[Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread tegskywalker
Title says it all. Can we get some news?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread sitereg
no news.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread trinux
13 days ago... https://devel.trisquel.info/trisquel/ubuntu-purge

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread Ignacio Agulló
tri...@solognu.com, Mér 22 Xuñ 2016 18:47:52 CEST: 13 days ago... https://devel.trisquel.info/trisquel/ubuntu-purge ¿"Added zfs-linux"? Ignacio Agulló · agu...@ati.es --

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread dguthrie
Ubuntu 16.04 was released 2 months ago and it has given people so many problems and is quite prone to odd behavior. They focused more on mobile, embedded (IoT) and cloud, where they actually make money. Debian is much more stable, and testing is coming along well, without problems. Heck, even

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread tegskywalker
You are referring to the standard Ubuntu ISO with Unity and the default setup. As for "problems and odd behavior", can you please provide a link with a detailed description? If Trisquel 8 uses MATE as the desktop and uses Ubuntu MATE 16.04 as the reference, the Trisquel team will be in a be

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread onpon4
I am using Ubuntu GNOME and haven't had any substantial "problems" or "odd behavior". It's much better than Trisquel 7 and Debian 8 (the last two systems I used).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread dguthrie
Well there were reports of the installer going mad, which applies to all Ubuntu spins. If you look in the mailing list you will see that Canonical made new ISO images to solve some of the problems, but people continued to have them. I also think the use of the term 'distribution' is being use

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread jbar
"¿"Added zfs-linux"?" Yes, it's added to the list of non-free packages. That is, it won't be in Trisquel repos. https://devel.trisquel.info/trisquel/ubuntu-purge/blob/c73d980307057e6951b5b3a50b8282470e115ebf/purge-xenial

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread greatgnu
oh my..here it goes agin'

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread gnufreeme
That's it... we've had enough. Ratpoison is now the default! If you don't like it then install your favorite and stop posting about it. ;-)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread megver83
why smtube was purged?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread dguthrie
The funny thing is that as a Ratpoison user myself I would love this more than anything. It has just enough meanness and self-satisfied snuggery to turn away the casual user. Ratpoison is a god among window managers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread enduzzer
There's no God but GNU system and all are its humble servants. Strip the system of GUI, we are iconoclasts and there should be no image of GNU.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-22 Thread enduzzer
I guess it's because Tonvid is non-free. https://trisquel.info/en/forum/about-flash-player-trisquel#comment-91466

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-23 Thread greatgnu
nah,I love me my gui

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-23 Thread gnufreeme
I do want to try Ratpoison. It does look really cool and certainly has a lot of geek street cred. I try them all out at some point or another anyway. Besides, who couldn't use a little more self-satisfying snuggery? My little joke above was because people seem to get really passionate abou

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-23 Thread gnufreeme
Can GNU save you from a past life of looking at the world through dirty Windows? Can GNU save you from the cult if "i"? Is there a Kernel of truth waiting for us to rescue it? Don't give me SaaSS now... just the truth.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-23 Thread greatgnu
ok, but have some saass

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-23 Thread mcz
Ok come on, spit it out... Your a MATE developer, right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-23 Thread jabjabs
With those kind of conditions, glad to see them go.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread dguthrie
"Take copies or screen captures of the website, without express permission from TONVID.COM." Seriously, that is utterly ridiculous.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread dguthrie
It is nothing like Fluxbox. Ratpoison is controlled with some awkward key-bindings, which are easily customisable. It requires no mouse so perfect for computers without touchpads like old Thinkpads.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread ewlabonte
Ratpoison is basically a gui version of Screen. You can get used to it, but if you are consistent that will involve learning to use keyboard driven browsers. You can still use the mouse, but why use ratpoison if you're going to use the mouse for the apps you run in it? I've tried it a few tim

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
Just thought I'd give a summary of some of the links regarding Trisquel 8. This only includes the English language forums. Maybe somebody can do the same with the other language forums. This is not comprehensive. It was created using the search feature with the key phrase: "Trisquel 8". I

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread jason
From #trisquel about an hour ago: < quidam> I'm taking friday off for the next 2 months, to work on Trisquel 8 < quidam> I hope to have a debootstrapable system ready by today

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
Thank you! Communication. Now everybody can just relax and wait.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
That ZFS package is NOT non-free and is incompatible with the GPL if included with the Linux kernel. If you want to install it locally, it's not a problem as it is only used by the user as DKMS package with no intent for distributution. Removing it is an error and was only removed so Ruben

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
Ubuntu MATE does more than simply have MATE installed. If that's what you believe, you are a misinformed idiot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
That's because most of the people would rather argue about ethics than the actual OS. Ethics are an important part of FLOSS, but some people like myself want a more up to date OS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
That's because most of the people would rather argue about ethics than the actual OS. Ethics are an important part of FLOSS, but some people like myself want a more up to date OS.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
You are being abusive. Whether or not WE (YES I SAID WE, NOT YOU, BUT WE) have MATE will not depend on how many threads/posts you make and how rude you decide to be. Anybody who sees my post in this thread sees how often you post the same thing about MATE over and over and over and over and o

