Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-13 Thread Morgz
Good news Don, I hope it stays that way but I'm pretty sure what I'm seeing here is an issue with BT possibly throttling Spotify on Macs in the UK so I'm guessing you are with another ISP. The weird thing is the talk on the getsatisfaction forum is all about BT affecting P2P traffic only, so I

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-12 Thread donald24
As of now and the last three days there were no single hick-up on the squeezebox touch with triodes plugin. Spotify seems to have corrected their congestion problem. Let's hope it stays that way! Thank you Triode for making this possible. Makes me miss your plugin at work, where I have to use

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-10 Thread Morgz
Just thought I'd add an update ... Out of curiosity and after a spate of other Mac related issues with Spotify and my BT Broadband lately, I decided to hook up a dusty old Dell workstation running XP that I used once upon a time as a print server. I installed LMS, configuring it exactly as I

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-06 Thread donald24
Me too, the Spotify network tends to be overloaded in the eveneing. Yesterday it began at 4.40PM to begin rebuffering constantly. Before that time there wasn't one hickup. The spotify plug-in cannot make use of the peer-2-peer technology, which the PCMAC and I think also the official

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-06 Thread Morgz
Thanks for the heads up, Don. Though it's disappointing news and a real shame as it does sound great on the rare occasion that I can listen to a whole track uninterrupted. Nothing ever works as advertised... I should have known! -- Morgz

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-06 Thread Triode
Spotify uses peer to peer for their desktop apps and streaming from their central site for hardware players via libspotify (which always require a premium subscription). Sometimes the server at the spotify end if congested if so this is often resolved by the plugin moving server, but is clearly

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-06 Thread Morgz
Thanks for explaining Triode... and really I love what you have made, it's fabulous. Which is why this is so frustrating. I just want to enjoy the music and your plugin would make that possible, but at the moment it all seems broken and I know it's not your plugin at fault. Hopefully Spotify

[SlimDevices: Touch] Triode Spotify rebuffering Touch

2012-02-05 Thread Morgz
I've been trying to get the Triode Spotify plugin to work solidly on the Touch but have been plagued with dropouts /rebuffering, almost rendering it useless at times. It does seem intermittent but happens a lot. I'm running LMS on a mac pro w/Lion via ethernet and have tried everything I can