Re: [Trisquel-users] We need a simple YouTube solution

2017-11-14 Thread strypey
On top of all the now familiar complaints about YT, there are also the issues raised in this blog post about disturbing auto-generated videos aimed at getting kids to watch ads: For those who don't want to use

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox and Abrowser

2017-11-14 Thread alonivtsan
IceCat is ESR - based on Firefox 52. Abrowser is not (it's based on newer Firefox 56). Abrowser/Icecat also hide the DRM option in the main menus.

[Trisquel-users] F-droid priorly unexpected benefits

2017-11-14 Thread hd-scania
On the late in this October I have fully quit gapps (Google's nonfree libraries) and begun using F-droid, due to software freedom, cyber security, finally privacy. By the first few days using F-droid my phone spends my less data usages and less battery consumption, within upgrading my

[Trisquel-users] Upgrading Trisquel in a live CD

2017-11-14 Thread hd-scania
By every time my Parabola system has experienced errors before entering my graphical shell I always remember my live ISO, running pacstrap and arch-chroot commands, under them full upgrading my whole system, and finally my Parabola system is recovered. For deb systems, like Trisquel, Debian,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread calmstorm
nice try, we both know ubuntu 16.04 is supported till 2020. but I give you an A+ for trolling. ;p

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread calmstorm
but this is such high quality trolling...

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread lcerf
Thank you (or not) for wasting my time! :-) I wanted to figure out if not having colors (for instance those of would confuse me. Result: 2048 (the game does not go on, unfortunately).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread ivan . baldinotti this one seems perfect :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread masonhock
I just noticed your use of the word "we" here. That goes beyond simple immaturity. You are fraudulently claiming to be a Trisquel developer to create the impression that your FUD is credible. This thread needs to be deleted.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-11-14 Thread lcerf
Gentoo apparently still supports PPC: If you go for it, define the ACCEPT_LICENSE variable to "-* @FSF-APPROVED @FSF-APPROVED-OTHER". See Also, add the "deblob" flag to the USE variable:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox and Abrowser

2017-11-14 Thread dhood
As far as I am aware these "features" are not removed per-say. Its just that by default EME and telemetry are turned off which can be done in mainline Firefox as well. Firefox ships with EME opt-in only, but I believe Telemetry is on by default. Beyond that there is the branding and the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread dhood
If by "semi-official" you mean "talking out of your bottom" I guess so. Instead of making stupid countdowns and feeding the FUD machine I am sure you can find a more useful way to fill your time. Surely there is a book out there you can read.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 32 bit T8 netinstall on older Thinkpad(s)

2017-11-14 Thread masonhock
This reminded me that when I installed Flidas via the text installer I did not have the screen at which to select a DE like in the Belenos text installer. After the install I had just a black screen. I didn't think to try Ctrl+Alt+F7 so I just reinstalled using the graphical installer, after

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-11-14 Thread csh
- HexChat looks better. - Emacs looks better. - IceCat looks better. - YouTube-DLG looks better. - Mumble still looks bad. (Qt issue?) But Trisquel looks bad with Adwaita.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox and Abrowser

2017-11-14 Thread alonivtsan
There are other differences between the browsers other than artwork licensing, such as Abrowser removing support for HTML5 DRM and also removing telemetry (and linking to a free add-on repository).

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-11-14 Thread i_write_words
IIRC, it was still Gnome, but I was able to tweak it to look enough like Gnome 2 to be usable. I might be misremembering Wheezy as Jessie, though. Devuan Jessie default is XFCE but I've never used it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 32 bit T8 netinstall on older Thinkpad(s)

2017-11-14 Thread i_write_words
Working backward from hubris: installing (and actually learning) network-manager now since my personal preference of wicd-gtk isn't ready yet and I want to see what my lower end hardware (Thinkpad T-43 and EeePCs) think of a minimalist install before I attempt to get a DE to load. To

Re: [Trisquel-users] Firefox and Abrowser

2017-11-14 Thread greatgnu
Yes, Firefox, the software is free software with a free software license. The logo is not libre. A logo is not software though, but art, or symbol. So.. if you are ok with that, with the nonfree painted fox, go for it, yes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-14 Thread greatgnu
You can help with the documentation (translations included) too. You can talk about triskinello to your friends (just don't stress them too much), you can say GAHNUUU is not Linus, in fact Linus is a little bit ugly, much more a penguin rather than a gnu, which is sexy, gnus are sexy,

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-11-14 Thread greatgnu
Haven't tried MATE in years..heh, must..try..mate..ahora..mismo x_X /me wonders what amazing improvements have been brought in

[Trisquel-users] JAPAN - batteries

2017-11-14 Thread jbahn
I am soon going to Japan (Tokyo and Nagoya) Does anyone know if there is a chance of finding cheap batteries for librebootable devices? お願いします

[Trisquel-users] Firefox and Abrowser

2017-11-14 Thread davidecaramori
The only difference between Abrowser and Firefox is the addons repository? If so, if I install Firefox and only free addons am I using a GNU-compatible software?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-14 Thread masonhock
You could download Trisquel 8 alpha and help test it, reporting any bugs you encounter here: I've been using it as my main OS for about a week and it's pretty great so far. I had a little trouble installing it

[Trisquel-users] I'd like to start volunteering my time to help Trisquel. What can I do to help?

2017-11-14 Thread jamesbythesea
I'm an undergraduate Electrical Engineering student, so my technical background is limited (but not non-existent). I found RMS' work last year, and since then, have come to find myself strongly in agreement with the goals of the Trisquel project. What can I do to help this project?

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble installing 32-bit Flidas

2017-11-14 Thread masonhock
Thanks, ADEFNO. I actually manged to get it to work by using$ sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M;sync instead of Startup Disc Creator. I meant to update this thread but forgot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread masonhock
> Why do you think that I am mocking the people? Don't act obtuse, and lose the feigned interest and concern. You are mocking the only path to freedom for the majority of desktop users. You are attempting to undermine morale in a community. You are doing it for fun. You know it. When I'm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who of this community honestly runs Trisquel GNU/Linux?

2017-11-14 Thread jodiendo
onpon4 A friend of mines recently discarded an apple notebook from 2003 the first ones that came with Hitachi 249 gigabyte hard disk and with a Hitachi processor and 2 gigabyte of ram memory. I dud Rescue the machine. My question is the following. where could I find on the net of other

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-11-14 Thread i_write_words
I've been using Debian derivatives since 2004ish and have to admit that my mentors were right and not just underestimating me and being condescending when they advised me that I would be fine technically but just plain not a good fit for the Debian community. I wish I could call them all a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-14 Thread Cassandra of Troy
My own issue with Flidas turned out to be nothing more than lack of sleep, lack of imagination, and too much stress in other areas of my life to focus on tech right now. Granted, having the default desktop not load correctly would be a deal breaker for my ex-husband, my octogenarian mother, and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread radiowavers
It is semi-official, but - if you look at the current pace of Trisquel 8 development - you could easily see that we cannot release it before 2020

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 release countdown clock

2017-11-14 Thread radiowavers
Why do you think that I am mocking the people? If you look at the pace of Trisquel 8 development, you could easily estimate that we can't release it before 2020. Let's be realistic please, okay?