Re: [Trisquel-users] Offline voice commands

2018-04-29 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can lower false positive command detections by having a specific word in front of every command, for example "Trisquel open browser" and "Trisquel open movie ...". But if you say "I will open the browser. Trisquel open browser", Blather might hear "browser Trisquel open browser", and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offline voice commands

2018-04-27 Thread firefoxbugreporter
This worked well for me on Trisquel 7. I think you still need to use a web service to generate some files. After that you don't need to be online. The downside is that you must first prepare a list of words. You can't just say a random movie title and get

Re: [Trisquel-users] graphics card for trisquel - Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 ti and Nouveau

2017-09-05 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Since you mention sound issues related to Nvidia, I guess you use HDMI/DisplayPort for both video and sound. There should be another socket from integrated Intel graphics, which you can plug your monitor in. That way you wouldn't depend on Nvidia at all. You seem to have an Intel audio

Re: [Trisquel-users] Broadcom Crystal HD for x60s... Require firmware/driver blobs?

2017-06-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Debian has blobs for these cards in non-free repository. I doubt you will be able to use the cards without the blobs.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel on POWER8

2016-09-27 Thread firefoxbugreporter
It seems like there will be a crowd funding campaign soon for Talos Secure Workstation from Raptor Engineering. It uses IBM POWER8 architecture. The interesting thing is that Trisquel is mentioned on the Supported Operating Systems list on the current crowd funding project page. Will

Re: [Trisquel-users] Just lost every important files in my Trisquel Linux!!!! Very serious!

2016-09-18 Thread firefoxbugreporter
If you create a directory and a file like this mkdir 'x ./' touch 'x ./ x.c' and try the find command, you will have a match x ./ x.c Now if you pipe this into xargs rm you don't have just one path. You have three x ./ x.c The middle one is the current directory. So all will be gone. You are

Re: [Trisquel-users] Foxconn T77H348.02 with Atheros AR9462 AR5B22 chipset and Bluetooth support with the "ATH9K"

2016-09-16 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Before you test Trisquel do a full shutdown of the computer. Don't just reboot from Ubuntu or the firmware will still be loaded.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedom Fridays (development updates) 4

2016-08-20 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Here is a rough example of how I did it. Hope you can use it in this form. First get root shell using "sudo su". After that you can run the following commands. FLIDAS=/mnt/flidas debootstrap flidas $FLIDAS curl

Re: [Trisquel-users] The future of Libre Computing: Crowd Funding Campaign Starts Now

2016-08-07 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Does audio over HDMI work? What about CEC? I believe having the option to use EOMA68 as a media center device would greatly benefit it's appeal.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help with a Perl script

2016-06-08 Thread firefoxbugreporter
This gives you a clue curl: option --socks5-hostname is unknown Curl thinks that the whole thing is one parameter. You can get the same result by running curl '--socks5-hostname' localhost What you should do is make it separate. You should try removing the

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's your favorite not-so-famous application on Trisquel?

2016-04-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You might also want to try Istanbul for recording your desktop. It worked better for me than recordMyDesktop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install Trisquel on ASUS K501LX?

2016-04-15 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I don't think the support for your graphics card will get any better in Trisquel. Trisquel will not include the blob, and you also won't be able to add it yourself, because of a design flaw in the Linux-libre kernel. Your best bet would be to try disabling the discrete graphics in BIOS/EFI and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot Install Scribus

2015-11-23 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can also use purge instead of remove --purge, like this: sudo apt-get purge scribus

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat: Making private mode run everything through Tor?

2015-11-14 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Tsocks will not route UDP. This means that the browser will be directly querying DNS for the IP address of the domain of the page you're trying to visit. Also if WebRTC is enabled, websites will be able to unmask you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No Software Updates Are Available

2015-10-14 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You have this ppa installed ppa:langdalepl/gvfs-mtp. It is used for mtp, but you should already have support in package gvfs-backends. There is no trusty support on the ppa, so you probably shouldn't be using it anyway. It might have been useful for Trisquel 6. Removing the ppa might fix

Re: [Trisquel-users] I moved my DE to XFCE! How does one safely remove old GNOME parts?

