Hi Tony, (and other List members)
Concerning your E-mail problem, it is likely that something has changed
with your computer configuration - or (more likely) the specific E-mail
software it uses, so this no longer complies with "RFC 5322" standards.
A very common situation (particularly for comp
--- Begin Message ---
H all,
SML messages received recently (Mac OS 10.6.8) have arrived as small
'suitcases' which I cannot open. I was even unable to open/read a message that
I sent to SML earlier today. I hope this is a temporary problem.
Tony Moss.--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi all,
I've just received some nice pictures of the reproduction of a 1773
dial made originally by Heath and Wing of London which was re-delineated in
2010 for its new home at Holland College on Prince Edward Island in Canada
showing six years of interesting pati