[talk-ph] Halloween-themed map from Mapbox

2014-11-01 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
Happy Halloween! https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/duncangraham.c8178788/page.html?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZHVuY2FuZ3JhaGFtIiwiYSI6IlJJcWdFczQifQ.9HUpTV1es8IjaGAf_s64VQ#15/14.5894/-239.0206 ___ talk-ph mailing list talk-ph@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Marc Gemis
2014-11-01 1:43 GMT+01:00 Thomas o...@aptum.nl: Voor wat betreft de relaties tussen de huisnummers en straten sluit ik mij deels aan bij Ben: vanuit mijn informatica-achtergrond ben ik een groot fan van dit soort relaties. Vanuit mijn ervaringen met niet-informatici weet ik echter dat dat

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Op 1 november 2014 01:43 schreef Thomas o...@aptum.nl: Je verbeteringen vind ik zeer goed Sander! Bij mij laadt de pagina nu echter niet, met een foutmelding “'section' is null” op loadstreets.js ~664. Het lijkt fout te gaan wanneer in de URL de GET-parameter collapsedSections geset wordt,

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Op 1 november 2014 10:30 schreef Glenn Plas gl...@byte-consult.be: Dat is goed bezig een vette tool te worden Ik zie veel fouten in de buurt, maar allemaal op nummers die ik zelf heb gemapt, en waarvan ik zeker ben (3 liggen binnen de 100meter). Het lijkt wel alsof crab vol fouten zit.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Thomas
Vooraleer iemand in het komende uur of zo een pull of push wil gaan uitvoeren: ik sta op het punt de nieuwe JSON bestanden te pushen. Het enige punt waarop ze niet backwards-compatible zijn is het feit dat het huisnummerlabel nu in een lijst zit. Ik heb de loadStreets.js al aangepast naar een

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Glenn Plas
Heb nog niks concreet eigenlijk, maar wel paar ideetjes alvast. De problemen die ik zag zijn zo te zien allemaal ondertussen opgelost. De wiki handleiding is handig ook. Tijdens het gebruiken heb ik eigenlijk vooral problemen bij nr notaties van dit type: vb1: nr is 100 , bus 4 varianten

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Glenn Plas
Der zit een probleem in de js: sourceHnr = uniformise(sourceAddr.housenumber); sourceHnrLabel = uniformise(sourceAddr.hnrlbls[0]); compHnr = uniformise(compAddr.housenumber); compHnrLabel = uniformise(compAddr.hnrlbls[0]); compAddr is not defined, dus

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Stijn Rombauts
Hoi, Misschien een kleine bijdrage ivm adressering (busnummers, cijfers in straatnamen e.d.). De post zegt op http://www.bpost.be/adressering/ hoe het allemaal zou moeten. Kan een reden zijn om in osm dezelfde regels te volgen. Groetje, Stijn From: Glenn

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sus Verhoeven
Hooi, Leopoldsburg heeft 2 zonenummers, 3970 en 3971 (vroeger Heppen). De Vaartstraat loopt door de 2 zones. Nummers 120 en 134 liggen in 3971, maar 122,126, 128, 130 en 132 die er tussen liggen vindt men in 3970, wat fout is, ook volgens Bpost. Fout dus in CRAB. Sus

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Op 1-nov.-2014 17:30 schreef Stijn Rombauts stijnromba...@yahoo.com: Hoi, Misschien een kleine bijdrage ivm adressering (busnummers, cijfers in straatnamen e.d.). De post zegt op http://www.bpost.be/adressering/ hoe het allemaal zou moeten. Kan een reden zijn om in osm dezelfde regels te

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Op 1 november 2014 13:12 schreef Thomas o...@aptum.nl: De nieuwe reeks JSON-bestanden staat inmiddels online. Bedankt, zal eens kijken als alles nog werkt, en wat er toegevoegd is ;) Zoals eerder gezegd is de voornaamste wijziging die invloed heeft op de huidige werking het feit dat

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Op 1 november 2014 13:15 schreef Gilbert Hersschens gherssch...@gmail.com: Ik heb even een poging gedaan. Ziet er wel handig uit, maar bij appartementen geeft hij een hoop missing nummers op omdat hij geen rekening houdt met get gebruik van een bereik van nummers. Ik ben eerlijk gezegd niet

