RE: [squid-users] OT: software to force the client to use the proxy

2009-05-12 Thread Adam Carter
I am using squid with a block list. It works great for everyone on the LAN, but the issue that I am not able to effectively filter the internet for anyone who is not on the LAN without putting in some proxy settings. Is there software that could automatically set this up and lock the

RE: [squid-users] speeding up browsing? any advice?!

2009-05-10 Thread Adam Carter
thanks for the advice, i just increased cache size to 300 GB (i have 1 Terra raided hdd so i dont mind the size) as for object size i've set it to 15 MB. though one question, i've read that there's a certain option that keeps cached objects in memory for quick retrieval.. Usually the

RE: [squid-users] Squid 3.0.STABLE15 is available

2009-05-07 Thread Adam Carter
The Squid HTTP Proxy team is pleased to announce the availability of the Squid-3.0.STABLE15 release! This release is a regular bug fix release. It contains a number of fixes for some older outstanding bugs. Changes to Note in this release are: - Regression Bug 2635: Incorrect

RE: [squid-users] squid in a 2 nic configuration

2009-04-29 Thread Adam Carter
Essentially user1 connects to proxy on NIC1 port 3128, and squid queries the internet on NIC2 to bring in the data the user has requested from the internet. user 1 --- Nic1(squid) NIC2 Internet NIC2 - NIC1(squid) user Can anyone point me in the right

[squid-users] 2.7 to 3.0.13 upgrade issue

2009-04-27 Thread Adam Carter
Gentoo has recently moved stable from 2.7 to 3.0.13, and i have found that now fails with both firefox and IE. The message from firefox is: Content Encoding Error The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of

RE: [squid-users] Re: squid_ldap_auth and passwords in clear text

2008-11-16 Thread Adam Carter
IMHO these days Ethernet eavesdropping really isn't much of an issue (despite conventional wisdom:-). Much more dangerous are spyware/trojan keyloggers; server penetration is annother danger. Eavesdropping on all network traffic from any connection used to be a big problem when network hubs

RE: [squid-users] Strange RST packet

2008-11-11 Thread Adam Carter
I've found that squid is sending a RST packet to a Windows station (WinXP SP2 or WinVista). Squid is not configured to send RST's. Is there any explication for this? Are you sure that the client is connecting to the correct port and that the service is running? The OS will typically

RE: [squid-users] Someone's using my cache?

2008-11-11 Thread Adam Carter
Yesterday, I wanted to get back to the cache and saw a great deal of traffic I/O on the cache but the weird part was that none of it was for or on my network. It looked like I've been used as some sort of payment gateway for a short while :). Anyhow, I do have firewall security in place,

[squid-users] OT - average HTTP packet size

2008-11-04 Thread Adam Carter
Does anyone have a ballpark on this? It looks like one of our internal firewalls which hosts a number of DMZs is seeing an average of 400 bytes per packet. The majority of traffic is HTTP or HTTPS. Is this normal? tnx

RE: [squid-users] Reverse - Apache - Syn Flood

2008-11-02 Thread Adam Carter
Connection flooding is worse.. and requires offending clients to be blacklisted by firewalling once identified. If it's a botnet, there can be tens of thousands of hosts, so blacklisting can be difficult. Also, unless you have a multi-gigabit connection then they can just fill your pipe with

RE: [squid-users] binary install of squid

2008-09-05 Thread Adam Carter
my team would like to download a binary version for solaris of squid 3.0 . Does anybody know of such a download site/ url ?? Maybe try this... JD Or or (where you also get pkg-get, a solaris

RE: [squid-users] Advantages of Squid

2008-08-24 Thread Adam Carter
tc is a linux tool to create network classes that you can route/mangle/prioritize, it's not Squid specific and won't work with any other OS, but i used it once in a setup to route TCP_REFRESH_HIT objects to a different (much faster link), so they can have a faster If-Modified-Since

RE: [squid-users] Where do you put this sentence?

