Am Dienstag, dem 12.11.2024 um 02:13 -0800 schrieb Tony Rodriguez:
> ```
> Hoping I can accomplish the following via a simple UNIT modification or
> service script?
> Questions:
> A) How can my service always runs "last" within
> For Example:
> Need my service
Am Montag, dem 28.10.2024 um 17:56 + schrieb Henti Smith:
> On Mon, 28 Oct 2024 at 13:47, Andrei Borzenkov
> <[](> wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 3:07 PM Henti Smith
> > <[](> wrote:
Am Mittwoch, dem 02.10.2024 um 12:58 -0400 schrieb Brian Reichert:
> ```
> My goal:
> Under SLES12 SP5 running systemd-228, I want to cleanly terminate
> a Java-based SpringBoot application.
> My problem:
> systemd (or at least the version available to me) seemingly is
> terminati
Am Donnerstag, dem 12.09.2024 um 11:09 -0600 schrieb Ben Little:
> Hello this is related to an issue I am experiencing on Manjaro. I have raised
> the issue here:
> [](
Am Freitag, dem 06.09.2024 um 10:18 +0200 schrieb Thomas Köller:
> I am having problems expanding environment variables in a service file.
> This test serivice illustrates the problem:
> `root@yoga:/etc/systemd/system# cat varexp.service`
> ```ini
> [Unit]
> Description = Test environment
Am Donnerstag, dem 15.08.2024 um 14:57 +0100 schrieb Henti Smith:
> > Hi Henti,
> >
> > why can't you [Match] onto `Property="ID_NET_LABEL_ONBOARD=Onboard ETHERNET
> > Controller"`? Is your systemd older than 243? Than you should really update.
> >
> > BR
> > Silvio
> Hi Silvio,
> I'm on
Am Donnerstag, dem 15.08.2024 um 14:07 +0100 schrieb Henti Smith:
> Hello again.
> I've tried multiple ways of matching and none seem to be working.
> I removed all the configuration in /etc/systemd/network, run update-initramfs
> and rebooted.
> The resulting network configuration for
Am Dienstag, dem 13.08.2024 um 17:16 +0100 schrieb Henti Smith:
> Good day everybody.
> I've searched high and low and cannot seem to find an answer for what I'm
> trying to do. The most relevant I found was this [1] thread in 2020, but only
> because I'm using a script to change the contents
Am Montag, dem 05.08.2024 um 15:27 + schrieb Joel GUITTET:
> Hello
> Is there a way when using "machinectl poweroff " to wait until the
> container is effectively totally stopped ? So that the following command
> after machinectl poweroff can be executed safely (in my case un-mounting the
Am Dienstag, dem 06.02.2024 um 16:15 +0100 schrieb Thomas HUMMEL:
> Hello,
> I'm using systemd-239-74 on RHEL 8.8 EUS.
> I was wondering if one can express the following :
> start some service *only and only if/when* all remote mounts (ex: nfs,=
> some parallel fs) has *succeeded
Am Mittwoch, dem 27.09.2023 um 10:31 +0100 schrieb Mark Rogers:
> On Wed, 27 Sept 2023 at 10:18, Mantas Mikulėnas
> <[](> wrote:
> > So now I'm curious: if the first command you run is to bring the interface
> > *down*, then what exactly brought it up?
Hi Marc,
why is it suggested to run `named` within its own chroot? For security reasons?
This can be achieved much easier with systemd native options.
Something like
Description=Internet domain name server
Am Donnerstag, dem 01.09.2022 um 19:17 -0300 schrieb Sergio Belkin:
> El jue, 1 sept 2022 a las 16:22, Silvio Knizek
> () escribió:
> > Am Donnerstag, dem 01.09.2022 um 14:59 -0300 schrieb Sergio Belkin:
> > >
> > > This is the unit file:
> >
Am Donnerstag, dem 01.09.2022 um 14:59 -0300 schrieb Sergio Belkin:
> This is the unit file:
> [Unit]
> Description=VirtualBox VM %i
> vboxdrv.service
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> Restart=no
> TimeoutSec=5min
> IgnoreSIGPIPE=no
Am Dienstag, dem 12.07.2022 um 18:55 +0200 schrieb Thomas HUMMEL:
> Hello,
> I'm using systemd-239-45 on RHEL 8.4 x86_64 AMD nodes on which I disable
> Turbo Core/Turbo Boost by writing '0' into the following file:
> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost
> I want it to be disabled automat
Am Montag, dem 21.02.2022 um 22:16 +0100 schrieb Felip Moll:
> Silvio,
> As I commented in my previous post, creating every single job in a
> separate slice is an overhead I cannot assume.
