[twitter-dev] Twitter Search source: operator stopped working for sources with an embedded dot?

2010-05-25 Thread Scott Carter
Matt, Doug, I will often use the following query at http://search.twitter.com to monitor links posted with my Social.com application: j.mp source:social.com I noticed over the last few weeks that sometimes the source: operator would stop working altogether for all applications, but usually

[twitter-dev] Re: Is it OK to store token in COOKIE?

2010-02-22 Thread Scott Carter
An alternative is to encrypt the token secret. Keep the encrypted secret on the server and the encryption key in a cookie. - Scott On Feb 17, 9:27 am, John Meyer john.l.me...@gmail.com wrote: On 2/17/2010 5:32 AM, Dmitri Snytkine wrote: Just wondering, is it a bad practive for a web-based

[twitter-dev] Is verify_credentials rate limited?

2009-11-12 Thread Scott Carter
I was wondering what the official stance was on rate limiting of verify_credentials? According to the API documentation it isn't (API rate limited = false): http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-account%C2%A0verify_credentials I did however note that it was rate limited during

[twitter-dev] If you see 417 Expectation Failed this post might help

2009-08-15 Thread Scott Carter
I started to occasionally get a 417 response from Twitter when my application was using cURL to fetch an OAuth Request Token. The response would contain 417 Expectation Failed The expectation given in the Expect request-header field could not be met by this server. The client sent

[twitter-dev] Tutorial article posted - Twitter OAuth using Perl

2009-08-06 Thread Scott Carter
I just posted an article that goes into quite a bit of detail about how to create your own Twitter OAuth solution using Perl. http://www.bigtweet.com/twitter-oauth-using-perl.html I included quite a few code samples and several references. Hopefully this might save a fellow Perl hacker some

[twitter-dev] URI Escape fix for OAuth - correct usage of uri_escape() with Perl

2009-07-28 Thread Scott Carter
This post is geared toward Perl implementations of OAuth, though it may shed some light on recent URI escape problems in other languages as well. use Encode qw(encode); use URI::Escape; I previously had been escaping my parameters with a call such as: my $value =

[twitter-dev] Counting the bytes in Persian text (and other non English unicode)

2009-07-13 Thread Scott Carter
One of my users mentioned that my client application was much more conservative in counting non English unicode bytes (specifically Persian) than Twitter itself. I've looked over the following thread and all the other threads referenced within without discovering a good answer:

[twitter-dev] Sign in with Twitter - Flow chart error?

2009-07-12 Thread Scott Carter
I am using as a reference the Sign in with Twitter documentation at: http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Sign-in-with-Twitter When I issue an authenticate call to: https://twitter.com/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=request_token The callback I get is:

[twitter-dev] Bug with nonce value? Keeping it constant works for getting Request Token.

2009-07-11 Thread Scott Carter
I just started to work toward incorporating OAuth with my application BigTweet using Perl. I have been following the excellent documenation at http://oauth.net. Jesse Stay's article at http://staynalive.com/articles/2009/05/19/social-coding-how-to-code-twitters-oauth-using-netoauth-and-perl/

[twitter-dev] OAuth: Screen name returned with access token - documented feature?

2009-07-11 Thread Scott Carter
? Thanks, - Scott Carter @scott_carter http://bigtweet.com

[twitter-dev] Can OAuth approval process work in an IFRAME?

2009-03-20 Thread Scott Carter
I'm starting to look at the OAuth process and had a question for the OAuth folks at Twitter. My application BigTweet is invoked via a bookmarklet and displays as an IFRAME on any web page that a Twitter user happens to be browsing.Ideally I would like to be able to complete the entire OAuth

[twitter-dev] Re: Can OAuth approval process work in an IFRAME?

2009-03-20 Thread Scott Carter
experience. You can see on the top of http://tipjoy.com a banner we made that uses twitter fonts and colors. Best, Ivan http://tipjoy.com ps check out our twitter payments api:http://tipjoy.com/api feedback welcome! On Mar 20, 3:00 pm, Scott Carter scarter28m-goo...@yahoo.com wrote

[twitter-dev] Re: google bookmarklet-like utility for twitter

2009-02-24 Thread Scott Carter
You can try BigTweet - http://bigtweet.com/ On Feb 22, 9:03 am, v4vijayakumar vijayakumar.subbu...@gmail.com wrote: First post. I am looking for, google bookmarklet like utility for twitter, so that I can tweet from my browser, without visiting twitter web page. google bookmarklet is a

Can't view/retrieve full text message with length greater than 140 and = 160 characters?

2008-12-19 Thread Scott Carter
Hi Alex, Please refer to a related thread at: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread/thread/d11a31c7ecf033b/130ed44d6b502e6c?lnk=gstq=160#130ed44d6b502e6c I am trying to send an update via the API that is greater than 140 characters, but = 160. When I try to