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
Trisquel 8 better not have the ghetto gnome fallback like past releases. Don't tell me to be quiet. Shut your mouth.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
You are so shallow. All you care about is pretty pictures and eye candy. Let me know when you grow up and become a serious computer user.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
You must be new here. As of March of this year it seems. Here's a nice graphic for you. 3=> ~~ ( . Y . )

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread Ignacio Agulló
tegskywal...@hotmail.com, Ven 24 Xuñ 2016 19:15:51 CEST: That ZFS package is NOT non-free and is incompatible with the GPL if included with the Linux kernel. If you want to install it locally, it's not a problem as it is only used by the user as DKMS package with no intent for distribututio

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
"some people like myself want a more up to date OS." There are over 1,000 distros, pick one that accomplishes this for you. You seem to like Ubuntu 16.04, just go use that and leave us alone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
It's my favorite place to finish after pumping away at the wookie cookie. You?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
Somehow, the newer people, and some of the older people, seem very nice. If this is what happens after you are here for 5 years, everybody take note! Given your graphic, you must have joined Trisquel when you were 2 years old. If not, then it is just another example of how much you like eye

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread dguthrie
What the heck? It uses the same repositories as Ubuntu. It chooses software for its MATE desktop environment to try to provide a good experience. But at its heart it is still a spin of Ubuntu. Tell me then. Why am I a "misinformed idiot"? Or is it just a needless internet attack?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
You are such a clown

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
You are right. I'm a youngin and only get to post when my babysitter is around and mommy is at work. The babysitter has a semi cute, girl next door look to her. Most of the time when I post, I'm knuckle deep inside her and alternate between flexing and typing to you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
Luv u

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread dguthrie
You are a crude and nasty piece of work. That "graphic" is rude and so unnecessary and has no place on a forum like this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread greatgnu
quidam santo subito, err, nope - jxself santo subito! :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mnaus
"Please, do not invite anyone to "leave us" and use non-free software. Just click the "-" button if the post does not respect the community guidelines: https://trisquel.info/en/wiki/trisquel-community-guidelines"; You are 100% right, Magic Banana. I apologize. If I thought of Parabola I wou

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread danigaritarojas
Ututu isn't really being maintained. But you don't need ututo to have a fully free gentoo system https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Installation_on_libreboot

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
If ZFS is not included as a kernel module when the ISO ships and/or during a kernel upgrade, and simply sits in the repository as a standalone package, then what's the harm? There are other free software packages out there incompatible with the GPL, but thy can be installed manually if needed

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread tegskywalker
So you are the authority now? Did my playful posts laced with sexual innuendo make you feel uncomfortable? That's a shame. I thought you had more balls and wouldn't hide behind a down voting system. You claim to be this computer expert. What is it that you actually do?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Sorry but I have an objection to make: Even if you succeed on installing Libreboot with Gentoo, or even if you do buy one of Minifree's Libreboot to use with your copy of Gentoo, what makes you think that Gentoo is, by this situation eligible as "free"? I and almost all free software activists ha

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Instead of just using Gentoo, free software activists should develop a free/libre system distribution based on it, and also submit the resulting distro to evaluation (details on this is informed on the pages that list free/libre system distributions). Or better yet, avoid making a whole new project

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread mdc
I am new to Trisquel and have deep respect for what you all are trying to do. I find it sad that most of the posts on this discussion are complaining that we don't have Trisquel 8 in our hands right now. All I can say is that I am not a true coder yet, but have been working on becoming free m

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread danigaritarojas
If you follow the steps in the link I posted then it becomes a fully free system, because portage will deblob the kernel and warn you if you attempt to install software with a non-free license. You can even mask software with non-free licenses so you never have the temptation of using it. It'

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread danigaritarojas
Why do you reply to your own post?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Because I'm making an addendum. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-24 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
It's still non-free, it doesn't follow the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines, and also, see: https://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.en.html#Gentoo signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-25 Thread enduzzer
That's good news then. The sad thing is, it's going to take at least two months more to release T8 Flidas.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-25 Thread greatgnu

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-25 Thread tegskywalker
I look forward to a new release because I can take something with an established look like ElementaryOS and run the Ubuntu Trisquel conversion script. Heck, isn't that also the best way to get Unity running in Trisquel? Install standard Ubuntu and then run the conversion script. FYI, the la

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu 16.04 released 2 months ago. Trisquel 8 status?

2016-06-25 Thread mdc
Thank you. I knew there had to be a file here somewhere :) I will do my best at what i can.