Sure! I have a copy somewhere. I remember it being a not-uninteresting game with some quirky features (including the ones you mention) that was something of a cult favorite. (Though the "attitude adjuster" wasn't new; I recall something similar in an early-'90s 3D adventure from Electronic Zoo call
S (Buy All Adventure Games Syndrome).
-Original Message-
From: "C.E. Forman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Apr 25, 2004 12:26 PM
To: Software Collectibles Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [SWCollect] Gothos
Anybody else heard of this game? I picked up a cop
Anybody else heard of this game? I picked up a copy this weekend in a
thrift for a couple of bucks. No entry on MobyGames, and no active or
completed auctions on eBay.
It's a vampire/horror adventure by Microforum, 1997. M for Mature. Graphic
adventure with icon interface. There's an "attitud