Steven E. Harris wrote:
Another one I can't figure out:
Value Exponent E Significand M (in hex)
= = ==
100.1 2 03 02
I expect that this should have the digits 01, 00, and 10, yielding:
2 * 01 + 1 = 3 = 0x03
2 * 00 + 1 =
>> >> inserting the following into my virtual table:
>> >>
>> >> 一日耶羅波安出
>> Can you post the list of codepoints in this text? Or the hex
>> of the utf-16 or utf-8 encoding of the same?
00 4E E5 65 36 80 85 7F E2 6C 89 5B FA 51
Here no problem inserting this string (Mac OSX 10.6.8)
sqlite> cr
Ciao fellow SQLite users,
We're supposed to be able to change the representation of the NULL value.
Whatever parameter I choose it does not seem to work. I always get an empty
What I did wrong in this sample table, the commands or parameters?
sqlite> .nullvalue *
sqlite> select numinsng
3 matches
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