[TV orNotTV] Quickie Review: Against The Wall

2011-08-07 Thread Kevin M.
A Lifetime Original Series. Enough said. http://itunes.apple.com/us/tv-season/against-the-wall-season-1/id449348549 -- Kevin M. (RPCV) -- TV or Not TV The Smartest (TV) People! You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "TV or Not TV" group. To post to this

[TV orNotTV] Re: TiVO Question

2011-08-07 Thread K.M. Richards
I have a Series 2 single tuner TiVo. As Jim Ellwanger already said, that is an important distinction because only the single tuner Series 2 boxes have an RF input; that is critical because the TiVo depends on getting the output of a digital broadcast converter via RF channels 3 or 4 to function.

[TV orNotTV] {TVorNotTV} What is going on with Google Usenet?

2011-08-07 Thread Brian Henke
Google Usenet has not been updated since August 1 - six days ago. Does anyone know what has been going on? Newsgroup messages sent via Google have been posted on other servers, but not Google. cincy43...@aol.com - RATV's pro wrestling ambassador - "I told the audience