2015-10-09 Thread firefoxbugreporter
If you are going to try to install xfce from a clean base, keep in mind that you might have problems getting subtle things to work. For example if you first install xfce and then install lightdm you might find that you can't login. If you install lightdm without it's recommended packages,

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Anyone Know How to Map a Network Drive in Trisquel?

2015-10-02 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Have you tried restarting the system? It should be automatically mounted on boot. To mount all from /etc/fstab without a reboot execute: sudo mount -a If that doesn't work, append "user" like this: guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,user This will allow you to mount after booting with a click.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Anyone Know How to Map a Network Drive in Trisquel?

2015-10-01 Thread firefoxbugreporter
If you want to continue using samba, and don't have a password set up, it's easy. Open a terminal and execute these commands (replacing servername and sharename): sudo apt-get install cifs-utils sudo mkdir /media/samba-share echo "//servername/sharename /media/samba-share cifs guest,uid=$(id

Re: [Trisquel-users] installing msttcorefonts on Trisquel

2015-09-13 Thread firefoxbugreporter
If you can, use a PDF format. This way, the fonts will be stored inside the document, and the document will be viewable on every system.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Internet connexion sharing

2015-09-05 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You might not have forwarding enabled. You can try this: echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward This is necessary to route packages between two network interfaces. Keep in mind that when you restart the system the changes will be lost. And there are also security implications so you

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HP Slate tablet as a USB external drive in Trisquel

2015-09-01 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can try something like this: Haven't tested it personally though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing a CA certificate authority system-wide

2015-08-30 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Could you at least provide messages that were shown to you, so I can determine what failed? Maybe you're not testing it properly. To test if you included the certificate you can try running this: curl If you see an error message that

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing a CA certificate authority system-wide

2015-08-29 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can do it like this: sudo cp certificate-name.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/ sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates Just make sure that the certificate has crt extension.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing a CA certificate authority system-wide

2015-08-29 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Didn't read your post carefully. If you tried to follow the guide you probably didn't run the commands as root. To solve this you can prepend sudo to the commands like this: sudo wget -O /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/autistici-ca.crt sudo

Re: [Trisquel-users] C.H.I.P Hardware Design online

2015-07-27 Thread firefoxbugreporter
It won't be the first (eg. there is But a more important point, it will probably not be freedom respecting hardware either. As far as I know there is no freedom respecting Realtek wifi that has 802.11n support.

Re: [Trisquel-users] help me choose a configuration

2015-07-19 Thread firefoxbugreporter
IceCat has LibreJS add-on installed. It can sometimes be a resource hog, especially on slower systems. Now that I checked it with, it seems to require 40+ seconds on modern hardware. But with LibreJS disabled the website loads quite fast.

[Trisquel-users] New Intel graphics will require non-free firmware

2015-06-05 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Sad news. Integrated Intel GPU is no longer a safe bet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-06-04 Thread firefoxbugreporter
This is my desktop. There are two images so you can see that the desktop background is animated. This is XFCE4, but with changes that allow for the animation. I don't use it like this regularly because it's just a hack at this moment (wastes CPU and it's buggy), but thought some of you might

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-23 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Maybe the indicator application is running. Try killing it with indicator application in terminal: killall indicator-application-service If you would like help, it would be helpful to be more elaborate about what you did and what you want to do. If I knew your exact situation I would

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-23 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Maybe the indicator application is running. Try killing it with indicator application in terminal: killall indicator-application-service If you would like help, it would be helpful to be more elaborate about what you did and what you want to do. If I knew your exact situation I would

Re: [Trisquel-users] I just installed XFCE and I love it! But I'm missing my wifi/network applet...

2015-05-18 Thread firefoxbugreporter
indicator-application and xfce4-indicator-plugin are not the same thing. Some applications use the indicator application instead of a notification area if the former is present. If you want your panel to be simpler you can add the notification area to your panel and disable indicator

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best choice for a Single-Board-Computer?

