Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthält.

2004-10-24 Thread Postmaster
Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthaelt. Die Mail und darin enthaltene Erklaerungen sind nicht zugegangen. Einzuhaltende Fristen wurden nicht gewahrt. Senden Sie uns Ihre ueberpruefte Mail erneut zu oder benutzen Sie einen anderen Kommunikationsweg. Danke fuer Ihr Verstaendnis. -

Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthält.

2004-10-18 Thread Postmaster
Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthaelt. Die Mail und darin enthaltene Erklaerungen sind nicht zugegangen. Einzuhaltende Fristen wurden nicht gewahrt. Senden Sie uns Ihre ueberpruefte Mail erneut zu oder benutzen Sie einen anderen Kommunikationsweg. Danke fuer Ihr Verstaendnis. -

Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthält.

2004-10-11 Thread Postmaster
Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthaelt. Die Mail und darin enthaltene Erklaerungen sind nicht zugegangen. Einzuhaltende Fristen wurden nicht gewahrt. Senden Sie uns Ihre ueberpruefte Mail erneut zu oder benutzen Sie einen anderen Kommunikationsweg. Danke fuer Ihr Verstaendnis. -

Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthält.

2004-10-07 Thread Postmaster
Ihre Mail wurde geblockt, da sie einen Virus enthaelt. Die Mail und darin enthaltene Erklaerungen sind nicht zugegangen. Einzuhaltende Fristen wurden nicht gewahrt. Senden Sie uns Ihre ueberpruefte Mail erneut zu oder benutzen Sie einen anderen Kommunikationsweg. Danke fuer Ihr Verstaendnis. -

e-Mails with executable attachments are not accepted here

2004-08-26 Thread Postmaster
tions on our policy. Best Regards UNON Postmaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] UNON Internet mail gateway scanner - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PR

Returned Mail: Error During Delivery

2004-08-04 Thread postmaster
-- Here is your List of Failed Recipients -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. [SMTP Error Code 550] Here Is Your Returned Mail Received: FROM unincor.br BY srv_zeus.unincor.br ; Wed Aug 04 07:55:25 2004 -0300 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] T

Re: Notify

2004-07-31 Thread postmaster
Message sent from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> infected by virus and has not been delivered. Viruses: infected with Win32.HLLM.Netsky.35328 Original message was stored in the archive. To receive original message please contact postmaster: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Archive record: archive.msg.

ksemailfilter scan report (ksemailfilter ɨÃ豨¸æ) [0625092515479]

2004-06-24 Thread postmaster
This email has been sent to you from an email content scanning filter located on the server [jakarta.apache.org]. If you have any queries relating to this email, please direct them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Report Details --- Administrator Email Reply Addres

e-Mails with executable attachments are not accepted here

2004-06-21 Thread Postmaster
tions on our policy. Best Regards UNON Postmaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] UNON Internet mail gateway scanner - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PR

Returned Mail: Error During Delivery

2004-05-16 Thread postmaster
-- Here is your List of Failed Recipients -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Transaction failed. [SMTP Error Code 554] Here Is Your Returned Mail Received: FROM contilatin.com BY perlim01.cgcdmz.com ; Sun May 16 09:33:15 2004 -0500 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subj

Returned Mail: Error During Delivery

2004-04-22 Thread postmaster
-- Here is your List of Failed Recipients -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. [SMTP Error Code 550] Here Is Your Returned Mail Received: FROM Softgate1.Softimage.COM BY exterminator ; Thu Apr 22 21:19:14 2004 -0400 Received: from soft


2004-04-07 Thread postmaster
Din motive de securitate, serverul de mail nu permite decat attachment-uri de tip .txt, .doc, .pdf, .xls, .ppt. VA RUGAM ARHIVATI ORICE ALT TIP DE ATTACHMENT ! (Puteti folosi orice program de arhivare : rar, zip, ace, etc) For security reasons our mail server allows only attached files with Th

Returned Mail: Error During Delivery

2004-03-03 Thread postmaster
-- Here is your List of Failed Recipients -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. [SMTP Error Code 550] Here Is Your Returned Mail Received: FROM Softgate1.Softimage.COM BY exterminator ; Thu Mar 04 00:54:10 2004 -0500 Received: from soft


2004-02-03 Thread postmaster
This message was verified by the filtering system of our mail server. Original message was replaced by this one by the following reason : *** A suspicious file (executable code) was found in the message ! Original message had the following attached files : (X-FILE ??? ) : file.scr

Returned Mail: Error During Delivery

2004-01-28 Thread postmaster
-- Here is your List of Failed Recipients -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable. [SMTP Error Code 550] Here Is Your Returned Mail Received: FROM Softgate1.Softimage.COM BY exterminator ; Wed Jan 28 19:19:29 2004 -0500 Received: from jaka

