Re: [symfony-users] Re: Capturing Widget value on a form

2010-08-09 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello I solved this. It was not working because both fields were declared as primary. -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To

[symfony-users] Re: Capturing Widget value on a form

2010-08-08 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello Daniel, Sorry for being late. I added the widgets in the form.class. I created a module based on Areamedicapersona model. In the /new action only the text values appear, That's why I added the widgets to the areamedicapersona.form.class The Widgets contain the areamedica and sfguarduser

Re: [symfony-users] Re: Capturing Widget value on a form

2010-08-08 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Of course, here it is. -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: [symfony-users] Re: Capturing Widget value on a form

2010-08-08 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello I changed both of the hidden to sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice and in the form I included them. When I try to save a new value it says *Invalid in both fields. -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this

Re: [symfony-users] Call to a member function setLabel() on a non-object

2010-07-17 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
The /Cache folder in the SVN was the problem. All is fine now. -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To post to this group, send

[symfony-users] Call to a member function setLabel() on a non-object

2010-07-15 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello I receive this error every time that I try to add a sfGuarduser the complete error is: Fatal error: Call to a member function setLabel() on a non-object in / opt/lampp/htdocs/unfuddle/hcn/plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/lib/form/ doctrine/base/BasesfGuardUserAdminForm.class.php on line 27

Re: [symfony-users] Re: sfEasyGMapPlugin: Mulitple maps on one page

2010-07-09 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
I tried sfEasyGMapPlugin once, but used Phoogle instead. And you can have as many maps as you want per template -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this

Re: [symfony-users] Calling stored procedures with SF and Doctrine

2010-07-08 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello! Here is the store procedure: DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `hcn`.`distribuirMedicos`$$ CREATE definer=`ro...@`localhost` PROCEDURE `distribuirMedicos`() BEGIN DECLARE medico int; set @medico=(select distinct(sg.group_id) from sf_guard_user_group sg inner join

[symfony-users] Calling stored procedures with SF and Doctrine

2010-07-07 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello I was searching in Google about how to call stored procedures, I found this post in this group: There Praveen recommended to use the following sintax:

Re: [symfony-users] WHAT TO DO: I keep getting 1045 Connection Error when I use php symfony doctrine:insert-sql

2010-07-07 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Try using instead of localhost and in your databases.yml file use ' ' in your password field. password: 'password' -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to

Re: [symfony-users] Re: Jobeet Day 3 data-load problem

2010-07-06 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello Elton Try using instead of localhost and for your pwd password: 'pass' -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To

Re: [symfony-users] Re: Having multiple queries with Lucene in nameTable.Class.php

2010-07-05 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello Gabriel So it is something like this?: ? adminsActions::getFunction(); ? ? -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To

Re: [symfony-users] Re: Having multiple queries with Lucene in nameTable.Class.php

2010-07-05 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Thanks Gabriel! I finally understood your point. Thanks for your help! -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To post to this

Re: [symfony-users] Re: Having multiple queries with Lucene in nameTable.Class.php

2010-07-04 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Thanks for the link Gabriel! But, how can I call that from the templates? Thanks! -- If you want to report a vulnerability issue on symfony, please send it to security at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups symfony users group. To post

[symfony-users] sfLucene with Symfony 1.4 + Doctrine?

2010-06-29 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello I would like to know if this integration is possible. I did this: And it's giving me an sfloader class not found error. After some search in Google I found this by Fabien

Re: [symfony-users] sfLucene with Symfony 1.4 + Doctrine?

2010-06-29 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello Michal. I tried to use Lucene as the jobeet tutorial says but it was giving me the following error, in the searchSuccess template Could not find class Personas (My test class ) in this template: -- // apps/frontend/modules/job/templates/searchSuccess.php?php use_stylesheet('jobs.css') ?

Re: [symfony-users] sfLucene with Symfony 1.4 + Doctrine?

2010-06-29 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello I followed the Jobeet tutorial for lucene. If I just press the search button it shows all the info on the table. But searching for an specific value, it returns nothing. Could the problem be at my schema? This is some of my partial list file: ?php foreach ($personas as $personass): ?

Re: [symfony-users] Re: How I get the sf_user (the logged user) in my controller action???

2010-06-29 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello Rodrigo Two weeks ago I was trying to find a way to display info only related to the logged user. I used this in my action.php public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request) { $id=$this-getUser()-getGuardUser()-getId(); $this-personass = Doctrine::getTable('personas')

[symfony-users] Lucene Search and Symfony

2010-06-27 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello We are using sf 1.4 and doctrine. I installed Lucene according to the Jobeet tutorial. And I've been getting into some problems with it. When I do the search without any values I get the complete table that Lucene is working with. But When I do the search with values I get this error,

[symfony-users] Unknown method SfGuardUser::checkPassword

2010-06-22 Thread Ricardo Jose Guzman Milanes
Hello, After installing sfDoctrineApplyPlugin and calling the Apply in a module . A message appeared telling that SfGuardUserFilter was missing. I proceed to recreate the model filters and forms. Then after recreating everything some files were missing. I copied the files in