All excellent reasons!! Let's get a release out that everyone can back
as a team and we can revisit this after that. For now, let's live with
relativePath and it's consequences. No, please don't drag me into the
technical discussions. that will make me take sides which i don't want
to do.
Is there interest in having an SAP R/3 Connector project within Tuscany.
It's a little tricky to test, but maybe someone here might know someone who
knows someone who has access to an R/3 instance.
I think Intalio already has a connector like this:
Thanks!. No, am not advocating any technical direction. That is for
you all to decide. All i insist is that everyone converge on the
trunk. That's where we will make releases from.
On 3/24/07, Meeraj Kunnumpurath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am more than happy to fi
On Mar 24, 2007, at 6:30 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Using assemblies is ok. It does not have to be published. Once
everyone is in the same bandwagon, then it's ok to publish. Till then,
please find a way to work with assemblies w/o having to rely on
published artifacts. If this is a maven proble
I was playing with the Tomcat integration tests and the latests TC releases.
I was thinking about moving it to latest TC5 release (5.5.23).
Any Thoughts ? Objections ?
Luciano Resende
Luciano Resende resolved TUSCANY-841.
Resolution: Fixed
The provided patch had changes for multiples JIRAS. I have filtered th
I just fixed the ObtainingDataGraphFromXml sample and committed the fix.
Are there any other SDO sample problems that anyone knows of?
Frank Budinsky/Toronto/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 03/23/2007 10:01:47 PM:
> I don't understand why 2-2.1 or 2-2.2 is needed.
> I just want to
Luciano Resende updated TUSCANY-841:
Assignee: Luciano Resende
Affects Version/s: (was: Java-SCA-Future)
I am more than happy to find a middle ground where everyone can work
together. I was just pointing out the technical issues with a top down
pom. Worst case as a compromise, I may even agree to a top-down pom,
even though I don't agree with it from a technical perspective, so that
we can work
Using assemblies is ok. It does not have to be published. Once
everyone is in the same bandwagon, then it's ok to publish. Till then,
please find a way to work with assemblies w/o having to rely on
published artifacts. If this is a maven problem, then find another way
to solve the problem
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Jim Marino [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 24 March 2007 07:34
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Objective of the following sandbox -
>> tuscany/sandbox/sebastien/java
>> On Mar 23, 2007, at 8:52 PM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:
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