gleefully consumed by

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