Re: [OSM-talk] GPS track upload working?

2009-03-18 Per discussione Kærast
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:58:41 + (UTC) Ed Avis wrote: When I try to upload a GPS track using, it takes a while and then gives a blank page. The track does not appear in the list (even as 'pending'). Is anyone else seeing the same?

Re: [OSM-talk] California bill to limit detail on online mappingtools

2009-03-13 Per discussione Kærast
On Fri, 13 Mar 2009 11:59:33 - Ed Loach wrote: Is it me, or is blurring out the bits you don’t want to be targets just going to highlight where they are? I'm not sure that blurring is what would happen, simply not showing the data would be what happens. But you're

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM shortcuts/macro for Gaza editing

2009-02-24 Per discussione Kærast
On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:14:53 + LeedsTracker wrote: Hello all, When adding roads, I default to highway=road and source=OSM WikiProject Gaza - I think source is useful for future reference when adding from satellite imagery (inc Yahoo's). I could do with a

[OSM-talk] Flooding in Turkey

2009-02-22 Per discussione Kærast
Hi, There's been some flooding in Turkey for a while which nobody neither I or katpatuka have been able to fix. It's at and only appears on the Mapnik render at zoom level 9 and lower. There are rivers passing through that

Re: [OSM-talk] Greenland street and aerial geodata to OSM

2009-02-14 Per discussione Kærast
Hi, I tried downloading shapefiles from the website, and all I was getting was a message that the file was empty and there might not be any data. The map data certainly looks very detailed, so it would be awesome if we could get this imported. By a donation we are able distribute data to osm,

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM on The Reg

2009-02-11 Per discussione Kærast
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 08:08:05 -0500 Adam Schreiber wrote: I agree, there should be some slight barrier to entry in which the mapper learns about communitty standards for adding data, especially dervied data. The reason Google's MyMaps can allow just about anything is that

Re: [Talk-GB] How to add roundabouts?

2009-01-30 Per discussione Kærast
One thing the wiki page on roundabouts doesn't explain is that routing software needs the roundabouts to be tagged highway=* in order for it to be used. I don't know if this is an issue with the routing software or whether the wiki page should be edited to make this clear, but for now highway=*

[OSM-talk] Controlling Label Position

2009-01-26 Per discussione Kærast
Hi, Is there a recognised way of controlling where the label for leisure=park should go? At the moment it's rendering right over the top of the bandstand and I would like to be able to shift it to somewhere out of the way. The wiki suggests that relation role=label is theoretically what I want,

Re: [OSM-talk] Network Rail UK

2009-01-21 Per discussione Kærast
On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 19:45:22 + andrew heggie wrote: Is it possible to derive a vector layer of UK's rail network and would I be allowed to use it to produce reports for my work? If so how because it will save me a lot of tracing! Somebody correct me if I'm

Re: [Talk-GB] Yet another rail network map

2008-12-18 Per discussione Kærast
oy - less of the 'his' please! I'm planning on developing mine further in the new year, largely for personal learning, but I'd love a copy of the mapnik template you used for you version - I may 'borrow' some server time over christmas to re-render to as high a level zoom as I can. I'm also

[Talk-GB] Data from Foia request

2008-12-17 Per discussione Kærast
Hi, I received a response to a freedom of information request today with a list of CCTV cameras owned by my local council The exact locations aren't given, but I'm thinking I can track them all down. However, the council's

[Talk-GB] Possible Data Source For Bradford

2008-11-21 Per discussione Kærast
Hi, Bradford Council provide public gis information on rights of way, and other stuff at Unfortunately it needs a Windows computer and special software installing to be used, and so I've been unable to look at exactly what is provided and whether it would be useful to