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Marc Gemis
2014-10-31 16:22 GMT+01:00 Sander Deryckere sander...@gmail.com: Verder heb ik er ook nog een optie aan toegevoegd om te exporteren naar GPX. Onderaan de tabel vind je drie knoppen om die drie kolommen te exporteren naar GPX, en zo alle probleemgevallen in je gemeente naar je GPS of

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Thomas
Het gebeurt in totaal 702 keer over alle adressen (inclusief subadressen) heen. Daarbij zijn 211 huisnummers betrokken. Op 27 oktober mailde ik dit daarover: Verder is er iets bijzonder aan de hand met de huisnummer-labels. Die worden door het AGIV automatisch opgemaakt per huisnummer,

[OSM-talk-be] Points Of Intrest: zijn pas zichtbaar is voorlaatste max zoom

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jakka
Hi, Brievenbussen toegevoegd stad Menen. Stel vast wanneer je die wil bekijken dat het icoontje pas zichtbaar wordt wanneer je maximaal inzoomt en één standje terug bij twee standjes terug verdwijnen die ook. Dit werkt wel onhandig daar het soms nodig is om uit te zomen om te weten waar je

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Points Of Intrest: zijn pas zichtbaar is voorlaatste max zoom

2014-11-01 Per discussione Marc Gemis
Hallo Jakka, Het ligt niet aan jouw tag instellingen. er is door de makers van de map gewoon gekozen om brievenbussen pas op het allerlaagste niveau te tonen. Het is altijd een afweging van wat je op elk niveau gaat tonen. Toon je teveel wordt het onoverzichtelijk, toon je te weinig, klagen de

Re: [OSM-talk-be] import AGIV CRAB-data

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Thomas, In je spec staat dat busnummers en appartementnummers arrays zijn, maar in werkelijkheid lijken het comma-separated strings. Zou je het kunnen wijzigen naar arrays? Arrays lijken veiliger voor het geval een busnummer plots ook een komma bevat. Verder zijn er idd eigenaardige adressen.

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Points Of Intrest: zijn pas zichtbaar is voorlaatste max zoom

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jakka
Marc, Het gebruik van overpass is meer iets voor zij die de kaarten aanpassen om te controleren of het erop staat. Ik dacht meer aan users/ gewone gebruiker want is het niet voor hen dat jullie al dat werk verzetten? Even in mijn naaste omgeving gevraagd, niemand wist het bestaan van OSM

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Points Of Intrest: zijn pas zichtbaar is voorlaatste max zoom

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jo
Als ze een Android smart phone hebben, kan je ze altijd verwijzen naar OsmAND. Er zijn ook andere renderings, waar de vuilbakjes wel op staan: Humanitarian: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/50.84941/4.33750layers=H Er zijn icoontjes aan de rechterkant van de kaart, klik op die 3 kaartjes

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Points Of Intrest: zijn pas zichtbaar is voorlaatste max zoom

2014-11-01 Per discussione Sander Deryckere
Osm.org is niet bedoeld als concurrent van Google Maps als het op functionaliteit aankomt. Osm moet op donaties steunen om de servers te onderhouden, dus hebben ze liefst zo weinig mogelijk bezoekers die enkel eens naar de kaart kijken (natuurlijk, liefst zoveel mogelijk bezoekers die de kaart

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Points Of Intrest: zijn pas zichtbaar is voorlaatste max zoom

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jakka
Thx voor de verduidelijking Sander Deryckere schreef op 1/11/2014 om 22:56: Osm.org is niet bedoeld als concurrent van Google Maps als het op functionaliteit aankomt. Osm moet op donaties steunen om de servers te onderhouden, dus hebben ze liefst zo weinig mogelijk bezoekers die enkel eens naar

[OSM-talk] discussion: inclusion and alcohol

2014-11-01 Per discussione Richard Weait
I read this article recently and It got me thinking. Do we devalue community members, or potential community members who don't drink? A quote from the article, When alcohol is currency, non-alcoholic drinks are considered valueless, and the interests and needs of people who don’t drink alcohol

