I need to access a session attribute in Applet. Since it can't be passed into Applet
as a parameter from a JSP file, I need to figure out a way to retrieve it.
Thanks for your inputs.
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Thanks very much Craig for you response.
>>To my knowledge, the Tiles and the component serve the same functionality but doing
>>thing differently. I am not sure what your "compatible" mean here. In regarding of
>>i18n, the Tiles forces us to use the a set of JSP files per locale approach while
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Tiles was designed to be backwardly compatible, so it's liable to drop
>right in you want to migrate.
>HTH, Ted.
>Vernon Smith wrote:
>> Anyone out there still use the layo
This question indeed has be asked before. JSF only covers the frontend portion of an
application, namingly the V and C. The Struts addresses more development issues.
An article on integration Struts and JSF recently appears on the developerWork(IBM)
web (if my memory is correct). That is to say
ble to drop
>right in you want to migrate.
>HTH, Ted.
>Vernon Smith wrote:
>> Anyone out there still use the layout component, the one before the Tile? Any usage
>> problem on Tomcat 4.1.x up? I believe it was contributed by David Geary.
Anyone out there still use the layout component, the one before the Tile? Any usage
problem on Tomcat 4.1.x up? I believe it was contributed by David Geary.
Get advanced SPAM filtering on Webmail or POP Mail ... Get Lycos M
ced in your debug output that you're using TilesServlet. Are you
using Struts 1.1? You don't need the TilesServlet; all you need is to
configure the TilesPlugin.
From: Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED
ng is right, the definition of "FRONT" can be found. The
JSP file have the following two lines:
<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-tiles.tld' prefix='tiles' %>
What is missing here?
On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 07:01:55 -0800, Vernon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/progjakstruts_14/index2.html. It
is about Struts. I don't use Struts however. How I initialize the Tiles?
On Fri, 04 Apr 2003 10:12:48 +0200, Cedric Dumoulin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The error message says that the definition factory is not found. Have you
initialized the tile plugin ?
efix="tiles" uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-tiles.tld" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/c.tld" %>
If I erase all defintions, but keep the first one, the attributes wouldn't
The Tiles is from ht
ing and archive Tiles. Can I build Tile from the source? If yes, how I can do it?
Thanks for your helps.
n? is still not true even in
Struts. Does your code also
demonstrate locale resetting?
10/22/2002 8:15:28 AM, Russ Bonsall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The last time I checked the Pet Store application does not use Struts. If
>you look at the Struts source c
locale method, demonstrated
in the latest version PS is
not the best way by today's standard. Take a look at JSP/JSTL articales on onjava.com
by Hans Bergsten.
Hope this helps.
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For additional
d JaveServer Pages" by
David Geary. The frameworks
introduced in the book are very similar with those in Struts, including MVC one.
If you want to write back, please send to my email address.
10/20/2002 9:32:49 PM, "Nat Papovich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
for a heavy loaded
Thanks for sharing your informaiton.
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10/3/2002 5:42:19 AM, "Galbreath, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Use the attached JavaScript file for your codebase and call the appropriate
>function based on the user's action (onChange(), delete, submite, etc.).
>It's self-eviden
I have two selected lists in a form. The data in the second list will change
accordingly when the selected item in the first
list is changed. My question is how to get the second selected item for the formbean.
I use a framworks similar with
Struts. Here is the code segment:
Your solution covers the log off case. How about session time out, say, a user leave a
page of the application and
browse another site. There isn't log off action in this case.
9/23/2002 7:31:36 PM, "Miller, Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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Thanks for explaining your solution.
9/23/2002 7:31:36 PM, "Miller, Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
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not familiar with what you mean by "stored as
>a DOM" or the implications of that, so maybe this is a bad suggestion ;-)
>Vernon Wu wrote:
>>I need to implement a message system, sort like email but inside the Java
>web application only for its users. After one
That can't be true since JSTL comes after the Struts tag library.
What is your definition of "easier"?
9/23/2002 4:22:21 PM, Matt Raible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It seems that Struts makes it much easier to do i18n than JSTL. Please
>correct me if I'm wrong.
>Struts =
I don't follow you. Can you explain with more details?
9/23/2002 3:55:04 PM, Eddie Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yeah you could persist it to a DB though and show the message from the
>DB when they ask to do that... and just rely on your
>session-manager-thingie for notification.
I have tried something similar with yours: a object stored in the session and with a
implementation. When the invalidate method is called in the logoff action, it is too
late for the valueUnbound method to
retrieve anything from the session since it is invalid alrea
ntil they refresh at page at least. You'd just have to include
>something that polled for new messages in each page you wanted them to
>receive notification. I'm not familiar with what you mean by "stored as
>a DOM" or the implications of that, so maybe this is
In order to keep track of who is online, I need to keep a list of on line users. When
a user sign in, which can have more
than one routes, an account information object is created. The class implements the
interface. The user id is added into the list in the valueBou
how the notification shall be
implemented. I only use a web
container, and considering to add in a JMS server for IM.
Any suggestions?
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