As mentioned previously on talk-us, I made contact with the Riley
county GIS department and got access to their data. Since then I have
been analyzing and working with the data. I believe I am nearing a
point at which I can proceed with some imports based on this data.
There are a few different data sets, each of which will be handled
individually. The biggest one is an address import of about 20,000
points. I don't have many fellow mappers around here but I have
brought it up with a few occasional users and they do not have a
problem with this. As stated on the wiki page, I am hoping to use the
church data to involve some of them in the process.

I have documented the different data sets, the conversion files and
posted .osm files for review on the following wiki page:

As noted on that page, the address import still needs more processing.

In particular there are two special cases that I'm not quite sure what
to do with For now I have marked them with FIXME tags in the .osm

One is apartments. Each apartment has its own point in the county
data. They are spaced apart from each other somewhat arbitrarily. My
current thought is to discard the apartment number and merge the nodes
down to a single node per unique addr:housenumber value. I would place
this node either at the building center or at a stairwell if it can be
identified. This is how I mapped my own apartment complex some time
ago as can be seen here:

The other special case is trailer parks. Two of the biggest ones have
one full address point in the middle of the park. Then on each unit
they have a point with nothing but the lot number. I'm not actually
sure how residents in these parks write their mailing address so I'm
not quite sure how to handle it in this data. Some of the smaller
parks are marked similarly to apartments with duplicated housenumbers
and then a lot number added on. I may just exclude the trailer parks
for a first import and come back to them later.

I plan on doing the county, state and park boundaries in the next few
days. The addresses will likely take a few more days to fix up so that
one might wait until after Christmas.

Comments welcome.


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