On Mar 24, 2007, at 6:30 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Using assemblies is ok. It does not have to be published. Once
everyone is in the same bandwagon, then it's ok to publish. Till then,
please find a way to work with assemblies w/o having to rely on
published artifacts. If this is a maven problem, then find another way
to solve the problem or ask at least raise an issue with maven folks.


Our build to date relies on the ability to reuse stable, common definitions such as this:

https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/tuscany/tags/java/pom/ sca/1.0-incubating/pom.xml

What we are talking about publishing here is one parent pom, in line with mvn best practice. I don't think anyone has any issue with what's in it.

There are several ways in which this can "work" without publishing things, but all of them have technical disadvantages.

For example, you can use <relativePath> in the parent element of your pom, but that ties the logical project structure to the physical directory structure. That precludes you from reusing unstable modules via svn externals or copy, and means that if you want to refer to stable modules users would need to check out from the root *INCLUDING ALL TAGS, BRANCHES AND C++ CODE.* This is not SVN best practice. We can fix that by restructuring the project so that tags live alongside modules but that is a fairly radical change in layout.

Alternatively, we can remove the dependency on a parent and repeat the plugin definitions that it contains in the pom for every module. The disadvantage of course is that there is a lot of repetition of common definitions. This is not Maven best practice.

A third option is simply not to use Maven, or perhaps to use a hybrid of Maven and something else (e.g. Ant).

Finally, I understand the stick here, but there is a difference between waving the stick and beating people with it. Changing the rules on publication requires broad technical changes in the project going against best practice for the tools we use - I ask that you actively involve yourself in the discussions around those rather than just telling others to find a way to make it work.

As for myself, am putting my foot down on publishing till everyone
shares. This is getting more and more like 3-4 year olds in the
sandbox not sharing their toys and saying hey you did not talk to me
when i talked to you. So shut up now. Everyone has a life, everyone
has priorities. When folks come to the table, the conversation should
begin again. Again, Please figure out a way everyone can work.

At the start of this thread, I thought we /were/ making progress with good discussion between myself, Raymond, Meeraj, Simon and Jim and general agreement on a compromise solution. Then Luciano throws his toys out the pram and we are back to square one.

I am at the table and willing to keep talking. Maybe we should change the subject, perhaps "are independently versioned modules worth it?"


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