2008-08-19 Thread Adam Carter
I'm using diskd, I found this and says ipcs | awk '/squid/ {printf ipcrm -%s %s\n, $1, $2}' | /bin/sh in Sometimes shared memory and message queues aren't released when Squid exits. I'm using linux, where I should put that sentence? Thanks a

RE: [squid-users] Adding secondary Disk for Cache

2008-08-19 Thread Adam Carter
Assuming your disk is attached, your OS recognizes it and the disk is formatted: 1) Ensure the effective_squid_user has write capability on the mount point 2) Add a cache_dir directive to squid.conf referencing the new mount point 3) Stop squid 4) Run squid -z (as root or as the

RE: [squid-users] Adding secondary Disk for Cache

2008-08-19 Thread Adam Carter
Step 0) Consider the implications on RAM or adding more cache_dir :-) You might want to reduce cache_mem or add more RAM. Sorry about the typo - it should be Consider the implications on RAM OF adding more cache_dir

RE: [squid-users] Urgent Help Needed :Two Squid Servers performance issue when working with NAT

2008-07-27 Thread Adam Carter
Thanks a lot for your response . I used sniffer tool to catch the packet in both Poly graph Server ( and Squid server side ( I could see send out SYNs, they SYNs were also could be captured in PolyServer( side , but no ack were genenated by

RE: [squid-users] Urgent Help Needed :Two Squid Servers performance issue when working with NAT

2008-07-24 Thread Adam Carter
part of netstat -na in squid2 output like following: tcp0 1 SYN_SENT This shows that cant communication with, so assuming no firewalling, you have a routing problem (which could be a NAT problem). Run

RE: [squid-users] Squid in the Enterpise

2008-07-19 Thread Adam Carter
I agree. But we have infrastructure problems that really push hard to make it a single ip. We'll be doing WCCP and standard proxy. But a large number of the clients have hardcoded proxy ips and make it prohibitive to change it to a new address. So you have two options: - setup this hardcoded

RE: [squid-users] Squid in the Enterpise

2008-07-17 Thread Adam Carter
I am running into the standard Open Source fear at my local site. Ask the fearmongers if they've ever heard of a little piece of software called BIND, or maybe Apache... Also, you should probably get pricing on commercial squid support, to let management know that it can be had and how much

RE: [squid-users] Squid in the Enterpise

2008-07-17 Thread Adam Carter
you should bear in mind that for a cache to be truly effective at bandwidth conservation (if that is your goal) it needs to be placed close to the users. Maybe - it depends if you want to save bandwidth on your LAN or WAN/Internet pipe. AFAIK most organisations are more concerned about WAN

RE: [squid-users] Squid in the Enterpise

2008-07-17 Thread Adam Carter
Our planned deployment box is a 8-way, 16GB ram, 1TB (6 disks I think) server which will be running RedHat Enterprise Linux. There's been some recent list discussions about how squid uses CPU - you'd be much better off with 4 load balanced dual core boxes than one 8 core box. RAM is cheap

RE: [squid-users] Squid on steroids

2008-06-17 Thread Adam Carter
The hard part is going to be directing requests to the proxies, and handling failure well. I haven't done ISP proxy deployments in a long time, so I'll leave it to others to give you advice on that part. I'm assuming you'll want it to be transparent (e.g., use WCCP)? If transparent, WCCPv2

RE: [squid-users] Failure URL

2008-04-22 Thread Adam Carter
I currently have a set of rules such that a certain range of IP addresses have ZERO internet access. However, I would like to use the Failure URL feature to send a customized message to the users at these denied IP addresses. The problem seems to be, since they have no access they can't

RE: [squid-users] Squid2-only plugin from Secure Computing

2008-04-15 Thread Adam Carter
I think SmartFilter patches the squid source, so is tied to specific versions. It certainly adds another option to the configure script. You can download it for free from SecureComputing's website and have look. Sorry I cant be more helpful but I'm not a developer. Smartfilter 4.2.1

RE: [squid-users] acl from file

2008-04-08 Thread Adam Carter
I have a huge txt file with domains that I want to ban, like this: .etc I not sure I i can do this at my acl configuration acl banneddommains dstdomain /path/file.txt RTFM :-) From squid.conf; # TAG: acl # Defining an Access List # # acl aclname

RE: [squid-users] No memory left, buffers eats all ram. Is anysolution?

2008-04-06 Thread Adam Carter
I have sever with 8GB memory ps aux shows that squid is using max 3467800. Are you running a 64bit OS and 64bit squid?

RE: [squid-users] block chat

2008-04-02 Thread Adam Carter
i m setting up squid proxy to block gtalk msn, etc... i found through internet to block port 5223 5222 for gtalk i tried to block by acl block_port 5223 5222 but it didnt block plz guide me to block these chat thansks squid only can do something when those are tunelled through

RE: [squid-users] Can squid re-load any caches into memory from thedisk cache.

2008-03-31 Thread Adam Carter
Does anyone know how to re-load the object into the memory from the disk cache? At the moment? You have to expire the object and refetch it. So if an object gets written to disk, then subsequently becomes frequently requested, will this compromise performance as the object must now be

RE: [squid-users] RAID is good (was: Re: [squid-users] Hardwaresetup ?)