TOMCAT authentication

2004-01-16 Thread postmaster
Hello I'm pretty sure this is a known issue, even though I didn't find much about it; I'm having a problem with authenticating users in TomCat. I have an IIS server to server static content and Tomcat to serve dynamic content, if users knows URL that goes directly to Tomcat then Tomcat wont ev


2003-08-26 Thread postmaster
This message was verified by the filtering system of our mail server. Original message was replaced by this one by the following reason : *** A suspicious file (executable code) was found in the message ! Original message had the following attached files : (X-FILE ??? ) : your_details.p

[ERR] Re: rename workers2.properties file?

2003-08-03 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --- Begin Message --- Hi, Although I haven't heard of anyone doing this you could add in your httpd.conf: JkSet config.file /full/system/path/to/workers2.properties I don't see why you couldn't change that to

[ERR] Re: Post-authentication tasks

2003-08-03 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --- Begin Message --- If this is not an appropriate list to ask design questions, could someone point me to a more suitable resource? Perhaps the tomcat-dev list? Thank you, -Sasha Borodin On 7/28/03 11:35,

[ERR] RE: (Symbolic) Links in Windows

2003-08-01 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --- Begin Message --- Hi, the example I sent you originally came from 4.0.1... Make sure you use forward separators, do not run tomcat as a service and have no spaces in the pathname, maybe that helps. greetz H

[ERR] Post-authentication tasks

2003-08-01 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --- Begin Message --- I'd like to get some suggestions for performing "post-authentication" tasks while using Container Managed Authentication. Craig Berry suggested a filter that checks the session for necessa

[ERR] Internal Servlet Error

2003-08-01 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --- Begin Message --- Hi there, I'm currently running Tomcat 3.2.4 in Redhat 7.3 . The problem only occurs in Linux, if I zip the Tomcat directory and run it in Windows, everything works fine. My frontend syste

[ERR] Re: Installation problem

2003-08-01 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --- Begin Message --- Just curious, you are welcome to build from source, but did you know that there are binaries available that work out of the box? John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Folks, I am installing to

[ERR] Re: Best Tomcat Book, Recommendations???

2003-07-31 Thread postmaster
Transmit Report: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 402 Local User Inbox Full ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --- Begin Message --- Most of the Wrox titles have been picked up by Wiley and Apress (Wrox liquidated earlier this year), so its possible the books will be closer to what you prefer when the second printing c

Locating Dynamically Generated Files...

2002-09-24 Thread postmaster
My JSP uses a bean that creates a file dynamically. Unfortunately, the file ends up in the jakarta-tomcat\bin directory rather than in my web app directory where the JSP tries to get it from. How do I make dynamically generated files end up in my web app directory? Anyone run across any sample c

OS X + Tomcat on Port 80...

2002-04-19 Thread postmaster
Hi... I have recently installed Tomcat on Mac OS X. Everything works fine when set to listen on Port 8080 (i.e. When I point my browser to http://localhost:8080 I get the Tomcat page and am able to execute the examples.) ..but when I change the server.xml file so that Tomcat listens on Port 80,

Mail Delivery Status Notification

2001-07-11 Thread Postmaster
MAIL ESSENTIALS SENDER NOTIFICATION The following message: TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED] FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED] DATE: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 09:56:25 -0700 Subject: Embedding Tomcat3.2.1 in my application : Repeat message! : pl help!!! has been quarantined by Mail Essentials for the following r

Mail Delivery Status Notification

2001-07-08 Thread Postmaster
MAIL ESSENTIALS SENDER NOTIFICATION The following message: TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED] FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED] DATE: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 19:25:51 Subject: New Discovery for Women has been quarantined by Mail Essentials for the following reason(s): Body contains word(s)/phrase(s) 'v

Mail Delivery Status Notification

2001-07-03 Thread Postmaster
MAIL ESSENTIALS SENDER NOTIFICATION The following message: TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED] FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED] DATE: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 23:01:20 +0700 Subject: Re: I need help in tomcat configuration with Oracle 8.1.7 has been quarantined by Mail Essentials for the following reason(s): Bod

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has detected a sensitive

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-20 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has offensive language. Mes

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-19 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Recipient, Content filter has

InterScan eManager Content Management Notification! (Dirty Words)

2000-12-19 Thread postmaster
**Message from InterScan E-Mail VirusWall NT** The following mail was blocked by InterScan eManager Content Management. Source mailbox: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Destination mailbox(es): <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Policy: Dirty Words Action: Archive Sender, Content filter has off