If you haven’t tried it yet, perhaps commenting out the content of the
Row file will prevent the crash and let the build fail with normal errors? Then
you can comment in parts of the file and see where the crash is occurring.
As to the overall stability of the compiler, stuff lik
> On Oct 24, 2016, at 3:09 PM, Ryan Lovelett wrote:
>> Not being able to assign the function reference is a bug. As a
>> workaround, you should be able to unsafeBitCast CC_SHA1_Update to the
>> appropriate type.
>> -Joe
> Two questions:
> 1. Is this an already reported bug? If so, wo
> Not being able to assign the function reference is a bug. As a
> workaround, you should be able to unsafeBitCast CC_SHA1_Update to the
> appropriate type.
> -Joe
Two questions:
1. Is this an already reported bug? If so, would you happen to know what
it is so I can track it for resolution (to
> On Oct 24, 2016, at 2:24 PM, Ryan Lovelett via swift-users
> wrote:
> import CommonCrypto
> protocol Foo {
> associatedtype Context
> var context: Context { get set }
> var bar: (UnsafeMutablePointer!, UnsafeRawPointer!, CC_LONG)
> -> Int32 { get }
> }
> struct SHA1: Foo {
> var
I'm a bit depressed to report that our codebase still crashes the Swift
compiler in the version of Xcode released today. And since we're not using ObjC
generics, the issue isn't related to the radar below.
Do I have any other option other than (1) spending who knows how long
attempting to rewri
import CommonCrypto
protocol Foo {
associatedtype Context
var context: Context { get set }
var bar: (UnsafeMutablePointer!, UnsafeRawPointer!, CC_LONG)
-> Int32 { get }
struct SHA1: Foo {
var context: CC_SHA1_CTX
var bar: (UnsafeMutablePointer!, UnsafeRawPointer!,
CC_LONG) -> Int3