2015-03-22 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You should search for it locally. The availability and price will depend on where you look. I found this for about 42€, but without a power adapter. There are other models for

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best choice for a Single-Board-Computer?

2015-03-22 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You should search for it locally. The availability and price will depend on where you look. I found this for about 42€, but without a power adapter. There are other models for

Re: [Trisquel-users] Looking for new LibreJS friendly VPN that accepts Bitcoin

2015-03-21 Thread firefoxbugreporter
There is a link to the source code of the client on the main page. It seems to be written in python and licensed under GPLv2+.

Re: [Trisquel-users] dosemu package

2015-03-12 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Since that package is inside of Debian contrib repository, I can't help you with installing it. If you are looking for a DOS emulator, I suggest you try DOSBox. It can be found in the Trisquel repo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compiling xserver-xorg-video-vesa from source

2015-03-12 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Here is how you would build the version that comes with the current Trisquel release: cd /tmp/ apt-get source xserver-xorg-video-vesa cd xserver-xorg-video-vesa-* sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-video-vesa dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us This will build the Debian package. It might not be that

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compiling xserver-xorg-video-vesa from source

2015-03-12 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I did this: cd /tmp wget

Re: [Trisquel-users] QEMU and KVM Problems

2015-01-26 Thread firefoxbugreporter
3) To use the Tablet you don't need the actual hardware tablet. It is used for sending clicks and mouse movement without the need for your mouse to be locked to the virtual machine (no need to press Ctrl+Alt to release the mouse). 4) Check your settings for Display and Video. Display is

Re: [Trisquel-users] Not all Wifi access points listed

2014-12-29 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I saw this: Extra: Last beacon: 82044ms ago I think this is unusually high, but might be just that the access point is set up that way. You didn't receive a beacon frame for 82 seconds. That means that sometimes you might have to wait that much in order to detect the AP on the machine.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 LTS reviews

2014-11-15 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Here are some reviews of the new Trisquel release.

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE install bug

2014-11-05 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I created a bug report in hope the bug will be fixed sooner. I didn't do it earlier because xfce4 that came with Trisquel 6 worked. [#12680]

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE install bug

2014-11-04 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Here is a script that will hopefully fix your problem. Download it, make it executable and run it from a console. Related issue:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser - DuckduckgoSSL

2014-06-23 Thread firefoxbugreporter
If you search for hindi using http you get redirected to the https version, but not before revealing what you were searching for. Your internet provider can tell that you searched for hindi, but also all the routers that your http request travels through can associate your IP with the search

Re: [Trisquel-users] Get Add-ons in Abrowser doesn't show any addon

2014-05-18 Thread firefoxbugreporter

Re: [Trisquel-users] is the wifi of this laptop compatible with trisquel ?

2014-05-13 Thread firefoxbugreporter
The wiki says: This page was last modified on 10 December 2013, at 19:43. So you might be in luck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Questions making boatable usb with writeprotection and some stuff

2014-05-06 Thread firefoxbugreporter
2. You might find USB sticks that have hardware switches, but they are usually hard to find. This doesn't guarantee that they can't be written to. Some might leave write restrictions to the system, but inform the system they are locked. Even if they allow only reading, this is usually

Re: [Trisquel-users] problem with instalation

2014-04-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You might not have enough memory. You should try installing in text mode.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help fixing apt-get

2014-04-25 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can try removing some packages: sudo apt-get remove bluez-alsa:i386 libasound2:i386 sudo apt-get -f install You seem to have amd64 architecture, but tried to install i386 packages. This can sometimes create problems. If I am wrong and apt-get tries to remove a lot of packages, just abort

Re: [Trisquel-users] Prepare for trouble and make it double

2014-04-14 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Check your UUID on the last line. You can get it by using: sudo blkid

Re: [Trisquel-users] VPN button greyed out

2014-03-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compositor doesn't work

