Negative - no other process/thread is executing any DDL statements.
I have a hunch that selecting from INFORMATION_SCHEMA reads all dB tables,
so if any of them are read-locked, we’d get this error. Question is: in
what world (or config) do table’s get read locked when no DDL is being
performed? O
so do you have another thread or process that is running database
migrations, like create table or alter table, while that happens?
On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 6:16 PM, Sean Harrington wrote:
> We're getting the following deadlock error on SQL Server:
> [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Transaction (Process I
We're getting the following deadlock error on SQL Server:
[FreeTDS][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 65) was deadlocked on lock
resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.
Rerun the transaction. (1205) (SQLExecDirectW)') [SQL: 'SELECT [