pdf file open.

2004-03-09 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, I am trying to open a pdf file. I am using servlet and struts in my application. Everything is working fine except it ask me two times do you want to open or save the file, once for the file whoes name is session id and second time for the actual file. Am i doing some thing wrong. Please

File path validation in formfile.

2003-11-24 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi I am using the org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile. Now i want to validate wheather a file path entered by user is valid or not. Thanks and Regards Deepak. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

forward to new window.

2003-11-20 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, I have a requirement, based on certain condition in action class i want the forward to open a page in same window or different page in new window how can i implement this. thanks in advance Deepak. - To unsubscribe,


2003-11-12 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi All, Please help me how to do this. I want to create a instance of ActionError, but i don't want to the messages to be taken from applicationresource.properties file. I have to give some other message which will be hard coded. sample code I want some thing like this, err = new

ActionErrors are not displayed after page is refreshed.

2003-11-06 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, I have a jsp in which i have written the following code to display the errors, logic:messagesPresent p CLASS=errorsHeader bean:message key=errors.validation.header/ /p html:messages id=error lic:out value=${error}//li /html:messages hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH=620

Can't insert page '../common/comLayout.jsp' : Connection reset by peer: socket write error

2003-11-05 Thread deepaksawdekar
after the execution of execute method of the action class i am getting this error. Any idea why i am getting this error. DEBUG [Thread-3] org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor -

RE: Can't insert page '../common/comLayout.jsp' : Connection reset by peer: socket write error

2003-11-05 Thread deepaksawdekar
avoid this error, what may be wrong. Secondly can i avoid calling the function again. error message is attach to my earlier mail. Thanks and Regards Deepak. -Original Message- From: deepaksawdekar Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 4:17 PM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: Can't insert

Default buttons

2003-10-20 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, How can i define a default buttons on a jsp developed using struts. My requirement is that on when i press enter key from keyboard page should get submit (eventually calling onclick of submit) and when i click on esc key it should be cancel ( callin onclick of cancel) . Thanks and

default for parameter

2003-09-29 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, I have a action class extended for DispatchAction class. Is there any way if the parameter value is not define it will call some predefine method. e.g my strut config is as follows action path=/Project type=com.ft.pmp.gui.action.local.ProjectAction name=ProjectForm

RE: Disabling Buttons on View

2003-09-24 Thread deepaksawdekar
you can try some thing like this. logic:notEmpty name=channelForm property=productList c:set var=disable value=true / /logic:notEmpty html:submit onclick=set('editProduct'); disabled=%=disable % bean:message key=button.edit//html:submit Thanks and Regards Deepak. -Original

web site usage statistics

2003-09-22 Thread deepaksawdekar
Any pointer to implement this for struts appliation. Deepak. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Getting JasperException no getter method for property

2003-09-19 Thread deepaksawdekar
Change the name of This variables. public ColDataBean getDataarray(int index) { return (ColDataBean)dataarray.get(index); } /** * Set the myarray. * @param myarray The myarray to set */ public void setDataarray(int index ,

org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error

2003-09-18 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi All, I am using struts and jstl on tomcat. But when I start the tomcat I always get this error. Even though my application works fine. I would like to know what these error and how to get rid of them Sep 18, 2003 2:47:53 PM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester error SEVERE: Parse Error at

Sample code for Pagination.

2003-09-17 Thread deepaksawdekar
Where can i get the sample taglib for pagination tag. Thanks and Regards Deepak - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Desing Question

2003-09-15 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hello, I have a separate Data Object and Action Form bean. In my form beans have a attribute which corresponds to Data Object. And had written a separate setter and getter methods for each attribute of Data object and some addition required for working of struts. Like this. e.g. public class

Tiles and Struts.

