RE: Character encoding issue

2003-12-17 Thread Seyed Razavi
Well to answer my own question: The source of the problem was found. A compression filter (gzipping the response) seems to have been the culprit. > -Original Message- > From: Seyed Razavi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: 17 December 2003 17:37 > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Charact

Re: Character Encoding

2003-10-01 Thread Adam Hardy
PS The second character looks like a U, but the left hand upright is forked. On 10/01/2003 01:22 PM Stephan Wiesner wrote: Hmh, so it seems. Can't present the result in plain text, but the results are wrong and the usage of new String(original.getBytes(), "UTF8"); leads to a different result.

Re: Character Encoding

2003-10-01 Thread Adam Hardy
On a page encoded with UTF-8, I am showing the proper ü and presumably the correct character after it on the 'original' line, but in the second line, I just get ? for both. On 10/01/2003 01:22 PM Stephan Wiesner wrote: Hmh, so it seems. Can't present the result in plain text, but the results ar

Re: Character Encoding

2003-10-01 Thread Stephan Wiesner
Hmh, so it seems. Can't present the result in plain text, but the results are wrong and the usage of new String(original.getBytes(), "UTF8"); leads to a different result. Adam Hardy wrote: Hi Stephan, I think the attachment got stripped off by the list server. On 10/01/2003 11:12 AM Stephan W

Re: Character Encoding

2003-10-01 Thread Adam Hardy
Hi Stephan, I think the attachment got stripped off by the list server. On 10/01/2003 11:12 AM Stephan Wiesner wrote: Hi Remke, thanks for the link to the tool, quite useful. The header is correct in my case, though. Here is a simple source example: String original = new String("A'lü>&[\u05E9]");

RE: Character Encoding

2003-10-01 Thread Brian McSweeney
Sounds suspiciously like your database isn't configured for UTF-8 -Original Message- From: Stephan Wiesner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 01 October 2003 09:13 To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: Re: Character Encoding Hi Remke, thanks for the link to the tool, quite useful

Re: Character Encoding

2003-10-01 Thread Stephan Wiesner
Hi Remke, thanks for the link to the tool, quite useful. The header is correct in my case, though. Here is a simple source example: String original = new String("A'lü>&[\u05E9]"); String out1 = new String(original.getBytes(), "UTF8"); out.println("Original: " + original + "UTF-8: "); out.println(

RE: Character Encoding

2003-10-01 Thread Remke Rutgers
Hi Stephan, The instruction you use to force UTF-8 looks fine to me, so I don't know why it does not work. This is the way we do it in several web applications too. They are non-public sites, so I am sorry I can not simply let you try them out. Manual transformation should not be necessary. First

Re: Character encoding problem

2002-12-29 Thread Dan Tran
I have seen the i18N problems several time last few days. Here is the link and hope it helps You may need to get another database that support Unicode which MySQL is not. -Dan - Original Message - From: "struts struts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RE: Character Encoding wrong just for ApplicationResources!

2002-02-14 Thread Chris Birch
OPTinity eBusiness Solutions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 14 February 2002 08:40 To: Struts Users Mailing List Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Character Encoding wrong just for ApplicationResources! Thanks for your response. But I have already saved the ApplicationResource file in Unicode

Re: Character Encoding wrong just for ApplicationResources!

2002-02-14 Thread Hertzel Karbasi - OPTinity eBusiness Solutions
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 12:15 AM Subject: Re: Character Encoding wrong just for ApplicationResources! > or you can covert your properties file strings from native to unicode using this > method > > retu

Re: Character Encoding wrong just for ApplicationResources!

2002-02-13 Thread Louis Leung
or you can covert your properties file strings from native to unicode using this method return new String(oldString.getBytes(), encoding); where encoding is the native encoding u used in your properties file more 'bout charset encoding/decoding on this page :

Re: Character Encoding wrong just for ApplicationResources!

2002-02-13 Thread Louis Leung
your properties file have to be written in Unicode encoding, not the native encoding, or else java will screw your characters up, since java can only deal with unicode Hertzel Karbasi - OPTinity eBusiness Solutions wrote: > Hello All > > I have added the following to JSP files > > <%@ page con


2002-01-24 Thread Martin Fekete
tomcat 4.x. one of them is setCharacterEncoding filter, which is what you need. Feky - Original Message - From: "timothy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:02 AM Subject: Re: CHARACTER


2002-01-24 Thread Martin Fekete
ROTECTED]> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:05 PM Subject: Re: CHARACTER ENCODING ! > Ok Peter great, but I am using tomcat which gives this errror message when > setting encoding to utf-


2002-01-24 Thread Wasniewski Arkadiusz
Polish chars in index.jsp are in iso-8859-2 not UTF-8! Arek > -Original Message- > From: wojtek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:19 PM > To: Struts Users Mailing List > Subject: Re: CHARACTER ENCODING ! > > > Here it go


2002-01-23 Thread timothy
y Strategus Partners Ltd - Original Message - From: "Lee, Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "'Struts Users Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:48 AM Subject: RE: CHARACTER ENCODING ! > Hi,


2002-01-23 Thread Lee, Dennis
es '??'. Anybody can give some more help ? Best Regards, Dennis Lee -Original Message- From: Christopher Cheng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:11 AM To: Struts Users Mailing List Cc: wojtek Subject: RE: CHARACTER ENCODING ! Same here. I am buildi


2002-01-23 Thread wojtek
Here it goes, thanks for help. Wojtek head.jsp Description: Binary data index.jsp Description: Binary data -- Myslisz o otworzeniu wlasnego sklepu internetowego? A moze o wynajeciu stoiska w wirtualnym pasazu? W Centrum e-biznesu mozesz miec jedno i drugie. Juz od 290 zl za rok. Wybierz


2002-01-23 Thread Peter . Zybrick
PM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: Re: CHARACTER ENCODING ! Ok Peter great, but I am using tomcat which gives this errror message when setting encoding to utf-8 A Servlet Exception Has Occurred org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: Cannot read file: ze file


2002-01-23 Thread wojtek
org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspReader.(Unknown Source) at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.(Unknown Source) - Original Message - From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 9:55 PM Subject: RE: CHARACTER ENCODING ! > i've tes


2002-01-23 Thread Peter . Zybrick
import="*" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"%> Pete Zybrick -Original Message- From: wojtek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 3:53 PM To: Struts Users Mailing List Subject: Re: CHARACTER ENCODING ! Hi, My JSP looks


2002-01-23 Thread wojtek
regards Wojtek - Original Message - From: "Martin Fekete" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 10:51 AM Subject: Re: CHARACTER ENCODING ! > in JSP you should use page directive


2002-01-22 Thread Rob Breeds
Wojtek Are you setting locale with: ? Rob Breeds "wojtek"