Re: [OSM-talk] Steve's better map

2014-11-01 Per discussione Ian Dees
On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Dave F. dave...@madasafish.com wrote: Like it, but unsure I'd give Round 8 to Steve. Deleting old data is *good* if replaced with more accurate information. Once again: this is a discussion, not a competition between Steve and Simon. There are no rounds to

[OSM-talk] weeklyOSM

2014-11-01 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue 222, is now availalbe in English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the openstreetmap world: http://www.weeklyosm.eu Enjoy! with or without http://osmfight.neis-one.org/ ;-) -- ## Manfred Reiter - - ## www.weeklyosm.eu

Re: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM

2014-11-01 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
upps ... *223* is online in English. ___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

Re: [OSM-talk] discussion: inclusion and alcohol

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jóhannes Birgir Jensson
As someone who does not drink coffee or beer it is a minor obstacle sometimes in social situations. The free beer draw has usually a negative effect on the odds of me attending some session. So far in Iceland we haven't been active in planning events but if I have a say in it we will make any

Re: [OSM-talk] discussion: inclusion and alcohol

2014-11-01 Per discussione Paul Norman
On 11/1/2014 3:05 PM, Richard Weait wrote: I read this article recently and It got me thinking. Do we devalue community members, or potential community members who don't drink? A quote from the article, When alcohol is currency, non-alcoholic drinks are considered valueless, and the interests

Re: [OSM-talk] Steve's better map

2014-11-01 Per discussione Dave F.
On 01/11/2014 22:22, Ian Dees wrote: On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Dave F. dave...@madasafish.com mailto:dave...@madasafish.com wrote: Like it, but unsure I'd give Round 8 to Steve. Deleting old data is *good* if replaced with more accurate information. Once again: this is a

Re: [OSM-talk] Steve's better map

2014-11-01 Per discussione Ian Dees
On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Dave F. dave...@madasafish.com wrote: On 01/11/2014 22:22, Ian Dees wrote: On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Dave F. dave...@madasafish.com wrote: Like it, but unsure I'd give Round 8 to Steve. Deleting old data is *good* if replaced with more accurate

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Oxilion en Stichting OpenGeo gaan openstreetmap.nl upgraden

2014-11-01 Per discussione Johan C
Dank Stefan! Is het een nuttig onderwerp voor de eerstvolgende nieuwjaarsborrel hoe we de extra capaciteit gaan benutten? Gr., Johan Op 30 oktober 2014 00:26 schreef Stefan de Konink ste...@konink.de: Met 1 extra gesponsorde 2TB Terrabyte schijf en twee servers ga over een aantal uur naar

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Talk-ie Digest, Vol 66, Issue 1

2014-11-01 Per discussione Stephen Judge
I vote for it being an all Island organisation including North and South of the border. Unless there is already an existing group of volunteers in the North that would prefer to remain separate. Stephen Judge ___ Email: step...@stephen.ie Web: www.stephen.ie

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Formalising Openstreetmap Ireland into a proper body and becoming an official OSM Chapter

2014-11-01 Per discussione Rory McCann
Hi all, I think OSM IE should include NI, and be all island. OSM has a general attitude of pave the goat paths. Rather than try to decide things from high, instead see what people are using and doing and bless that as the standard (eg for tagging). I think this approach should be continued. We

Re: [Talk-is] Hvarfahverfi í Kópavogi er ekki rétt hnitað

2014-11-01 Per discussione Svavar Kjarrval
Hæ. Eru stikkprufurnar on-the-ground GPS mælingar? Ef ekki, þá ættum við að framkvæma þannig áður en við færum hverfið, upp á að tryggja að við séum ekki að fara að færa allt á grundvelli loftmynda sem gætu verið ranglega hnitsettar. Við getum verið ágætlega viss um að gögnin frá Reykjavíkurborg

[Talk-de] Tag:highway=traffic_signals / wiki page inkonsistnet

2014-11-01 Per discussione Florian Lohoff
Hi, ich bin da über eine grosse inkonsistenz im tagging von komplexen Kreuzungen gestolpert (durch eine OSRM geschichte). Bisher war mein verfahren das bei einfachen Straßen die sich Kreuzen ich ein highway=traffic_light auf den gemeinsamen Node gesetzt habe. Wenn sich 2 Straßen mit jeweils

