Re: [Trisquel-users] X60 Libreboot Trisquel 7 Overheating

2015-05-31 Thread silvibus
My script basically does what cpufreqd would do for me, manually writing to /sys/devices/system/cpu*/cpufreq/. In vimb i use, :set scripts=off which works also to disable javascript, but it's not selective.

Re: [Trisquel-users] X60 Libreboot Trisquel 7 Overheating

2015-05-31 Thread silvibus
I've isolated which line of my script that removes the high pitched noise. The line, # rmmod uhci_hcd #disable module uhci_hcd which is the kernel module for USB 1.1 support, right? That line disables the module and with it the noise. However, USB 1.1 devices won't work without it. I've tested

Re: [Trisquel-users] X60 Libreboot Trisquel 7 Overheating

2015-05-30 Thread silvibus
hey, i've been continously searching for a solution to the heat problem. it seems that playing music, watching videos, visiting websites that uses alot javascript, makes the temperature of 1 CPU core to rise dramatically, while the other core remain ~constant in temperature. i've always had a

Re: [Trisquel-users] X60 Libreboot Trisquel 7 Overheating

2015-05-22 Thread silvibus
I forgot to mention, look in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/ interesting files are, scaling_governor #do $ cat scaling_available_governors #to figure out which governors you can use #you must also load the equivalent kernel module #ie,

Re: [Trisquel-users] X60 Libreboot Trisquel 7 Overheating

2015-05-22 Thread silvibus
Hey, I had the same problem. Here's how I solved it. First, the annoying high pithced sound emitting from the motherboard? Download and Compile it, only if apt-get's version ain't got the '--auto-tune' option. First issue, $ powertop --calibrate #and

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adding a 3rd monitor?

2014-10-07 Thread silvibus
# View available outputs $ xrandr # Enable the VGA1 output $ xrandr --output VGA1 --auto # automatically select mode # Turn it off $ xrandr --output VGA1 --off # Set up a dual display, using outputs LVDS1 and VGA1 $ xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x768 --pos 0x0 --output VGA1 --mode

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU/LINUX logo and logotype

2014-10-07 Thread silvibus
It's very nice. liGNUx

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Enable PAE?

2014-08-17 Thread silvibus
I know you can choose between many different kernels, when installing using the 'net install' (at least for Trisquel 6.0).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Add wallpaper

2014-05-19 Thread silvibus
One alternative is to use feh. $ apt-get install feh #Install feh Create this file, name it whatever. #!/bin/bash delay=10 #Timeout between image switch (seconds) directory=~/Images #Directory with files while true; do #Add '--recursive' in order to include sub folders too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] can't set boot params or get X graphics screen in Trisquel mini

2014-04-29 Thread silvibus
Then do $ apt-get install xorg xinit $ xinit If it's a live CD, HDD space is not used, only RAM; No permanent change to the computer. But are you sure you got the right ISO? There's really no X11 when you boot, 'Try Trisquel without installing'. I think that you may have confused

Re: [Trisquel-users] can't set boot params or get X graphics screen in Trisquel mini

2014-04-28 Thread silvibus
If you're gonna be inside X11 while using it, why don't you just change the screen resolution with lxrandr or xrandr when it's booted up? I believe the option is 'Try Trisquel without installing' or something similar.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Prepare for trouble and make it double

2014-04-13 Thread silvibus
If Manual Solution gives you a shell, does this work? Can't you $ chmod -R +w /mount/point But i bet there's something wrong with your fstab line as it appears to be complaining that it cannot mount something. Is there supposed to be a comma between 'ntfs' and 'auto' ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird graphics all of a sudden

2014-04-09 Thread silvibus
If anything that is drawn there stays there until overwritten. Try setting a wallpaper. I think the gnome way of doing it is launching system settings and clicking on appearance. Cannot say for sure whether or not a program needs to actively tend to the root window, or if there's some X11

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help With My Think Pinguin Wireless USB Adapter

2014-03-27 Thread silvibus
Also try: $ ls /lib/firmware | grep htc_.* The output should include: htc_7010.fw htc_9271.fw Just in case somehow the wireless adapter firmware is removed for some reason.

Re: [Trisquel-users] LibrePlanet 2014 livestream videos

2014-03-26 Thread silvibus
why can't those sites just direct us to a normal link.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installing Trisquel

2014-03-21 Thread silvibus
As long as you don't overwrite any of the existing operating system partition. I've never experienced issues when installing Trisquel. Are you using the text-mode install or the graphical one? The text-mode install, doesn't use a mouse.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mini USB wifi adapter recommendation

2014-03-20 Thread silvibus
The only thing i've noticed with my TPE-N150USB bought from, is that it has a harder time connecting to the access point of my router. Sometimes i need to bring it closer in order to have it connected. It works decently for downloading web pages, and youtube-dll videos as well

Re: [Trisquel-users] Compositor doesn't work

2014-03-19 Thread silvibus
Compiz should have an integrated Compositor, i think. You should install compizconfig-settings-manager and enable it instead. ctrl + alt + t sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

Re: [Trisquel-users] Shortcut keys not working after upgrade

2014-03-10 Thread silvibus
If you're on the trisquel-mini version, then the problem is with openbox (the window manager) and no workaround for a faulty alsa. Try these commands in a terminal: amixer -qc0 set Master toggle;amixer -qc0 set Headphone unmute;amixer -qc0 set Speaker unmute If your sounds back on then open

[Trisquel-users] Intel HD 3000 Driver?

