Title: Re[2]: Folder Move In/Move Out
Thanks Roeloff
Saturday, September 24, 2011, 6:14:13 PM, Tbbeta wrote:
> Hallo Simon,
> On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 17:32:10 -0300GMT (24-9-2011, 22:32:10 , where I
> live), you wrote:
SM>> I just had to move a couple of folders and found to my horror
SM>> that t
Hallo Simon,
On Sat, 24 Sep 2011 17:32:10 -0300GMT (24-9-2011, 22:32:10 , where I
live), you wrote:
SM> I just had to move a couple of folders and found to my horror
SM> that the "Move In"/"Move Out" folder context menu are grayed out.
I suppose that's with an imap account.
You should go for
Title: Folder Move In/Move Out
I just had to move a couple of folders and found to my horror that the "Move In"/"Move Out" folder context menu are grayed out.
I this an oversight or work in progress?
__ _ Debian GNU User Simon Martin
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