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2014-10-31 19:41 GMT+01:00 luca corsato luc...@gmail.com: Carissimi, ciao Luca, è con incosciente piacere che vi comunico che posterò nelle candidature per SOTM15 Venezia sarebbe stato bello parlarne domenica scorsa a Trento, ma nessuno mi ha fatto presente ciò...peccato. qui c’è il

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione cesare gerbino
A meta Luglio 2015 c'e' FOSSG Europe a Como o sbaglio? Il giorno 01/nov/2014 09:16, Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com ha scritto: 2014-10-31 19:41 GMT+01:00 luca corsato luc...@gmail.com: Carissimi, ciao Luca, è con incosciente piacere che vi comunico che posterò nelle candidature per

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
2014-11-01 10:13 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa ftambu...@gmail.com: Vado a memoria, ma SOTM è sempre stato intorno a giugno. A me risulta settembre o luglio tranne nell'edizione 2014 SOTM 2013 http://2013.stateofthemap.org/ 6-8 Settembre 2013 SOTM 2012 http://2012.stateofthemap.org/ 6-8

[Talk-it] Altro caso di mancata attribuzione

2014-11-01 Per discussione Marcello
Spuntano come i funghi, forse perché la nostra mappa sta diffondendosi sempre più? Ho trovato che l'Agenzia regionale per la protezione ambientale dell'Umbria per la visualizzazione dei suoi dati su mappa [1] utilizza diverse mappe di base, tra cui OpenStreetMap. Per la verità su nessuna base è

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Luigi Toscano
Il 01 novembre 2014 09:05:38 CET, Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com ha scritto: 2014-10-31 19:41 GMT+01:00 luca corsato luc...@gmail.com: Non vi chiedo di sostenere la candidatura ma di valutarne l’attinenza con il progetto e le persone che costruiscono la Mappa. Se pensate che l’idea di

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto
2014-11-01 1:02 GMT+01:00 Luca Corsato luc...@gmail.com: Grande Volker!!! grazie AndriaTZ (ma quanti nick hai??) :-D spero di farvi sapere a presto la buona notizia Ciao Luca, hai pensato di coinvolgere anche qualche ente locale... ad esempio le Università? A IUAV si occupano anche di

Re: [Talk-it] Altro caso di mancata attribuzione

2014-11-01 Per discussione Marcello
Scusate se rispondo a me stesso ma vorrei aggiungere altre informazioni, dato che nei loro open data (rilasciati con licenza CC-BY 3.0 IT) ci sono i corsi d'acqua dell'Umbria e in OSM i più piccoli non ci sono e per i più grandi spesso il primo tratto vicino alla sorgente non c'è perché non

Re: [Talk-it] Altro caso di mancata attribuzione

2014-11-01 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
Ciao, secondo me è meglio se cominci a scrivere all'indirizzo email che trovi sul sito dei dati aperti dell'Umbria http://dati.umbria.it/ Sono certo che ti risponderanno 2014-11-01 11:26 GMT+01:00 Marcello arca...@gmail.com: Scusate se rispondo a me stesso ma vorrei aggiungere altre

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Luca Delucchi
2014-11-01 10:54 GMT+01:00 Maurizio Napolitano napoo...@gmail.com: 2014-11-01 10:13 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa ftambu...@gmail.com: Vado a memoria, ma SOTM è sempre stato intorno a giugno. A me risulta settembre o luglio tranne nell'edizione 2014 SOTM 2013 http://2013.stateofthemap.org/

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Marcello
La candidatura di Venezia è ottima, vederla bocciata perché non rientra nel periodo richiesto sarebbe un peccato, non è possibile spostare il tutto a Settembre-Ottobre? Ciao Marcello Il 01/11/2014 11:12, Luigi Toscano ha scritto: Nessuno ha notato che la call for venue[1] fa esplicito