2014-03-24 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Note that compton can be found in the Trisquel package repository and there is no need for a ppa.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compositor doesn't work

2014-03-19 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can also try compton. It is a lightweight standalone compositor.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Coreboot to boot USB

2014-01-31 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You may want to use SeaBIOS as a payload to have support for USB devices.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to remove my swap partition

2014-01-22 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Swap can be used by the system even if the RAM is not completley used up. This can be disabled by changing swappiness to 0.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to remove my swap partition

2014-01-22 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Hibernation is not suspend-to-ram. The contents of RAM is written to a swap partition when hibernating. RAM needs power, or it looses data. When a computer is hibernating it is possible to disconnect power (or remove battery) or even boot another operating system (which must not use the swap

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does anybody know how to install Free Pascal?

2014-01-22 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can use command line to install it. sudo apt-get install fpc

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to remove my swap partition

2014-01-21 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can use swapoff (possibly with argument -a) command to stop using swap temporarily. If you remove the swap line from fstab and restart your machine, I believe you can safely remove the partition. Your system might respond faster after removing the swap partition (this comes from

Re: [Trisquel-users] easy-to-follow Postfix guide?

2014-01-18 Thread firefoxbugreporter
^] means CTRL+] It is easy to use telnet to test if the mail server is running and I can see yours is. You can use telnet to send email also, but it is is easier to run mail muhammed@trisquel Then ignore Cc by pressing enter, write a subject and press enter. Everything else you write is

Re: [Trisquel-users] easy-to-follow Postfix guide?

2014-01-18 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Ctrl+D to return to shell prompt. You might not have the mailbox. Execute: sudo touch /var/mail/muhammed sudo chown muhammed:mail /var/mail/muhammed sudo chmod 600 /var/mail/muhammed

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot reinstall XFCE due to broken packages

2014-01-16 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I suggest you remove xfce ppa and remove all packages installed from it, so you can fix things more easily. You can use synaptic for this, as it can filter packages by source. Another alternative is to use command line tool aptitude, which can suggest actions related to errors and execute

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot reinstall XFCE due to broken packages

2014-01-15 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Take a look at . Next time you loose minimize, maximize, close, titlebar and edges (window decorations) you can restart (or start another window manager). For the window manager that comes with XFCE run: xfwm4 --replace

Re: [Trisquel-users] upgrade xfce?

2013-12-29 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I think it is too small and simple to be needing a license (you can just read it and rewrite it easily). That being said, you can use it under GPLv3.

Re: [Trisquel-users] upgrade xfce?

2013-12-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter

Re: [Trisquel-users] upgrade xfce?

2013-12-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You may need to patch a package. This is an updated script for doing that. #!/bin/sh cd /tmp/ mkdir build-trisquel-desktop-common-data cd build-trisquel-desktop-common-data/ # install build dependencies sudo apt-get build-dep trisquel-desktop-common-data -y # get package source (without sudo)

Re: [Trisquel-users] A question about electronic books

2013-12-22 Thread firefoxbugreporter
This thread might interest you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] wpa_supplicant (...)

2013-12-22 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I tried to connect and got the same error messages. I tried many different configuration file options and got it working. I can no longer reproduce what happened the first time, but here is what I have learned. If your desktop is running, you need to kill nm-applet. You also need to kill

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem with dual boot

2013-11-19 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Partitions in Windows 7 might be Virtual Hard Disks. You should boot a live Trisquel image, and start gparted to see how the disk is partitioned. Also, it seems people loose the option to install alongside if the disk has GPT instead of MBR partition table.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel hangs and theming Q!

