*Mar*The Atheistic Economic Theism

The Newtonian machine, the phantom, ‘the Socio-political-economic man’, has
killed the emotional human. The machine repudiated all emotions in the day
today life of the human, while every other organism and also, the planet
earth, the solar family, the Milky Way and the universe, simply God, is
made into economic resource. There has been a continuous effort to tame God
into a machine without emotions. The emotional human is driven away, and
human life is made to consist of mathematical econometrics, of the
inanimate, geometrical curves, the demand curve, the supply curve, the cost
curves, the revenue curves, where the incongruous quantifications of
basically emotions, is pretended. The big attempt is to eliminate life from
the Biosphere, and convert every organism into the inventory of raw
materials, into livestock, the stock that must be used without any
emotional complications. The human laborer too is part of the livestock.

Before the human developed the Brain, the air consisted of smells which
triggered the emotions of the organisms, leading to the symbiotic emotional
coordination among all organisms. After the evolution of the Neocortex or
the Brain, the seat of emotions, which was creating the immediate reflexive
response, the Amygdala, has been stifled or tamed, its command being
controlled by the cortex.

In the initial stages of its evolution, the cortex adopted the epic method
of observation and expression, where the characters of the epics behaved
emotionally on the basis of the continuous revelations, which the free
biosphere was giving in the language of smells and sounds. Miracles were
then not miracles but normal day today occurrences’. Nature was not
completely eliminated then as a partner of perception and understanding.
The human as the emotionally participating observer, created the characters
of the epics, when the partner, nature was giving boons and bounties
continuously.(May be the Cambrian explosion consisted of the emotional
explosion of revelations.)

The human weaved fictional characters on the basis of the revelations smelt
and felt. The ordinary man/woman in the day today life did not live any
business of life but lived as an emotional symbiotic being. In free,
healthy and lush nature, many a sculptor breathed inspirations, and
sculpted the Divines. The Sculptors spent life times in continuous
inspiration; the inspiration being reinforced by the smells messaging and
revelations giving biosphere.

Today’s supernatural was natural then.

The ordinary man in those days lived in the ordinary emotions of life
filled with revelations. Actually we are on our way into frozen limbs,
thanks to the use of machines to do the work of our limbs, freezing our
limbs, and the era when the latest atheists scoff at the idea of
functioning hands, legs etc, arriving, with Robots taking over our limbs.

Imagine what we are doing to our cells. The human consists of about 10,000
trillion cells; each cell a mini universe. Each cell has its own nano
function to perform. No two cells do the same work. There is no duplication
of work. It is the ultimate division of labor. When a cell dies by splicing
into two cells, it undergoes Autopoiesis, where every system in the
labyrinth of systems in the cells are inspected and audited, so that the
two new cells perform the new aligned functions, each with its own nano
assignment. There is continuous change in the symbiotic functions of the
cells, governed by the hormonal communication created from the smell
message filled breathing from the air. At the level of cells all organisms
are bonded into symbiotic coordination, the basis of ecology.

Mechanization is paving the way towards the extinction of the whole
biosphere, including the human. The faculties of nature are being
substituted by machines, making the very functions of nature sick and
disabled. At the very cellular level, the Biosphere is put on the road to
extinction thanks to mechanization.

The voice of nature, the flow of Theism is usurped by the economic atheism,
pretending Theism. Noting and telling about this destruction no longer
creates alarm, but has become part of the PhD spinning scholarships.

The Universities have converted the dirge into faculties.


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