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Paolo Monegato
Il 31/10/2014 19:41, luca corsato ha scritto: Carissimi, è con incosciente piacere che vi comunico che posterò nelle candidature per SOTM15 Venezia Ottimo!! Quando s'era iniziato a parlare di provare a fare SOTM da queste parti m'era venuta anche mezza idea di buttarla lì... ma poi avevo

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Io vado un pò controcorrente... Secondo me lo SOTM è un'occasione per parlare di OSM dove c'è una concreta opportunità di usare OSM. Venezia sarebbe una bella location. Punto. Nell'ambito delle opportunità di incontrare e far conoscere OSM a chi potrebbe essere interessato ad adottarlo, Venezia

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione sabas88
Il giorno 01 novembre 2014 13:47, Francesco Pelullo f.pelu...@gmail.com ha scritto: A me sembra che la comunità internazionale possa e debba cogliere l'opportunità dell'EXPO 2015, per conoscere e farsi conoscere, e per questo dico: SOTM 2015 a Milano! Bene, evviva! Prepara la candidatura su

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Il 01/Nov/2014 13:54 sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto: Bene, evviva! Prepara la candidatura su Milano, trova persone che ti aiutino ad organizzare e la struttura che ospiti almeno 200 persone a Milano durante l'expo, hospitality, eccetera. Mi raccomando entro domani che il termine di

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
Trolloni :-) -- Sent from my rotary dial phone. Not a fruit. On Nov 1, 2014 1:59 PM, Francesco Pelullo f.pelu...@gmail.com wrote: Il 01/Nov/2014 13:54 sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto: Bene, evviva! Prepara la candidatura su Milano, trova persone che ti aiutino ad

Re: [Talk-it] candidatura di Venezia per State of the Map 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione luca corsato
Ciao, grazie per tutto quello che avete scritto. Rispondo un po' in genere a tutti perchè sono in mobile: - fino a 10 giorni fa non c'era una reale possibilità perchè non la ritenevamo fattibile - poi la concomitanza dell'UNESCO e la disponibilità nel programma unita quella degli spazi

Re: [Talk-it] Aiuto:lettera da inviare a comune siciliano per l'apertura dei dati

2014-11-01 Per discussione aborruso
Aury domani mi ci metto :-) Il giorno sab 1 nov 2014 18:00 Aury88 [via GIS] ml-node+s19327n5822643...@n5.nabble.com ha scritto: girarsi_liste wrote Questo sarebbe un vero PECcato.. O_o xD. Io comunque aspetto un commento da qualcun'altro con esperienza nel contattare le PA per

Re: [Talk-it] Altro caso di mancata attribuzione

2014-11-01 Per discussione Max1234Ita
Maurizio Napolitano-3 wrote Ciao, secondo me è meglio se cominci a scrivere all'indirizzo email che trovi sul sito dei dati aperti dell'Umbria http://dati.umbria.it/ Sono certo che ti risponderanno 2014-11-01 11:26 GMT+01:00 Marcello lt; arcanma@ gt;: Scusate se rispondo a me stesso

[Talk-at] Namen von Objekten ohne Schild

2014-11-01 Per discussione grubernd
hi.. nachdem ich mich gut durchs talk-at archiv gewühlt und das wiki kreuz und quer durchwandert habe ist weiterhin eine frage offen. und zwar das thema: woher kommen die namen für grosse objekte wie berge, täler, sättel, almen, kare, scharten wenn selbige kein taferl umgehängt haben?

Re: [Talk-at] Namen von Objekten ohne Schild

2014-11-01 Per discussione Friedrich Volkmann
On 01.11.2014 17:19, grubernd wrote: woher kommen die namen für grosse objekte wie berge, täler, sättel, almen, kare, scharten wenn selbige kein taferl umgehängt haben? manchmal wenn man mit menschen vor ort spricht, dann bekommt man eine direkte antwort. aber meistens sagen sie irgendwas

Re: [Talk-at] Namen von Objekten ohne Schild

2014-11-01 Per discussione nebulon42
Hi, mit Verzeichnis kann ich leider nicht dienen, aber viele Namen von Bergen, Sätteln und andere Ortsnamen findet man in der basemap.at. lg, nebulon42 Am Samstag, den 01.11.2014, 17:19 +0100 schrieb grubernd: hi.. nachdem ich mich gut durchs talk-at archiv gewühlt und das wiki kreuz und