2013-11-03 Thread firefoxbugreporter
With some graphics cards a compositor (compositing manager) is needed to fix tearing. I am using XFCE DE, but the default compositing manager doesn't help, so I use compton. It is a standalone program, so you may be able to use it with most window managers, thereby most DE-s.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't Unlock VPN Tab

2013-10-19 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I found out I needed to reinstall some packages to get the gui applet working. Some lines might not be needed, but try: sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager network-manager-gnome network-manager-openvpn

Re: [Trisquel-users] The new Distro based on Debian

2013-10-15 Thread firefoxbugreporter
If their logo is included in the distribution, you cannot sell copies of the distribution (with the logo included). The logo seems to be licensed under Source:

Re: [Trisquel-users] How To Reinstall Trisquel GNU/Linux Default Graphical Boot Up Splash Screen

2013-09-20 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Remove package desktop-base. If that doesn't help, install plymouth-theme-trisquel-logo if it's not already installed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another problem with Abroswer update

2013-09-10 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You might be using RequestPolicy or another plugin.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Another problem with Abroswer update

2013-09-10 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You just need to Allow requests from about:addons to in the RequestPolicy's context menu.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tomb: Problem with GnuPG

2013-09-04 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You need to generate a key. Open a shell and execute: gpg --gen-key

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-09-02 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Save the script. Open terminal window and go to the directory you saved the script in with the cd command. You can run it with sh command: sh script_name For general purposes it is better to make the script executable: chmod +x script_name And then run it with: ./script_name

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to change locale in trisquel-mini 6.0?

2013-09-02 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Use UTF-8 instead of UTF8.

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-09-01 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Rebuilding the package should work. You will only have to change the versions in the build process. After you install the package you have built, you can safely dist-upgrade. If you have tried to dist-upgrade before, I will help you resolve the issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Install Huawei E392 USB LTE Drivers

2013-08-19 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You probably need to do usb mode switching. Huawei modems usually start in storage mode and need to be instructed to change the mode to use device as a modem.

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-06-29 Thread firefoxbugreporter
You can change package version by changing change log. Edit debian/changelog file in the build directory. There is this line: trisquel-desktop-common-data (6.0-5) precise; urgency=low Change the version: trisquel-desktop-common-data (6.0-5.1) precise; urgency=low This way, only when new

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-06-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
# create a dir (not to polute home with files) mkdir build cd build/ # install build dependencies sudo apt-get build-dep trisquel-desktop-common-data # get package source (without sudo) apt-get source trisquel-desktop-common-data cd trisquel-desktop-common-data-6.0/ # remove file rm

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-06-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Remove package desktop-base. It is automatically installed with xfce4 package. This is what changed your theme.

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-06-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.10 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade If XFCE isn't installed: sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies The goodies are additional xfce4 packages. The error you are getting probably

Re: [Trisquel-users] XFCE

2013-06-28 Thread firefoxbugreporter
This means you haven't installed the modified trisquel-desktop-common-data package. My bad. The package still has to be pached. Open terminal and enter build directory: cd build Get the patch and enter package directory: wget cd

Re: [Trisquel-users] Change behaviour of epiphany / webbrowser url bar?

2013-06-26 Thread firefoxbugreporter

Re: [Trisquel-users] Dependency broken in Trisquel 6.0

2013-06-10 Thread firefoxbugreporter
It did happen to me. Also when installing ia32-libs. I actually found out which packages were installed from /var/log/dpkg.log, and removed them.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel in press

2013-04-29 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Here is an interview with Rubén I found out about recently.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freeplane suggestions

2013-04-06 Thread firefoxbugreporter
No. By looking at a basic .mm file structure, I can see it is not fit for representing flowcharts. It is hierarchical, so it is not good for all programs. If you had a circular flow, where a parent would also be a ((great) grand) child of itself, collapsing it would hide it by recursion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freeplane suggestions

2013-04-05 Thread firefoxbugreporter
Some programs are mind maping software, which is not what you want. You need concept mapping software, but I can only give you a list of both. Freeplane is a fork of FreeMind, and FreeMind seems to support this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freeplane suggestions

2013-04-05 Thread firefoxbugreporter
I noticed the node so I included the link to the picture. Didn't really check the feature out. For diagrams and flowcharts I use Dia. You can find it in the Trisquel repositories. In Dia, you need to put objects and connect them, so I imagine that is not exactly what you are looking for.