2008-03-26 Thread Adam Carter
Recently I've spent a fair bit of time benchmarking a Squid system whose COSS and AUFS storage (10GB total) + access logging are on a RAID0 array of two consumer grade SATA disks. For various reasons, I'm stuck with RAID0 for now, but I thought you might be interested to hear that the box

RE: [squid-users] Using a parent cache for content filtering only

2008-03-26 Thread Adam Carter
I disabled the parent cache and tested the speed and it was a remarkable difference. Performance problems on the parent? Using a parent in another country would effect latency but shouldn't effect throughput.

RE: [squid-users] How can I tell if snmp has been compiled intoSquid?

2008-03-25 Thread Adam Carter
Is there a command I can run on Squid to see what options have been compiled in? Run squid -v and look for '--enable-snmp' in the output

RE: [squid-users] Squid2-only plugin from Secure Computing

2008-03-20 Thread Adam Carter
I would be happy to try to resolve this issue with Secure Computing. However, I need more information: - What exactly is the Secure Computing plugin that supports Squid2 and does not support Squid3? Does it have a name and a version number? I think SmartFilter patches the squid source, so is

RE: [squid-users] Squid Future (was Re: [squid-users] Squid-2,Squid-3, roadmap)

2008-03-16 Thread Adam Carter
My 2c WRT 2 v 3 etc; - We currently run commercial proxies and are looking to replace them with squid boxes, however recent list discussion is making me a little nervous. I would have used 2.6 for performance (need to support 10K users) and for - Secure Computing's Smartfilter. It currently

RE: [squid-users] I want to purge too many TIME_WAITs immediatelyafter closing HTTP port.

2008-02-26 Thread Adam Carter
It sounds like the problem is source port exhaustion, for the outgoing sessions that squid creates. Why do you consider the TIME_WAIT as such to be a problem? There is no significant problem to have some hundreds of thousand TIME_WAIT sockets on a server port. Wouldn't there be a 65,536

RE: [squid-users] round robin DNS and the occassional failing IP.

2008-02-26 Thread Adam Carter
dig +recurse +additional +authority +notrace A (which I freely admit I could be using wrong, or my upstream ncsd server on the host I am on now and exhibited these problems before, could be silly) I think it would be highly unlikely that google would be advertising a dead

RE: [squid-users] Squid currently not working.

2008-02-23 Thread Adam Carter
I suggest you check your IPTABLES rules for opennig the squid port. may be closed Iptables could stop you from accessing the port, but couldn't stop squid from opening the port in the first place. Its not an iptables issue IMO. I did have SELinux installed onto it. For Nima, I didn't know

RE: [squid-users] Squid currently not working.

2008-02-22 Thread Adam Carter
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid currently not working. [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ps aux |grep squid root 16205 0.0 0.0 4044 680 pts/2S+ 13:14 0:00 grep squid I also went through squid.conf to eliminate most of the comments(assuming # lines are comments(pretty sure about

RE: [squid-users] Squid currently not working.

2008-02-20 Thread Adam Carter
Where are the log files that I am supposed to be looking at? They are defined in squid.conf, eg on my system; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ grep cache.log /etc/squid/squid.conf # TAG: cache_log cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log # cache.log log file is written with stdio functions, and as such #

RE: [squid-users] Squid currently not working.

2008-02-20 Thread Adam Carter
FATAL: Cannot open HTTP Port Squid Cache (Version 2.6.STABLE16): Terminated abnormally. Supposedly by what this says, the port can't be opened. I made sure that the firewall had it opened and that my router was forwarding it. Its not a firewall thing, its the operating system not allowing

RE: [squid-users] Squid currently not working.

2008-02-20 Thread Adam Carter
Are you running it as root? I's say he is - I have a fedora 8 box (squid is not actually used on this box AFAIK); [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ service squid start sed: can't read /etc/squid/squid.conf: Permission denied init_cache_dir /var/spool/squid... /etc/init.d/squid: line 68:

RE: [squid-users] Squid currently not working.

2008-02-19 Thread Adam Carter
So now I am currently in the jam of finding out why it is currently not working correctly. cache_log seems like a good place to start looking. What OS is this?

[squid-users] Hardware sizing

2008-01-18 Thread Adam Carter
Hi All, Our current proprietory webcaches push about 100Mbps and are due for replacement, so we're looking at Squid. Assuming Lintel platform, what spec of hardware would provide, say 2-3 times that performance? We run LDAP authentication, complex ACLs and SmartFilter. Cheers, Adam