[Biofuel] Monsanto Soy Patent Revoked after 13-year Battle

2007-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
ETC Group News Release 3 May 2007 www.etcgroup.org REVOKED!! Monsanto Monopoly Nixed in Munich but little joy in foiling soy ploy at this late date Munich - The European Patent Office today put the brakes on Monsanto's over-the-top corporate greed by revoking its species-wide patent on all

[Biofuel] Dow shareholders question Bhopal memo

2007-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
See: http://snipurl.com/oxks [Biofuel] More about Bhopal Dow shareholders question Bhopal memo Amnesty International has called for a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigation of Dow Chemical Co. after the disclosure of an internal company memo exposing Dow's effort to

Re: [Biofuel] Biofuels Report: How Green is my Tank? (The Ecologist)

2007-05-04 Thread Zeke Yewdall
2500 lbs seems a bit heavy. My old pickup truck only weighs in at 2,600 lbs, empty. With fiberglass and carbon fiber, it should be possible to make one that's closer to 1,500lbs or less including engine, everything. Wonder if it might be less weight to do a series electric drive system and get

[Biofuel] Two approaches to biodiesel....

2007-05-04 Thread Zeke Yewdall
One of my friends is working with a rapeseed variety that can grow in the plains of eastern colorado without irrigation -- many of the farmers out there own more land than they can grow wheat on with the limited acquifer draws they are allowed. So, why not grow rapeseed on the rest of it

[Biofuel] Venezuela: Chavez Dumps Monsanto

2007-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.globalpolicy.org/socecon/tncs/2004/0505venezuela.htm Venezuela: Chavez Dumps Monsanto By Jason Tockman Green Left Weekly May 5, 2004 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias has announced that the cultivation of genetically modified crops will be prohibited on Venezuelan soil,

[Biofuel] Ban on Monsanto genetically modified alfalfa upheld

2007-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/food_monsanto_dc;_ylt=AvT7Gcl4aYzBnyAW7AhKD2thr7sF - Yahoo! News Ban on Monsanto genetically modified alfalfa upheld By Jim Christie Thu May 3, 5:25 PM ET SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Citing the potential for genetic contamination, a U.S. judge on Thursday let stand a

[Biofuel] Millions Of Chickens Fed Tainted Pet Food

2007-05-04 Thread Kirk McLoren
st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } Millions Of Chickens Fed Tainted Pet Food http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/01/AR2007050102071.html Risk to Consumers Minimal, FDA Says By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff

Re: [Biofuel] Biofuels Report: How Green is my Tank? (The Ecologist)

2007-05-04 Thread Jason Katie
what about the new(ish) continuous drive transmission toyota is using? i'm not entirely sure five big magnet and/or coil sets would be any less weight than a single front drive transmission. there would have to be some colossal energy density to get small enough motors tough enough move a car