uly 02, 2006 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] error "Direct Parallel Access not defined"
Sorry, I thought you were on linux. On cygwin, just replace /dev/ttyS0
with the name of your comport, which might be com1.
On my cygwin setup, all i do is the following the results...
$ make mica2 re
Sorry, I thought you were on linux. On cygwin, just replace /dev/ttyS0
with the name of your comport, which might be com1.
On my cygwin setup, all i do is the following the results...
$ make mica2 reinstall.0 MIB510=com1
installing mica2 binary
set-mote-id build/mica2/main.srec build/mica2/
campbell gao wrote:
hi all
when i type "make mica2 reinstall,1 mib510,COM1" or "make mica2
reinstall,1 mib510,/dev/ttyS0"
I get the error "Direct Parallel Access not defined".
why ,anyone know it ??
I believe that the syntax is
make mica2 reinstall.0 MIB510=COM1
make mica2 reinstall
hi all
when i type "make mica2 reinstall,1 mib510,COM1" or "make mica2 reinstall,1 mib510,/dev/ttyS0"I get the error "
Direct Parallel
Access not defined".
why ,anyone know it ??-- 祝好,此致敬礼高学彬(campbell)