Jasper compiler error (class not found)

2002-01-19 Thread Thomas Birchmire
Why won't Jasper compile this code? A. Original Code counts.jsp (<%@ page directive finds counterbean ) B. Generated Work File counts$jsp (counterbean imported ) C. Jasper Compiler Error A. Jsp file counts.jsp Counter JSP Test <%@ page language="java" import="counterbean.*" %>

Tomcat 4.0.1 unable to find bean.class file

2002-01-18 Thread Thomas Birchmire
My bean .class cannot be found by jasper when it compiles the .jsp page; it gives me the following error: "Undefined variable or class name" The application is built using ant which compiles the .class file into the correct build directory and I use ant to deploy the application to tomcat/webapps.

Undefined variable or class name

2002-01-17 Thread Thomas Birchmire
I recently installed tomcat4.0.1 and the ant build and deploy puts things where the docs say they should be. Every thing works until I go to use a bean in a jsp. I get a Jasper exception : undefined variable or class name. Is there some environment variable I'm overlooking? CATALINA_HOME points