> An HTC system could run thousands of jobs per second, and doing extra
> fork+execs plus waiting for system
Am Montag, dem 21.02.2022 um 18:07 +0100 schrieb Felip Moll:
> The hard requirement that my project has is that processes need to
> live even if the daemon who forked them dies.
> Roughly it is how a batch scheduler works: one controller sends a
> request to my daemon for launching a process in the
Am Freitag, dem 18.02.2022 um 09:52 +0100 schrieb Ulrich Windl:
> > >
> Thanks Silvio!
> That looks like I was after. But admitted: I had expected that
> systemd could
> do some of the "shell scripting magic" (like counting and comparing).
> Regards,
> Ulrich
Well, counting and comparing goes i
Am Donnerstag, dem 17.02.2022 um 10:50 +0100 schrieb Ulrich Windl:
> > > > Lennart Poettering schrieb am
> > > > 16.02.2022 um 18:17
> in
> Nachricht :
> > On Mi, 16.02.22 14:09, Ulrich Windl
> > (ulrich.wi...@rz.uni‑
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I wonder: Is it possible with s
Am Montag, dem 18.10.2021 um 12:43 -0700 schrieb Kenneth Porter:
> I just installed the new-to-EPEL ndppd service and am seeing this in my log:
> Oct 17 21:10:08 saruman systemd: Can't open PID file
> /var/run/ndppd/ (yet?) after start: No such file or directory
> Examining the source,
Am Mittwoch, dem 07.07.2021 um 15:21 +0200 schrieb Christian Rohmann:
> Hello systemd-devel,
> we recently replaced a broken drive on a server and ran into a strange
> issue in regards to a mount
> 1) It started with the old device not being reachable anymore and
> therefore the cryp
Am Freitag, dem 18.06.2021 um 14:52 -0700 schrieb Johannes Ernst:
> Thanks, Silvio, but no luck:
> I have host, container a and container b.
> In both containers, .network for host0 has LLMNR=yes in the [Network]
> section
> The host has LLMNR=yes in the [Resolve] section of
> /etc/systemd/
Am Freitag, dem 18.06.2021 um 19:48 +0200 schrieb Norbert Lange:
> Am Fr., 18. Juni 2021 um 16:35 Uhr schrieb Silvio Knizek
> >
> > Hi Norbert,
> >
> > make sure your /usr/local mount is done in the initrd and that you
> > »systemctl link /path/to/unit.serv
Am Freitag, dem 18.06.2021 um 15:04 +0200 schrieb Norbert Lange:
> Hello,
> I have an extra mount for /usr/local (Tools + Services which are just
> useful for development), classically done vie /etc/fstab.
> Now there are a few systemd services within /usr/local/lib and systemd
> does not seem
Am Donnerstag, dem 17.06.2021 um 20:26 -0700 schrieb Johannes Ernst:
> I’d like to be able to DNS lookup container b from within container a, if
> both were started with systemd-nspawn as siblings of each other, and shown as
> a and b in machinectl list.
> man nss-mymachines specifically notes
Am Mittwoch, dem 16.06.2021 um 10:00 -0400 schrieb
> Bamboo agent install provides as part of the install.
> It starts the bamboo agent. It works fine provided there is no service
> unit file defined. If I define the service unit file it does not start
> with syste
Am Sonntag, dem 13.06.2021 um 10:49 -0400 schrieb Saint Michael:
> This is not a human attacker, but a robot. My question is: if I apply
> chattr +i to $(pkg-config --variable=systemdsystemconfdir systemd),
> will the OS continue to work fine or this is nonsense?
> Philip
Systemd will work totally
Am Sonntag, dem 13.06.2021 um 09:32 -0400 schrieb Saint Michael:
> One of the most dramatic hacks to 50+ servers of mine is a bitcoin
> miner, xmrig. It installs a service file at /etc/systemd/system,
> enables it and kills the machine.
> Nobody knows how it propagates. I think that SSHD has been
Am Montag, dem 07.06.2021 um 21:26 +0530 schrieb Aravindhan Krishnan:
> Hi Folks,
> I am finding anomalous behavior when I am trying to run dhclient
> process inside my docker container in vanilla Ubuntu 16.04 host. The
> service gets into "deactivating" state and is stuck forever. In the
> mail
Am Dienstag, dem 25.05.2021 um 22:23 +0800 schrieb 吾为男子:
> Systemd provides for PAM module and for many commands,
> such as su command, will be called and the process
> will be moved to the cgroup that systemd managed.
