Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2013-09-03 Thread sympy
Status: New Owner: Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium New issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution What I am trying to do is this: In [1]: var('a b c d e x') Out[1]: (a, b, c, d, e, x) In [2]: solve( a*x**4

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2013-09-03 Thread sympy
Updates: Status: Valid Labels: Solvers Comment #1 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution What do Sage or Wolfram give? If I remember correctly, there is some term in the general quartic

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2013-09-03 Thread sympy
Comment #2 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution OK, some more details are at issue 1890 (see also the docstring of roots_quartic in sympy/polys/ The issue is that it needs to know if

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2013-09-04 Thread sympy
Comment #3 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution Well if all of the coefficients are not zero, the general solution ( ) should wor

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2014-02-01 Thread sympy
Comment #4 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution It doesn't look like a very complicated problem, but I can't fix it. I'm afraid not to break anything. It seems that the current code is chosen to work w

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2014-02-05 Thread sympy
Comment #5 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution You don't have to worry about not breaking things. We have an extensive test suite to guard against that. It seems that the current code is chosen t

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2014-02-17 Thread sympy
Comment #6 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution For posterity, here are those 4 equations for the equation x**4 + a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0: TH = Rational(1, 3) g = b**2 - 3*a*c + 12*d

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2014-02-18 Thread sympy
Updates: Labels: NeedsReview smichr Comment #7 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution -- You received this message because this project is configured to se

Re: Issue 4003 in sympy: Cannot return general quartic solution

2014-02-20 Thread sympy
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #8 on issue 4003 by Cannot return general quartic solution piecewise is now returned -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications