[Talk-it] Studio sul processo di tagging in OpenStreetMap

2013-06-28 Per discussione Mulone Moligiangi
Cari mappatori, mi chiamo Andrea Ballatore e sono un ricercatore di University College Dublin (http://www.csi.ucd.ie/users/andrea-ballatore). Sto facendo ricerca su OpenStreetMap, progetto che attira sempre piĆ¹ attenzione nel mio settore accademico (geographic information science). In

[OSM-talk] Survey on the OSM Wiki

2013-06-25 Per discussione Mulone Moligiangi
(Apologies for cross-posting) Hi all, I am conducting academic research on how the OpenStreetMap vocabulary of tags and keys evolved. For this reason, I am analysing the OSM Wiki website (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Main_Page). It would be very helpful if you could answer some of these

Re: [OSM-talk] Survey on the OSM Wiki

2013-06-25 Per discussione Mulone Moligiangi
On 25/06/2013 17:22, Jonathan Bennett wrote: On 25/06/2013 16:48, Mulone Moligiangi wrote: (Apologies for cross-posting) Since you don't appear to have cross-posted, I wonder why you're apologising for it. I posted this on the OSM forum too, this is why I'm apologising. I will also cross