I18N question

2002-03-26 Thread liquid
Hi! In my application I have an enumeration called priority containg values low, normal and high. At one point of the application the user can enter the priority using a selection list. Localizing here works fine like this: html:select property=priorityhtml:option value=low

Re: I18N question

2002-03-26 Thread liquid
Ok, sorry for posting before having thought hard enough ;-) At least i found a solution: logic:equal name=bean property=priority value=lowbean:message key=priority.low//logic:equal logic:equal name=bean property=priority value=normalbean:message key=priority.normal//logic:equal logic:equal

html:iframe tag missing

2002-03-18 Thread liquid
Hi! I am missing a tag for creating iframes... Something like html:iframe ... would be cool. What is the best way do use iframes without such a tag ? Probably simply using the normal iframe tag in combination with html:rewrite ? Any comments ? thanks, gernot.

Re: nested:iterate, indexed formvar names, and modifying their properties via javascript after the page is rendered.

2002-03-15 Thread liquid
Hi! I had a similar problem, but I am still using struts 1.0.2 release build so I have no access to the nested tags - still, I think, I found a solution: table logic:iterate id=entry name=searchresult scope=request type=foo indexId=index tr tdinput name=cbx%=index.intValue()%