Re: [Talk-at] Namen von Objekten ohne Schild

2014-11-01 Per discussione grubernd
danke für die infos. dann lag ich mit meinen (nicht formulierten) vermutungen doch nicht so verkehrt. die namen 1:1 und in massen aus der amap oder einem sonstigen kartenwerk zu übernehmen ist sowieso nicht mein anliegen, aber gerade bei weitläufigen landschaften ist die benennung der ein

[Talk-ca] State of the Map 2014 2015

2014-11-01 Per discussione Richard Weait
Hi All, I hope that you have your flight booked for State of the Map next weekend in Buenos Aires. It should be great fun. Start thinking now about how you are going to get to State of the Map next year. We don't know where State of the Map 2015 will be, yet. That should be announced in BA on

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] pharmacie, dispensing

2014-11-01 Per discussione Yves Pratter
Elle devrait être ' \b[P|p]harmacie\b http://regexr.com/39r2h’ mais overpass ne supporte pas les \b. Oui, overpass utilise les expressions rationnelles posix, donc pas moyen de chercher les débuts ou fins de mots :-( J’ai écrit un ticket https://github.com/drolbr/Overpass-API/issues/146

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] highway=trunk en France

2014-11-01 Per discussione Axelos
Coucou, Jérôme Amagat wrote Si la voie express en agglo est remplacé par une voie non express au même endroit la vitesse passe de 90 (ou 70) à 50 donc la voie express permet bien d'aller plu vite même si a un autre endroit tu peux rouler encore plus vite. Donc en gros l'idée est de

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] highway=trunk en France

2014-11-01 Per discussione osmien
Bonjour, J'ai l'impression que le débat tourne autour de la vitesse sur ce sujet des trunk. Attention en France, les voies pour automobile C107 (voie expresse) sont réglementé et par définition sont par de nombreuses caractéristiques implicites (sauf panneaux pour caractéristique explicites) -

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] highway=trunk en France

2014-11-01 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Il ne fqudrait pas être aussi catégorique. 2x2 voies hors agglo peut aussi être par endroit li,ité à moins de 110 avec le panneau C107 et ne devrait pas passer en highway=pri,ary mais rester en trunk. Notamment dans les prolongements d'autoroutes ou routes

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] pharmacie, dispensing

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret
En étudiant le code source, il est possible d’utiliser l’option « ignorer la casse » mais uniquement en Overpass-XML : has-kv k=name regv=pharmacie *case=ignore »*/ Nonnonon :-) Le flag ignorecase se met avec une *,i* derrière voir le code en dessous. il n'y a pas d'échappement car

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] pharmacie, dispensing

2014-11-01 Per discussione Yves Pratter
Nonnonon :-) Le flag ignorecase se met avec une ,i derrière voir le code en dessous. il n'y a pas d'échappement car celui-ci et fait dans le code. Merci, je n’avais pas repéré cette partie du code :-) Donc en résumé, pour ignorer la casse dans une expression rationnelle dans Overpass, on

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] highway=trunk en France

2014-11-01 Per discussione Eric SIBERT
Bonjour, J'interviens un peu tardivement sur le sujet, ayant eu de fortes occupations cette semaine. Le 01/11/2014 12:23, osmien a écrit : J'ai l'impression que le débat tourne autour de la vitesse sur ce sujet des trunk. Attention en France, Je crois que le problème, c'est d'attaquer au

[OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des gares et code uic_ref

2014-11-01 Per discussione Black Myst
Bonjour, La gare (rer, champigny) près de chez moi est signalé en erreur par Osmose: Gare sans uic_ref ou invalide. L'aide n'est pas d'un grand secours, l'item 7100 envoie au 8050 et 8051. Le 8051 renvoie à lui-même :-( http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Osmose/erreurs#7100

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intégration des gares et code uic_ref

2014-11-01 Per discussione didier2020
j'ai retrouvé ca : http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap.region.fr/59263 Le samedi 01 novembre 2014 à 21:56 +0100, Black Myst a écrit : Bonjour, La gare (rer, champigny) près de chez moi est signalé en erreur par Osmose: Gare sans uic_ref ou invalide. L'aide

[OSM-talk-fr] intersection entre communes ???

