Hello Daniel,

Sorry for being late.

I added the widgets in the form.class.

I created a module based on Areamedicapersona model. In the /new
action only the text values appear, That's why I added the widgets to
the areamedicapersona.form.class

The Widgets contain the areamedica and sfguarduser , what I want to do
is that when selected the values get inserted into the db. When
creating a new areamedicapersona I get the following:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or
update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
(`hcn`.`areamedicapersona`, CONSTRAINT
`areamedicapersona_usuarioid_sf_guard_user_id` FOREIGN KEY
(`usuarioid`) REFERENCES `sf_guard_user` (`id`))

INSERT INTO areamedicapersona (bio, pic) VALUES ('test1', 'test2')

Here's an image:

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