Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv

Re: [Trisquel-users] sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
The point of sudo su would be to execute multiple commands at once like sudo su -c "command-een --anoption && command-twee && command-drie && command-vier && command-gangsal" since using sudo alone (by omitting "su -c" from the above example)for that doesn't seem possible. Anyway, I think t

Re: [Trisquel-users] sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
Anyway I don't see why people are so concerned about the "UNIX Philosophy". This aint' UNIX, after all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't boot NetInstall

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
1.Has your computer got a CD drive? 2.If it has, and a CD-RW-reading one at that, have you got a CD-RW lying around? 3. If so, problem (sort of) solved :) Regarding , I think NetInstall ISOs are a bit 'special' compared to the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Halp! Installed TOMOYO and now system wont boot.

2015-03-10 Thread a1716479
... Fixed it myself. The tomoyo package installed a bunch of things, including a few libs that altered the init process to prevent malicious programs from hijacking the boot process. I deleted three likely files, and everything booted up fine. I then used synaptic to remove tomoyo. Tha

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't boot NetInstall

2015-03-10 Thread amilopowers
Thanks to both of you. I managed to boot the "belenos" .iso so my machine can boot from USB. @davidnotcoulthard: It is actually a Asus Zenbook (UX31 I guess). I am going to use an external USB drive now Thans to all of you!

Re: [Trisquel-users] sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread a1716479
but systemd is backdoor :o

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't boot NetInstall

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
You mean CD drive?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread Petre Teodorescu
Why, your post does not seem to be trolling or be grossly off topic; almost every FLOSS forum has a topic like this.";>src=""; title="source:" />

Re: [Trisquel-users] sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread onpon4
The check for weak passwords is really basic, and the only actual requirement IIRC is that the password be at least a certain length (either 6 or 8 characters; I'm not sure). My password used to be quite weak before I started using encryption on my home folder.

[Trisquel-users] Re : sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread lcerf
Read the link alimiracle gave us: it considers somebody whose SSH keypair is stolen and who configure 'sudo' so that it does not ask for a password.

[Trisquel-users] Re : sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread lcerf
systemd is free software: show me the backdoor.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread maestro

Re: [Trisquel-users] sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
(Oh...I didn't know it could be configured not to ask for password. Fair enough, then).

[Trisquel-users] Re : sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread lcerf
It can. Not by default though. The "NOPASSWD" tag allow a by-command specification and the users in the "exempt_group" can do anything. Take a look at 'man sudoers' for the syntax.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
Another. This shot makes less sense the more one looks into it, but it's real.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apt-get upgrade runs amuck in Trisquel thumb drive

2015-03-10 Thread amenex
Some time ago, Magic Banana asked: > Didn't you ask for the support of some languages in "Language support" (in "System settings")?< Today the question became clear. I'm starting up a ubuntu OS in a Power Spec desktop PC supplied by Micro Center (no proprietary interest on my part) and the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Apt-get upgrade runs amuck in Trisquel thumb drive

2015-03-10 Thread amenex
Some time ago, Magic Banana asked: > Didn't you ask for the support of some languages in "Language support" (in "System settings")?< Today the question became clear. I'm starting up a ubuntu OS in a Power Spec desktop PC supplied by Micro Center (no proprietary interest on my part) and the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread shiretoko

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread tomlukeywood
xeyes is secretly a backdoor made by Micro$oft O.O

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread gramex
If it was, why is it so obvious that you are being watched? :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread tomlukeywood
true if they want a backdoor they could put it in the kernel it was a joke i just read the entire xeyes source code and there’s no back door(don’t know why i had to check...)