2014-11-01 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Je ne comprend pas ce que fait là cette détection entre une frontière internationale (qui est aussi une rue à cet endroit, mais c'est secondaire car on a des erreurs de même type sans ça) et un landuse rédidentiel (qui n'a rien d'une commune). On dirait qu'Osmose tente de trouver des villages qui

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] pharmacie, dispensing

2014-11-01 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret
Donc en résumé, pour ignorer la casse dans une expression rationnelle dans Overpass, on utilise la syntaxe had hoc : - [‘clé’~’expression’,i] - has-kv k=clé regv=expression case=ignore / Je teste mes regex avec ce *site http://regex101.com/#python en mode python. *c'est une tuerie

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] pharmacie, dispensing

2014-11-01 Per discussione Yves Pratter
Je teste mes regex avec ce site  http://regex101.com/#python en mode python. c'est une tuerie pour tester les chaines. tu peux y ajouter le modifier i dans la 2eme textbox qui suit la chaine regex Ben moi j’utilise ces 2 là : http://www.regexr.com http://www.regexr.com/

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] intersection entre communes ???

2014-11-01 Per discussione Ronan Morin
Bonjour, Selon moi, ca vient du fait que la zone CORINE fait partie de la même relation que les frontières classiques (admin_level 2 dans ton exemple). Osmose n'a aucune raison de les considérer différemment et les voit comme deux frontières au même niveau qui se croisent... D'autre part, la

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] intersection entre communes ???

2014-11-01 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Non tu lis mal, il s'agit de deux ways distincts qui ne sont pas dans les mêmes relations. Et ça se produit ailleurs, Osmose se trompe ou alors utilise des données pas à jour Le 2 novembre 2014 01:03, Ronan Morin ronan_mo...@hotmail.com a écrit : Bonjour, Selon moi, ca vient du fait que la

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] intersection entre communes ???

2014-11-01 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Je n'avais pas regarde le côté Belge, la zone Corine figure effectivement, à tord, dans la relation de frontière postale (pas la commune belge), c'est la zone Corine (un way simple fermé) qui déborde un peu sur la France; il n'y a aucune ano,alie sur les frontières françaises, mais ça sent une

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 01/11/14 01:45, Matthijs Melissen wrote: On the whole the changes seem logical, but I'd rather they were applied manually than setting a precedent to allow changes that may not ACTUALLY apply as some small outlet is being a little economic with the name they are using ... I would guess

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Ed Loach
On 1 November 2014 01:06, Lester Caine mailto:les...@lsces.co.uk les...@lsces.co.uk wrote: Brantano (UK) Limited shops are all branded 'Brantano Footwear' that is their shop 'Logo' Matthijs: We currently have 116 times Brantano and 12 times Brantano Footwear in the UK. I

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Colin Smale
To paraphrase a well-known saying: Quality is in the eyes of the consumer. How long do you think we can survive with this policy of refusing to acknowledge that there is such a thing as good data and bad data? Interpretation of the definition of the name tag (and many others) is incredibly

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Steve Doerr
On 01/11/2014 09:15, Ed Loach wrote: On 1 November 2014 01:06, Lester Caine les...@lsces.co.uk mailto:les...@lsces.co.uk wrote: Brantano (UK) Limited shops are all branded 'Brantano Footwear' that is their shop 'Logo' The logo is the symbol at the top, the shop name is Brantano

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione John Aldridge
On 31/10/2014 22:51, Matthijs Melissen wrote: Dear all, Voting is now open for the proposal to unify the names of chain shops within the UK by renaming them. I'm genuinely not sure about this proposal. Philosophically, I think OSM is a *mapping* project (duh!), and so the correct name is

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Will Phillips
On 01/11/2014 09:15, Ed Loach wrote: The logo is the symbol at the top, the shop name is Brantano Footwear, the operator is Brantano (UK) Limited. This is (was) the shop sign at the one I mapped (as Brantano Footwear, as that is the name on the sign):

[Talk-GB] Consolidated views of notes, fixmes, musical chairs, etc. (was: OpenStreetMap ten years on, and why it's time for a fresh slate)

