How can I trace events?
I'm trying to handle an ADCDataReadyEvent event in my Tython script. I
issue the command
SetADCPortValueCommand. The status message appears:
status: Wrote command: SetADCPortValueCommand [mote 0] [port 2]
[value 33]
But I don't see the event in my handler. So, I th
Hi, I'm stuck.. I need some help...
In simulation, using TOSSIM, the SQL SELECT statement in TinyDB does
not return the actual attribute values in the SimObject. How can I get
the SELECT statement using TinyDB to return the actual, unchanged
attribute values stored in the SimObjects represent
I'm getting the following error when I compile Blink
make micaz sim
I'm runing under cygwin
/opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/tossim/tossim_wrap.cxx:30:20: Python.h: No such
file or directory
.:/opt/ tinyos-2.x/support/sdk/python:/cygdrive/c/Python25/
Can you tell me what
Can anyone tell me if there is an existing problem or if I have to
install a fix for this? I ran tos-check-env. It worked fine.
I recently installed TinyOS-2. I am trying to compile either Blink or
Null in simulation mode. I am getting the following compiler (g++)
errors on the sample code:
Does anyone have any suggestions for testing the status of a simulated
SF enabled, 0 clients, 0 packets read, 0 packets
Creating PhoenixSource with tossim-serial
Opening tossim-serial source
Connecting to Tossim event port at localhost:10585
Connection opened to TOSSIM event port
It seems that queries are being sent or at least TinyDBNetwork
issues the send with no errors. But no replies/results are received.
I'm wondering if there is a problem with the network. Would that
prevent these events, ADCDataReadyEvents, from being sent?
Marguerite A
I'm simulating a sensor grid. I am trying to add attributes to the
motes; set the values or change them; then query the attributes via the
TinyDB (TinyDBMain engine). When I set the ADC port values for the
associate attribute, I am having problems
telling the mote to read in that valu
Thanks, in advance, for your help.
I'm using tinyos1.1.5. Mys system JDK is jdk1.5.0_07 and is not stored
in the cygwin directory. jdk 1.4.2 is in the cygwin directory. I'm
having problems running TOSSIM through the scripting interface.
I started SimDriver without TOSSIM. Then I attempted to u
Is it possible to import and use pytos and jpype in tython? is it
necessary? Do I need that link in order to call Java classes in tython?
I'm having trouble getting import pytos and import jpype to work in
tython. I am getting 'ImportError: no module named pytos'.
I'm looking for a quick and dirty example to help me get passed this
I'm trying to run a simulation using Tython accessing
tinydb interfaces,
GUI from Python tools instead of TinyViz
Outside of straight-forward Tython commands, I keep getting 'Class not
found' errors. I've read
Hello,yet again.
I figured it out. I was logged onto my other account.
I'm looking for tinydb support. Is there a forum or help desk that I
can use?
Marguerite Doman
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