[Trisquel-users] Harden Trisquel

2015-03-10 Thread cinnamon
Hi is there a harden trisquel script? I know there are several guides to increase the security of our os like ubuntu but it is not quite compatible with trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread cinnamon

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
With that username I was expecting you to be using Cinnamon :p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Harden Trisquel

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
I think it should be rather compatible with Trisquel (which is based on Ubuntu), but. Google Chrome Does. Not. make the system more secure (it's Google's browser, for goodness' sake!), and Thunderbird is what you've got with Icedove, pretty much. Having said that I think you can do pr

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't boot NetInstall

2015-03-10 Thread amilopowers
Yes, I am sorry.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Harden Trisquel

2015-03-10 Thread marioxcc . MT
Bear in mind that security doesn't comes canned (metaphorically). You can use scripts to automate part of the process of securing a system, but you shouldn't rely on them to “harden” or whatever it claims to do if you don't understand what they do or why you would need such a thing. The Tor

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread mail
Scary applet. @_@ (Side Note: What Icecat theme is that?) (Side-Side Note: What Minetest servers do you play on? :p)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread mail

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread no-email
gnu desktop

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread franparpe
Here's mine: a traditional layout with the compiz window manager like in the old times. Gnome-fallback mode is being used, no Mate.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread gramex
Yes, I knew it was a joke, that's what the Colon-capital "P" indicated.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread gramex
Here's my desktop computer's screen. Just the default GNOME 3 environment that comes with Trisquel 7.

Re: [Trisquel-users] sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread marioxcc . MT
>sudo make all users to be a root It depends on how you configure it. The man page of "sudoers" describes the format of the main configuration file which is typically "/etc/sudoers". You can allow only a few people or everybody to use "sudo". It's highly configurable. You could even disab

[Trisquel-users] Re : Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread mtlben
A more or less default KDE desktop, with some useful Plasma widgets:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread b-lenos
Wow! This seems very cool! I can not customize my trisquel =(, How you exchange the themes and icons?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread cinnamon
haha. i use both

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread nuevodesorden

Re: [Trisquel-users] sudo make you system less secure

2015-03-10 Thread davidvargas1
sudo-, prefix meaning "sweat": sudogram, sudokeratosis, sudorrhe

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread nuevodesorden
Love this, very close to my trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread maestro
I like your style Gnu!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
Start with having gnome-tweak installed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
That's LXDE, is that not?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread travis
I'm not a fan of widgets and gizmos so my desktop always looks plain.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-03-10 Thread no-email

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread chaosesqueteam
You've done "research" (google searches). But have you done any software development? Any media contributions (music, 3d design, textures, etc) Or are you just another parasite.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread chaosesqueteam
Oh absolutly a troll, you figured it out! Certainly no a closely held earnest beliefs to be found! So tell me, what do you develop? Oh yes, you don't need to: you have the correct beliefs! I would like everyone to understand that in the OpenSource/LibreSoftware community it does not matter what

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread chaosesqueteam
Explain your definition of the word Troll. I can almost guarantee you I've done more OSS development than here. Other than that the only difference between you and I is that I oppose women's rights.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread chaosesqueteam
Systemd is bonkers. You've allready lost, but Lennart supports women in coding and feminism and speech codes so that makes his code A-OK, and his takeover of the linux ecosystem grand! Seachange for Social Justice!

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
I don't think everything you make is scheiSZe, just that your posts are, or tend to be. So the "Response to an Anti-feminist developer 'FK YOU EVERYTHING YOU MAKE IS CRAP!'" is just pushing it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
"I can almost (almost) guarantee you I've done more OSS development than you." So? That doesn't weigh anything in the question of whether one is a troll. Linus Torvalds (assuming he's not you) can troll, can be called a troll, but that doesn't stop him from being the lead developer and star

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
So you're assuming SystemV's developer(s) or Upstarts's developer(s) are anti egg-producing homo sapiens?

Re: [Trisquel-users] 3G modems coming integrated with Next Gen Intel Atom (for real this time)

2015-03-10 Thread davesamcdxv
"Systemd is bonkers. You've allready lost" This is not a competition so what have I lost (other than around 4 flash drives in a few years)? And I can still fork the bloody thing.