Fwd: The Atheistic Economic Man

2023-11-13 Thread Rajaram Krishnamurthy
Subject: The Atheistic Economic Man To: ggroup , thatha patty < thatha_patty@googlegroups.com>, , Satyanarayana Kunamneni , , viswanatham vangapally , Rajaram Krishnamurthy , Ramamurti PV , Rangarajan T.N.C. , Kunamneni Satyanarayana < ksn...@yahoo.co.in>, Ramu S , Deepali Hadker

The Atheistic Economic Man

2023-11-13 Thread Markendeya Yeddanapudi
-- *Mar*The Atheistic Economic Theism The Newtonian machine, the phantom, ‘the Socio-political-economic man’, has killed the emotional human. The machine repudiated all emotions in the day today life of the human, while every other organism and also, the planet earth, the solar family, the Milk