2014-11-01 Per discussione David Woolley
On 27/10/14 21:52, Tim Saunders wrote: What would suit me is an Android app that allowed me to see what needs to be fixed in a particular area, so that I could check some things out if I had a spare half hour in the area…..so Notes, FixMes, Musical Chairs, OSM Inspector and other GB specific

[Talk-GB] Mapping weekend Aberdeen

2014-11-01 Per discussione Fozy 81
Hi, You are all invited to join the Aberdeen hack weekend 22-23 November: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Aberdeen/MapHack/2014-11 Your chance to meet some other mappers, pick up a few mapping tips and share your knowledge. Join us, Tim

Re: [Talk-GB] Consolidated views of notes, fixmes, musical chairs, etc.

2014-11-01 Per discussione SomeoneElse
On 01/11/2014 12:04, David Woolley wrote: A very recent, topical, case is that Matthijs has added map notes for a lot of premises that he assumes are shops of a particular brand suggesting that they may need tagging in a particular way. This has completely negated the purpose of using the

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Richard Fairhurst
Dan S wrote: Also, Matthijs sent out an RFC email proposing this whole process - he got lots of feedback (which he has taken into consideration), but no-one objected to the voting mechanism. It's not your fault if you only just noticed this happening, of course Indeed, which I only just

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 01/11/14 13:36, Dan S wrote: Also, Matthijs sent out an RFC email proposing this whole process - he got lots of feedback (which he has taken into consideration), but no-one objected to the voting mechanism. It's not your fault if you only just noticed this happening, of course, but it's a

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Dan S
Chris, I appreciate what you're saying - except for one point: 2014-11-01 15:35 GMT+00:00 Chris Hill o...@raggedred.net: [...] to what is on the ground, I'll revert it and ask for Matthijs to be blocked from editing, as I would any other vandal. Please can we all stop using the word vandal to

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Chris Hill
On 01/11/14 15:39, Dan S wrote: Chris, I appreciate what you're saying - except for one point: 2014-11-01 15:35 GMT+00:00 Chris Hill o...@raggedred.net: [...] to what is on the ground, I'll revert it and ask for Matthijs to be blocked from editing, as I would any other vandal. Please can we

Re: [Talk-GB] Consolidated views of notes, fixmes, musical chairs, etc.

2014-11-01 Per discussione Matthijs Melissen
On 1 November 2014 13:52, SomeoneElse li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk wrote: It's not his fault if an armchair mapper appears to engage editor before brain and applies changes suggested by notes. In order to try and avoid people being overcome by temptation, I very often** say needs survey in the

Re: [Talk-GB] Voting mechanical edit: UK shop names

2014-11-01 Per discussione Matthijs Melissen
On 1 November 2014 10:50, Will Phillips wp4...@gmail.com wrote: Here is a survey photo of mine, which is similar to the ones Ed posted: https://www.flickr.com/photos/97133921@N03/15494864347/ We should be using the name displayed on the sign, which in the examples above is clearly 'Brantano

[Talk-GB] Notes (was Consolidated views of notes, fixmes, musical chairs, etc.)

2014-11-01 Per discussione SomeoneElse
On 01/11/2014 20:08, Matthijs Melissen wrote: I in fact even proposed incorporating a system that makes this explicit in the notes API: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2014-August/070423.html Unfortunately, my suggestion in that thread didn't gain traction. It's great to have

Re: [Talk-GB] Consolidated views of notes, fixmes, musical chairs, etc.

2014-11-01 Per discussione David Woolley
On 01/11/14 20:08, Matthijs Melissen wrote: I in fact even proposed incorporating a system that makes this explicit in the notes API: https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2014-August/070423.html Most people in the field who don't know how to map also don't know how to specify new

[Talk-us] Arizona Mappers

2014-11-01 Per discussione Clifford Snow
I'm looking for some Arizona mappers interested in improving the rural, i.e. desert, areas. Looking at just two area, Stanford and Wilcox, the 2013 TIGER roads are in bad shape. I'm in Arizona for the coming week and then head back to the rain. I'm in Tucson. Anyone want to meet for an informal