Regardless your problem, `su` is never the solutio
Am Sonntag, dem 02.05.2021 um 19:14 +0200 schrieb Emanuel Berg:
> Silvio Knizek wrote:
> >
> > your path is wrong. You want the following:
> >
> > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/10-autologin.conf
> I don't have that file or even directory, but
Am Samstag, dem 01.05.2021 um 07:17 +0200 schrieb Emanuel Berg:
> I do autologin like this:
> ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -a incal --noclear %I $TERM
> /etc/systemd/system/ # line ~39
> $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
> However, it seems to disappear
Am Freitag, dem 30.04.2021 um 10:39 -0400 schrieb Rick Winscot:
> My question for anyone on the list, is the method outlined below a
> reasonable solution to mounting /var early in the start-up cycle?
> Or... is there a better way? Some trimming
Hi Rick,
by definition if you need to mount /va
Am Mittwoch, dem 21.04.2021 um 14:24 -0400 schrieb Bruce A. Johnson:
> Is there a correct way to obtain information about the DHCP lease
> received by systemd-networkd's DHCP client functionality? It was easy
> enough to find SERVER_ADDRESS in /var/run/systemd/netif/leases/4, but
> there is a bi
Am Freitag, dem 09.04.2021 um 14:27 -0400 schrieb Phillip Susi:
> What special treatment does systemd-resolved give to .local domains?
> The corporate windows network uses a .local domain and even when I
> systemd-resolved at the domain controller, it fails the query without
> bothering to as
Am Dienstag, dem 06.04.2021 um 16:21 +0300 schrieb Damien LEFEVRE:
> Hi,
> I have an embedded device and I do not install sudo. I need to have a
> non-root running the main service capable of changing the hostname.
> After spending a long afternoon on this I still have not managed.
> Here i'v
Am Donnerstag, dem 11.03.2021 um 11:00 + schrieb Patrick
> Apologies in advance if this is a FAQ, or if there is a more
> appropriate list for this question. I'm looking for a step-by-step
> guide for the following situation:
> I have an external 2-bay USB3 drive enclosure, confi
Am Mittwoch, den 07.10.2020, 08:49 +0200 schrieb Ulrich Windl:
> Hi!
> I'm thinking of configuring a serial getty in SLES15 (systemd-234). First I
> found that there is no manual page describing the service, and second if I
> use "systemctl show serial-getty" ("systemctl show serial-getty@" doe
Am Mittwoch, den 06.05.2020, 11:21 +0200 schrieb Ulrich Windl:
> Hi!
> I have a question for systemd-228-150.82.1.x86_64 (of SLES12 SP4):
> While developing a script for logrotate, I tested this command with the
> following result:
> # systemctl kill -s HUP --kill-who=15862 iotwatch@LOC1.servic
Am Mittwoch, den 29.04.2020, 20:31 +0800 schrieb www:
> Dear All,
> I want to change the default timezone in systemd, when it first starts, it
> shows the time zone I want. How can I modify the code in systemd to implement
> the function?
> thanks,
> Byron
the default timezone is just th
Am Dienstag, den 21.04.2020, 14:33 + schrieb Wieschke, Thomas:
> Hi,
> thanks fort he quick response. After having a first look at the man pages, I
> mentioned that I would have a choice between
> a fstab based solution or a unit file based one, right?
> Because I have a mix of ~ 10 different
Am Dienstag, den 21.04.2020, 13:26 + schrieb Wieschke, Thomas:
> Hi,
> I hope someone can help with the following case.
> I'm writing on a RH 7 system to an automounted FS and get an disruption
> because systemd (??) is,
> besides working in this directory, obviously trying an umount in the
Am Freitag, den 27.03.2020, 10:17 -0700 schrieb Preston L. Bannister:
> Looking for a sanity check from the folk how know more of systemd than do I.
> Not looking for someone else to solve my problem, but could use a clue.
> Trying to figure out how to get an overlayfs root mounted early in boot
Am Montag, den 14.10.2019, 18:30 +0200 schrieb Alexander Koch:
> > exactly for this you would use a flock(1) in your .service.
> Thanks for the hint, didn't have that in mind. So you're suggesting
> something like this?
> # service-a.service
> # (...)
