[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-14 Thread lcerf
You can redirect the output of any command (including 'nmap') to a file. Append "&> file_name" (without the quotes and with the file name of your choice) to the command line, to redirect what it writes on both the standard and the error output.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-15 Thread lcerf
That teenie little ampersand (&) is the key You can also only redirect the standard output with '>' (or '1>') and only the error output with '2>'. And you can use both: $ command > standard_output 2> error_output I wish there could be a scripted way of separating the two populations into t

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-15 Thread lcerf
I do not understand the separation you want. Again: please give the expected output given the input attached in your previous message (assuming it cover all cases).

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-16 Thread lcerf
Input excerpt and expected output...

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-16 Thread lcerf
The third column of "output-2-column-file.txt" cannot be computed from the input alone, as far as I understand. Is the script you want supposed to take the list of hostnames (the first column of beginning-5-col-file.txt) and compute what you call "literal IPv4"? If so, why is "ns530300.i

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-16 Thread lcerf
It is easy to get the two additional columns you asked for. With two additional loops: $ tr -sc 0-9\\n ' ' < hostname_list | awk '{ k = 0; for (i = 0; k < 4 && ++i i; --k) printf $k "."; printf $k "\t"; while (++k

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-17 Thread lcerf
Just need to suppress that non-matching data ... which can be done with LibreOffice Calc in post processing by sorting and the deleting the rows with blank entries ... Are you referring to the lines where my command line does not detect any IPv4 address? If so, 'grep' can be used at the ou

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-19 Thread lcerf
The "modification to complete" does not run nmap in parallel with the rest of the command line. If you do not actually need "intermediate.txt", then remove '> intermediate.txt' and give '-' (which here means "standard input") to the -iL option. If you really want "intermediate.txt", then re

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-19 Thread lcerf
Read again the first paragraph of my previous post. More generally, the following command line makes no sense: $ command1 > file | command2 file You want: $ command | command2 - Or, if you want to save the partial results (the output of 'command1', not post-processed by 'command2'): $ command

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-20 Thread lcerf
No. The command should be: $ tr -sc 0-9\\n ' ' < hostname_list | awk '{ k = 0; for (i = 0; k < 4 && ++i file | command2 file As a consequence, it is possible that "file" does not even exist when 'command2' tries to read it. 'command2' would then end with an error.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-21 Thread lcerf
For the fourth time, in the last command you give, you redirect the standard output of 'grep '[0-9]$' to a file before a pipe: that is wrong and I do not know how to explain it to you in a clearer way than what I attempted in my three last posts. Because there is an odd number of single quo

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-21 Thread lcerf
The tutorial you found is excellent. It never presents the execution of an external command line from within AWK. It is actually possible, using the "system" statement. You apparently only want to do do that (calling other AWK programs, which themselves call 'nmap', etc.). I very much dou

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-22 Thread lcerf
And here''s the scorecard: CPV-GB-OneCol0-6192019-Resolved-Sort.ods ==> Three hostnames that should have been found with Magic Banana's script were somehow missed ("None ?). It works here (hostname_list contains the first column of your spreadsheet): $ ./find-IPv4-addr.awk hostname_list 178-137

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-23 Thread lcerf
> cat CPV-ThreeNone-Output.txt | more [and remove the intervening rows & trailing dots with LibreOffice Calc] I do not think you realize how much time of your life you could save by seriously learning (say for ~10 hours) GNU's text-processing commands. I understand you want to remove a dot

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-24 Thread lcerf
tee twixt - | dig -f twixt That should be 'tee twixt | dig -f -' (or only 'dig -f -' if you do not want to save "twixt"), for the same reason I explained you four times. If 'dig' does not understand "-" as "standard input", write 'tee twixt | dig -f /dev/stdin'. ... | grep -A1 "ANSWER SE

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-26 Thread lcerf
My dig scripts had been curtailed by a 'dig -' error caused because the twixt file was getting chopped off mid-output, ending I have been explaining you the problem (and its solution) many times now: the commands on both side of a pipe, |, run in parallel: you cannot have command1 write a r

[Trisquel-users] Re : How can one capture the "Failed to resolve" output to console during an nMap scan ?

2019-06-26 Thread lcerf
Some time ago, we worked out that I could run several awk commands like this concurrently in separate terminal windows Those command lines have nothing to do with awk. Now I was planning to run concurrently several commands of the form Again: there is no reason to divide the input. GNU's tex