Re[3]: composing html mail

2004-07-11 Thread Russell L. Farabee
jwayne, Saturday, July 10, 2004, 9:24:42 PM, you wrote: j> Ya, know, I used to be a die-hard text-only email user and composer. But after j> delving more into usability studies, the importance of font and layout control j> in _email_ became very apparent. My experience also. j> (And the p

Re[2]: composing html mail

2004-07-10 Thread jwayne
On Saturday, July 10, 2004, 12:10:05 AM, Russell L. Farabee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: RLF> jwayne, RLF> Friday, July 9, 2004, 6:25:25 PM, you wrote: == RLF> It's a mess. I have a work around that involves inserting the html code via search and replace, but it is cum

Re: composing html mail

2004-07-09 Thread Russell L. Farabee
jwayne, Friday, July 9, 2004, 6:25:25 PM, you wrote: j> If I compose within TB using HTML/Plain Text and then switch to HTML only, HTML j> formatting is lost. I can't cut/paste from one HTML message into another. If I j> import text with HTML into the plain text editor and switch to HTML/Plain T

composing html mail

2004-07-09 Thread jwayne
Having various problems with html mail. If I compose within TB using HTML/Plain Text and then switch to HTML only, HTML formatting is lost. I can't cut/paste from one HTML message into another. If I import text with HTML into the plain text editor and switch to HTML/Plain Text, almost all tags are