2014-03-08 Thread silvibus
On my netinstall computer graphics applications are super slow, but on the regular desktop version of Trisquel they run fast. I wonder in what package can i get the necessary driver for this? Because apparently the Desktop version of Trisquel includes this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Trisquel Mini work?

2014-02-13 Thread silvibus
service script_name start will execute system V init script script_name located in /etc/init.d. System V init scripts are executed on boot. A Login Manager requires this, otherwise you'd need to start it manually from the terminal which makes it much easier to just type xinit in order to

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel 6.0 Net Install, Graphics Driver

2014-02-01 Thread silvibus
I have an intel cpu integrated graphics card (hd 3000). After Net Install video games seem to run very poorly, and i guess this is because of a driver problem? When i used Trisquel-Mini or Gnome then games would run smooth (except those that are way to exhaustive). If this is correct, does

[Trisquel-users] Slim Login Manager Problem with dzen2 and xmobar

2014-01-29 Thread silvibus
I startup xmobar or dzen2 in ~/.xsession, but they are not visible on the screen. This only occurs when logging in with slim, if i start x from a terminal then xmobar, dzen2 are both visible. In order to start xmobar or dzen2 i need to manually from the terminal. All my other applications

Re: [Trisquel-users] Startup Disk Creator fail: An uncaught exception was raised: Invalid version string 'GNU/Linux'

2014-01-26 Thread silvibus
Try this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help me get rid of the last proprietary component of my OS, the b43 driver

2014-01-24 Thread silvibus
I use this one, and it works perfectly.

[Trisquel-users] Program that speaks every keyboard key pressed

2014-01-20 Thread silvibus
Do you know of one? Might be going blind later on as my vision is decreasing dramatically more and more. So i need to research how i can possibly use the computer efficiently without the need of eyes.

[Trisquel-users] What is the 'Add/Remove Applications' program named?

2014-01-17 Thread silvibus
I don't have a desktop taskbar with a menu showing applications, so i use dmenu to launch programs and therefore need to know the filename of the 'Add/Remove Applications' program in order to launch it. I don't even know if it's installed, but if i get its name i guess i can install it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What is the 'Add/Remove Applications' program named?

2014-01-17 Thread silvibus
Wow, it is a large install. 57.9 megabyte. Is there another alternative(with pictures and descriptions) that doesn't have so many dependencies?

[Trisquel-users] Convert several image files(eg png, jpeg) to a video file.

2014-01-12 Thread silvibus
Do any one know of such a program?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Removing Trisquel in windows problem

2014-01-08 Thread silvibus
In Trisquel GNU/Linux you can automate the process of reinstalling all your programs pretty easily(compared to windows): apt-get install program1 ... Maybe you should educate yourself on what Free Software is before you actually permanently install a Freedom respecting version of GNU/Linux like

Re: [Trisquel-users] How does Trisquel Mini work?

2014-01-03 Thread silvibus
To install X11, sudo apt-get install xinit xorg --no-install-recommends You can omit the '--no-install-recommends' option, if you want. But i'm assuming you installed Trisquel-mini for the reason of not having all those extra unecessary applications. execute: xinit X11 might not permit you to

[Trisquel-users] Splashscreen

2014-01-01 Thread silvibus
I'm running the bare text mode version of Trisquel 6.0. Do you know how i can set up a splashscreen(Ubuntu Stuff don't work, its different(think its changed by Trisquel developers))? I have tried to edit /etc/default/grub, changed GRUB_CMDLINUX_DEFAULT=splash from =quiet splash and updated the

Re: [Trisquel-users] Splashscreen

2014-01-01 Thread silvibus
My laptops intel processor got integrated graphics. The plymouth package appears to be installed, but no manpages are installed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why user and password in live cd?

2013-12-31 Thread silvibus
It sounds like you are able to log into the desktop, but not to become root once you're logged in?

[Trisquel-users] X11, Window Manager Treats Panel as just another window with a border.

2013-12-31 Thread silvibus
Is it possible to tell x11 not to permit a window manager to border a window?

Re: [Trisquel-users] new to netinstall

2013-12-31 Thread silvibus
GNU Screen is a very useful program in console environments. You can also exit a program with: pkill -KILL program_name (though that command should be a last resort(as the program will not be able to exit normally), for instance if it stops responding to your input).

Re: [Trisquel-users] X11, Window Manager Treats Panel as just another window with a border.

2013-12-31 Thread silvibus
Or more like: border/decorate. Better would be to not let the window manager touch that window at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New User Problems

2013-12-31 Thread silvibus
I'm not entirely sure whether this will work or not, but it's worth a try(in my opinion). Open a terminal and type: sudo grub-update Then reboot and see if you can boot into Windows.

Re: [Trisquel-users] sound not working with headphones

2013-12-30 Thread silvibus
Try this in a terminal: amixer -c0 set Headphone unmute #Careful, headphone volume will be at 100% after this command amixer -c0 set Headphone 100%+ You could also try the command 'alsamixer' (without quotes). (which is a graphical interface to amixer) If you see 'MM' below any of the colored