> [Service]
> ExecStart
Am Montag, den 14.10.2019, 12:45 +0200 schrieb Alexander Koch:
> Dear [systemd-devel],
> imagine you've got multiple services that perform system housekeeping
> tasks, all triggered by .timer units. These services all happen to
> use
> a specific resource (e.g. the system package manager) so they
Am Mittwoch, den 21.08.2019, 09:32 +0100 schrieb Colin Hogben:
> On 20/08/19 16:54, Silvio Knizek wrote:
> > The NFS root needs to be mounted in the initrd step. Else
> > everything will break. With systemd in the initrd you gain the
> > possibilty to depend on those un
Am Dienstag, den 20.08.2019, 16:32 +0100 schrieb Colin Hogben:
> Hi Jérémy, thanks for responding.
> > I'm not very clear on what you are trying to do, so if my
> > understanding
> > is correct:
> OK, I'll try to clarify. In fact I'm lumping together several
> similar circumstances. It's poss
Am Donnerstag, den 01.08.2019, 16:48 + schrieb Quinn Mikelson:
> I work at a company who develops a number of semi-stateless systems.
> My current challenge is integrating out growing number of vendor-
> specific applications and services into a system with persistent /etc
> and /usr directorie
Am Donnerstag, den 25.07.2019, 15:55 +0530 schrieb Debraj Manna:
> I have unit file which looks like below. I am seeing some of the echo
> are
> showing up in syslog but not in journalctl. Can someone let me know
> what is
> going on?
> systemd version 229 running on Ubuntu 16.
> [Unit]
> Descrip
Am Donnerstag, den 25.07.2019, 11:40 +0200 schrieb Frank Steiner:
> Hi,
> I'm currently discussing a problem with the SuSE support about
> failing
> unmounts during reboot. Tyring to debug this I realized that systemd
> is not killing processes left over by some init.d script. E.g. use
> the foll
Am Montag, den 22.07.2019, 18:49 +0200 schrieb hp hpf:
> Silvio Knizek schrieb am Mo., 22. Juli 2019,
> 13:55:
> > Am Montag, den 22.07.2019, 13:20 +0200 schrieb hp4everything:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > getting older I'm nearly not able to r
Am Montag, den 22.07.2019, 13:20 +0200 schrieb hp4everything:
> Hi,
> getting older I'm nearly not able to read the text on a virtual
> console.
> I'm working with opensuse tumbleweed on a laptop and was able to
> configure the KDE screen for my needs, but not the vconsole.
> Google told me tha
> not provide a non-dev systemd package? That does not sound right.
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 10:35 AM, Silvio Knizek >
> wrote:
> > Hi Sayeed,
> >
> > it is expected that header files are in the -devel packages. You
> > can't
> > change t
Hi Sayeed,
it is expected that header files are in the -devel packages. You can't
change this. The package "systemd" contains "udev", so in "systemd-
devel" are the header files for "udev". "udev" is part of systemd.
RHLE/CentOS don't split this.
Why can't you just use "systemd-devel"? It just co
Am Montag, den 20.08.2018, 19:22 +0530 schrieb deepan muthusamy:
> I started one application as system service in /etc/systemd/system by
> giving command "systemctl start mysystem.service".
> I have one more application which i have to start as session service
> in etc/systemd/user by giving comma
Am Montag, den 13.08.2018, 11:28 +0200 schrieb Cecil Westerhof:
> I have a service that is run as a different user as root. But only
> root can
> restart the service. Is there a way to make 'systemctl restart' work
> for
> the user that runs the service?
you can either define a sudo-rule or y
Am Montag, den 04.12.2017, 14:25 +0300 schrieb Andrey Klimentyev:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to register local mount as a remote-fs?
> I've got a rather peculiar problem with Kubernetes and Ceph:
> 1. kubelet creates an rbd device in /dev;
> 2. it mounts it to some location;
> 3. systemd adds loc
Am Dienstag, den 27.06.2017, 13:48 +0800 schrieb 清辰:
> for example: service nscd
> 1.execute: systemctl stop nscd.service
> stop nscd process actually
> 2.execute: /usr/bin/nscd
> start nscd by shell command
> 3.execute: systemctl status nscd.service
> inactive(dead)
> systemctl can't know
Am Mittwoch, den 03.05.2017, 19:51 +0530 schrieb Anoop Alias:
> Hi,
> I am trying to include extra config for a template service file
> PHP70@.service
> ##
> I created /etc/systemd/system/PHP70@.service.d/something.d/t
> est.conf
> But
> systemctl start PHP70@something.service
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