2003-09-15 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hello, We are using struts and tiles for view component of our application. We are facing the problem of setting the title for the jsp. The title has to be taken from the properties file and it depends upon the body of the tiles. Any pointer how to do this. my jsp file is as follows. %@

RE: One form multiple Action mapping

2003-09-15 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hey you can do some thing like this. c:if test=${TechnologyForm.action == 'CREATE'} c:set var=action value=/CreateTechnology.do / /c:if c:if test=${TechnologyForm.action == 'SUBMITTED'} c:set var=action value=/TechnologyList.do / /c:if c:if

RE: Error:Cannot find bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN in any Scope

2003-09-12 Thread deepaksawdekar
Action attribute in form tag will be missing. if its the requirement, added the name attribute to all the html: tags. Deepak. -Original Message- From: Ritvik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 8:08 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Error:Cannot find bean

design question

2003-09-12 Thread deepaksawdekar
I am displaying some dropdown boxes on my jsp. I have to take the values for them from ApplicationResource file. I have writen a separate file which will read the properties file and return me the values in array list. Now I have to set this arraylist to the property of my form bean, now the

RE: problem in getproperties.

2003-09-10 Thread deepaksawdekar
Subject: RE: problem in getproperties. Why are you creating a new I/O object when the execute method gets the resource passed as a parameter argument? MessageResources properties = getResources( request ); properties.getProperty( key ); Mark -Original Message- From: deepaksawdekar

getproperty for html:options tag returns null.

2003-09-10 Thread deepaksawdekar
I am using following code in a jsp, html:select property=location styleClass=TextBox size=1 html:options property=locationListValues /html:options /html:select when getLocationListValues return Null i got the error page saying getlocationlistvalues return null and so so... I this there

problem in getproperties.

2003-09-09 Thread deepaksawdekar
I am using following code to access the property from properties file in my action class. Code snippet is as follows... .. InputStream in = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream( propertyFilePath); properties.load(in); value = properties.getProperty(key); When I write the main in action

RE: Tabindex missing in html:link generated code.

2003-09-05 Thread deepaksawdekar
page=/images/nav/homeOff.gif imageName=home alt=[Home] border=0 tabindex=1 / /html:link Cheers Mark On Wednesday, September 3, 2003, at 06:00 AM, deepaksawdekar wrote: Thanks mark, I tried it but its not working at my end. Even I tried to put sparrow, but in vain. I am

bean:message problem

2003-09-05 Thread deepaksawdekar
When i have a number as a key in properties file, tag bean:message key=10007 / gives me some wired error. I am using this tag in javascripts. Deepak. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands,

RE: bean:message problem

2003-09-05 Thread deepaksawdekar
Sorry My mistake . Wrong properties file. Had put value in double quotes. like 10007=error; -Original Message- From: deepaksawdekar Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 3:43 PM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: bean:message problem When i have a number as a key in properties

How to set action in javascript.

2003-09-05 Thread deepaksawdekar
I am using the same jsp for create and modify techonolgy. Due to this i am facing some problems, like for that i need to set the action in the javascript. But for that i have to give the full path of action including base folder. which i think its hardcoding, which i want to avoid. Is there

Tabindex not working in html:link

2003-09-02 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, I am using tabindex to set my tab sequence. I need to set the tabindex for link also, my jsp as a line . . html:link page=/NewContact.do tabindex=28Create new/html:link . . But the html is generates as follows for the above line.. a href=/WebGUI/NewContact.doCreate new/a ... missing

Tabindex missing in html:link generated code.

2003-09-02 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, I am using tabindex to set my tab sequence. jsp as a code . . html:link page=/NewContact.do tabindex=28Create new/html:link . . Generated html code for the above jsp is a href=/WebGUI/NewContact.doCreate new/a ... missing tabindex am i doing something wrong... Deepak

RE: Tabindex missing in html:link generated code.

2003-09-02 Thread deepaksawdekar
, at 04:46 PM, deepaksawdekar wrote: Hi, I am using tabindex to set my tab sequence. jsp as a code . . html:link page=/NewContact.do tabindex=28Create new/html:link . . Generated html code for the above jsp is a href=/WebGUI/NewContact.doCreate new/a ... missing tabindex am i

RE: Repost: Validations in Action Form

2003-09-01 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, What about the setter methods of the action form. They may throw some IllegalArgumentException when you are trying to set some of wrong arguments in the form. How will you take care it. Deepak. -Original Message- From: Joe @ Team345 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, August

How to disable a component based on bean property.

2003-08-26 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi All, I need to disable the html:text component based on some property of bean. Any pointer how can i achive this. Thanks and Regards Deepak . - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail:

RE: Design question

2003-08-26 Thread deepaksawdekar
Thanks a lot navjot. I will try this. Deepak . -Original Message- From: Navjot Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:20 AM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: RE: Design question | |Now my questions are : |1 I am doing write something wrong. It's better

RE: Problem build war using Ant

2003-08-25 Thread deepaksawdekar
# contains jsp files |_ src # contains .java files. Thanks and regards Deeapk. -Original Message- From: Navjot Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 12:21 PM To: Struts Users Mailing List; deepaksawdekar Subject: RE: Problem build war using Ant hi

RE: Problem build war using Ant

2003-08-25 Thread deepaksawdekar
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 11:50 AM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: RE: Problem build war using Ant have you checked the ANT version? |-Original Message- |From: deepaksawdekar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 10:39 AM |To: Navjot

Design question

2003-08-25 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, We are developing a application which will have number of create screens, as follows : Create Technology screen, Create Project screen, Create user screen. etc Each screen will have a asssociated formbean as follows. TechnologyForm for Create Technology screen ProjectForm for Create

Problem build war using Ant

2003-08-22 Thread deepaksawdekar
I am using Ant to build my war file. my build file is target name=createwar war destfile=${war.file.name} webxml=WEB-INF/myapp.xml fileset dir=./pages excludes=*.war, **/*.nbattrs, *.java/ webinf dir=./etcincludes=*.tld, ./struts-config.xml

RE: no getter method found

2003-08-20 Thread deepaksawdekar
in the method name first character after get or set should be captial, and while refering a property in jsp the first character should be small eg. if you have a bean property as . . . String lastName; String getLastName() { } void

mailto in html:link

2003-08-20 Thread deepaksawdekar
I want to send a email on click of some icon. I am doing this by using mailto in html:link tag, email id has to be get from a property of bean, jsp is as follows .. html:link href=mailto:mytag:map name=it key=email/mytag:map/html:link mytag is a customised tag to get a value of

validation and setter methods.

2003-08-20 Thread deepaksawdekar
When i submit a form, which method is called first, Validation or setter method of formbean. TIA Deepak. - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mailto in html:link

2003-08-20 Thread deepaksawdekar
I want to send a email on click of some icon. I am doing this by using mailto in html:link tag, email id has to be get from a property of bean, jsp is as follows .. html:link href=mailto:mytag:map name=it key=email/mytag:map/html:link mytag is a customised tag to get a value of

Performance of UI for Struts.

2003-08-20 Thread deepaksawdekar
Hi, Please excuse me for the question but I want to test the performance of my User interface developed using struts. Mainly I want to test how much time it takes to load the page if execute method of action class doesn't do any thing except forwarding the request. Is there any tool to do

exception in actionfrom class.

2003-08-19 Thread deepaksawdekar
I am using the containment design patter for the ActionForm. My action form will look like this. public final class ContactForm extends ActionForm { private ContactInfo contactInfo; public int getContactid() { return contactInfo.getContactId(); } public

Tiles. using action for attribute value.

2003-08-18 Thread deepaksawdekar
Title: Tiles. using action for attribute value. I am using tiles Using struts for the page layout I am using following jsp file to insert the approprate files %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles % tiles:insert page=/common/layout.jsp flush=true tiles:put

Tiles. using action for attribute value.

2003-08-18 Thread deepaksawdekar
I am using tiles Using struts for the normal header, left menu, body and footer page layout I am using following jsp file to insert the approprate files %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles % tiles:insert page=/common/layout.jsp flush=true tiles:put name=header

how to pass property value to javascript

2003-08-15 Thread deepaksawdekar
How to pass the propery value to javascript function. I am trying to do some thing like this, I have number of images in the from, now on click of image i want the name of image to set in some session variable. I was not able to set the name of image in to session variable directly. So i used

RE: RE : multiple applicationresources.properties file.

2003-08-14 Thread deepaksawdekar
yes. -Message d'origine- De : deepaksawdekar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : mercredi 13 août 2003 13:08 À : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Objet : multiple applicationresources.properties file. Can we use mutilple applicationresources.properties files in struts1.1 ? Deepak

difference between dispatchAction and Action class.

2003-08-14 Thread deepaksawdekar
What the pros and cons of using different Action class instead of one dispatchAction class ? TIA Deepak - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

multiple applicationresources.properties file.

2003-08-14 Thread deepaksawdekar
Can we use mutilple applicationresources.properties files in struts1.1 ? Deepak - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]